Just finished this. What other FF games besides 6 are worth playing?

Just finished this. What other FF games besides 6 are worth playing?

X's pretty good. A lot of people seem to like IX as well.

How's the battle/skill system in those games? I really liked the materia stuff

if you liked the combat/materia system in 7, then im sorry but its all downhill from there


In X - not similar to Materia at all. It's more akin to a skill tree.
I liked X's battle system more, but I'm not really a fan of ABT (apart from in Chrono Trigger).

Just play them all, they're all good games until XII, but IX, X and I are my favourite

4 is good. Play the PSP version for more content or the 3d version for a more detailed story with voice acting and better challenge.

4,5,9,10,12 are all also worth playing, I haven't played much of the others.

V is the best. No need to thank me

Worth a play
12 remaster, 9, 10, 5
Maybe if you crave more
3, 5
1, 2, 13, 15

3 is vastly underrated
7,8,9 are good, ignore haters.
original goes without saying
2 is widely considered "pretty bad"

>if you crave more
I meant 3 and 4

oh, and if you don't consider 13 trilogy because muh corridors you are being memed.

Anything between 5 and 10 is worth at least playing once. 12 as well.

1 is pretty standard, 2 is dull as hell. 3 is just a lesser 5. 4 is hopelessly generic so you'll be bored to death unless you've never played a JRPG before

Is Type-0 worth seeing through to the end? I'm only a few hours in but i'm finding the character insufferable. The one redeeming factor is that the combat is decent.

the voice acting delivery is not the games strong point
but I still like it.


play FF5, other than FF5 tho 4, 9, 10, 12, and OG tactics are all good

4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13

8 is an odd ball case, you might be able to enjoy it now if you get into the Draw/Magic system of the game

1,3,4,5,6,9,12, and tactics.

>unironically suggesting 13
Just read the synopsis and play 13-2 and LL

>just skip 13 bro
don't do this. you won't know who at least 8 characters are from the first one. and its retarded.