>6 generations of Nintendo can't stand up to 4 generations of Playstation
>Nintendies try to use handheld sales to justify this
6 generations of Nintendo can't stand up to 4 generations of Playstation
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Playstation lost all of that money with PS3 and bankrupted several key third party studios in the process.
I love how no one ever seems to acknowledge that Playstation's biggest games (FInal Fantasy, Monster Hunter World) were stolen from Nintendo platforms.
Monster Hunter was originally on the PSP
You are correct about FF though.
>"The Monster Hunter (モンスターハンター Monsutā Hantā) franchise is a series of fantasy-themed action role-playing video games that started with the game Monster Hunter for PlayStation 2, released in 2004."
on the PS2*
More like enix deciding to move to a platform with good hardware.
Yeah well how many $80 pieces of cardboard has Sony sold?
>got BTFO so hard he has to move goalposts
Sasuga, soyboy.
>good hardware
>PS1 vs. N64
>Good hardware
They went because they wanted to make bigger games and Nintendo wanted to stick with cartridges.
>h-handhelds don't count!!!
Monster Hunter started on Playstation you retard
>Nintendo act like gigantic cunts to every third party dev for years, get away with it because they have an effective monopoly outside of japan
>A worthwhile competitor shows up that goes out of their way to court third party and indie devs, at the same time nintendo intentionally retards the tech on their console to prevent piracy and uses carts
>woooooooow how was I supposed to know they would go to sony? fucking stole "our" games
now sony does the same thing
ps1 was an audiophile tier cd player in its time, as was 2 a dvd player
>got blown the fuck out so hard he reaorted to green texring and outright lying about user moving goal posts
Get rekt ya fucking cope soy shitter
Nintendo was paranoid for ages. I think they wanted to keep 3rd parties on a tight leash to prevent them from flooding the market with shit like they did Pre '83 Crash.
they don't, only children and manchildren play on handhelds
Those are still sales, doofus.
>7 nintendo consoles couldn't outsell 4 playstation consoles
>still coping this hard
Of course they don't. My favorite corporation, SONYtm, failed miserably in that area, so I'm gonna pretend it doesn't count
>Nintendo can't stand up to 4 generations of PlayStation
>Comparing sales between Nintendo, Sony etc
>Implying that any non-autistic person who just wants to play videogames (whether it's Nintendo, Sony or whatever) would give a shit about this manchild retardedness
FYI not even 24 hours and Nintendo Cardboard is already in higher value than Bloodborne
Are you implying those aren't manchildern?
>putting implying next to a meme arrow
>being this redundant
>being this much of a newfag
Are you implying they are?
>not wanting people to enjoy things
fuck off, you tumblr faggot
I can post these too user.
Only man children play videogames
What printed more money: the Wii or the PS2?
The Wii, actually.
All those sales and yet no games
>a couple of soyboys playing the switch on public transportation
>not manchildren
>collective of balding numales buying their nintendo consoles
>a couple of soyboys
Post a picture of yourself that way I can see if you stack up.
>balding numales
Nigger those are chads some of them are even fucking professional football players.
Sony is entirely reliant on paying third parties to support their platforms and ripping everyone off.
There is a VERY good reason why there is not one iconic Playstation IP to this very day.
its because of FIFA and cod
Ah, so all the soyposting was virgins trying to get back at chads.
I fucking hate these threads so goddamn much
go play some video games you cunts
stop arguing about meaningless shit
>"Handhelds not allowed!"
If you want to move the goalpoasts that badly, I won't even bother to argue with you.
it was the discs, user. ff7 was supposed to come out on n64, there was even a demo at e3 1994 or 1995 i forget which year.
nintendo committed suicide by doubling down on cartridges and renegging on the playstation partnership. most of their key publishers jumped ship because the size of their games outgrew the cartridges.
in terms of raw hardware, yes the n64 is miles above the ps1. you can tell just by the fact that mario 64 came out in 1996 and looks a million times better than vagrant story.
All Sony has is all of these established, big name franchises that desperately pull all the stops to try and stay off of Nintendo platforms, where their questionable bullshit would be more criticized. But we're seeing year after year that these franchises ARE in decline. It's only a matter of time until people migrate back to Nintendo consoles and stay there.
Whats this supposed to prove?
>You can't use handheld sales!!!! It doesn't count!!!!!
>7 nintendo consoles couldn't outsell 4 playstation consoles
>wants to retreat to his spinoff handhelds to justify this
Imagine being so boring and pathetic that making this thread would seem like a good idea.
>p-post a picture of yourself that way i can switch goalposts
Only Sony is incompetent enough to turn a 7:1 lead in sales into a loss.
Its hard for me to take soyposting seriously here. Posting an anime reaction image in a Indochinese Argument threads is the most Soy thing I can think of.
That is a dude
Yeah user, who cares that Nintendo sold far more hardware and made a much bigger profit or actually has games. THOSE DON'T COUNT
>Indochinese Argument threads
I see this stale meme is still a thing
Absolute bullshit, there is nothing special about RCA connectors, especially not the ones that come on a Playstation 1. They aren't even made of anything nice. The only special thing about the 1001 is that it apparently had a better DAC than some of the other Playstation 1's which came out later. But it still is not anything even remotely resembling a nice DAC. I can tell you from first-hand experience, the Dreamcast sounds worlds better than the Playstation 1. Both have electrolytic capacitors in the signal path, which is a no-no in Hi-Fi.
Less space for game is inferior hardware. Other than the CD drive the n64 wasn't miles ahead either. There were some things better on the n64 and some things better on the PS1. They were also very different to program, so it depended a lot on the coders skill.
>mfw i first read it as Soy >388.69
god damn it
The point is calling someone Soyboy on a website like Sup Forums doesn't make any sense.
>implying those """numales""" couldn't crush your skull in
Nice no argument. Nintendo is the industry leader
Leadership at Nintendo blows. They care about money not innovation or the consumer. They thrive off nostalgia and repackaged franchises. Now theyre selling cardboard for $80 bucks.
>t. soyboy
>balding numales
>Even though those are clearly chads and the picture is posted from the username of a known NFL player
i was talking in terms of graphics the n64 was miles ahead of ps1. people love pointing to vagrant story for proof that ps1 had good looking games. even though it came at the end of the console's lifespan and still doesnt look anywhere near as good as some n64 launch titles.
under the hood the ps1 cpu is not as good as the n64 cpu. but the cartridges indeed presented a bottleneck for unlocking the true power of the n64.
>some things better on ps1
in terms of graphics, i am going to give you a sweeping no on this. no ps1 game comes close to the graphics of n64 games. the only thing i will agree with you on is cartridges being inferior because they objectively were.
the best looking ps1 games dont come anywhere near just ok looking n64 games imho
>zelda couldn't hold 30fps
>n64 games look like a filtered mess of stretched play doh shit
absolutely shit taste
>They care about money not innovation or the consumer
And Sony does? LMAO
All companies care only about money. That has nothing to do with the point
They care more about the player than Sony, or Microsoft, or EA, or any other big company.
Never said Sony cared
Stop being a fanboy
you're right, this clearly looks better than any n64 game. my bad. all those grainy pixels look so tasty
Sony aint no better.
>So careless they said fuck it and gave your creditcard info away
>Sony starting to cash in on braindead Nostalgiafags with pure shit like Shadow of the colossus
>keep rehashing old as fuck franchises
>caring about the player
Delusional nintenbabs eat nintendos shit, which is why they will keep getting away with what they're doing.
>industry leader
>last console so BTFO it's practically been erased from existence
Using the same characters doesn't make it a rehash faggot.
Well, you're right!
It's all rehashed shit, toddler
The vast majority of PS games have a better PC release, while most Nintendo games are exclusives.
I didn't say they're fucking paragons you inbred, learn to read. I said they're not soulless like Sony is.
>left has 8 franchises
>right has 3
Wow, you're really making your point, user.
>panders to casual players
>not soulless
It doesn't make it a rehash fuckface it makes it a sequel. Here have an extended version.
How da fuck is MGS4 the 11th in the series?
I mean I could accept Peace Walker as being in the series.
>makes video games at all instead of publishing someone else's work
Which studios died with the failure of the PS3?
>MGS2 Substance
>MGS3 Subsistance
Thoseare just the MG games off thetop of my head, i know im forgetting others like MGSV
Peace Walker was after 4, user, but it's still a stupid image. MGS4 was the sixth main game in the series, whilst Mario gets somehow gets a 'well if you want to include spinoffs'
You listed the same game multiple times
If you count remakes there are way more mario games than everything in the sony side combined
>whilst Mario gets somehow gets a 'well if you want to include spinoffs'
The other image fixed that.
lel I knew like 2 kids growing up who had a nintendo. Their parents didn"t love them
He's talking about cartridge space dumbass. Play RE2 on N64 and again on PS2 and you will realize how poor the N64 audio is in comparison and how a lot of clips are missing, and how FMV cut scenes are missing altogether. This is because the voices are compressed to hell.
Im not the guy you were originaly rsponding to, i was just listing the releases, including rereleases and remakes