Dark Souls was an original game

>Dark Souls was an original game
Umm no, sweaty

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post a webm not a jpg because none of us have played this relic.


Educate yourself.

I have, and it was a great game.

>indie berserk rip-off game
heh, at least dark souls was classy about it.

>berserk rip-off
You do know that the barbarian was only one of the available characters, do you?

all you need to know

Best game I ever played. I used to have the game manual telling the character's background.


Oh, so only "one" of the characters was an uninspired gatsu rip-off?
Good job!

Such a good game.
The company went bankrupt because everyone pirated that game including me ;_;

Dude, it's probably based off Conan, not some japanese manga character that only became widely known in the west 10 years after the game was made.

Yes, every single bulky fighter with black hair is an animu ripoff. Even fucking Conan.

thats b8

Hey why don't the Souls game have dismemberments? even Nioh has it and it's radical sending peoples limbs flying all over.

i don't have two hours to spare. you keep posting about this game well give a concise example of the gameplay.

this post reeks someone born in 2002


No, thanks.

late 1990.

Felt like monhun meets kings field maybe a splash of zelda.


Thank you for warning me not to play this piece of shit.

Can you beat your enemies to death with the dismembered legs of their comrades in Nioh though?

Good, stick to Skyrim

I'm not OP.

Months ago I met one of its developers. She was very nice and qt. Pic related

But I have and for many years, you stupid millenial

If you get sweaty playing games you should probably get that checked.

that enemy did behave sort of like the hollows in dark souls. but dark souls obviously has more sophisticated combat.

Another piece of shit rpg I wont play again.

Game introduced pretty much shadows to gaming world. One of my favourites from early 2000. I used to beat up trolls with dismembered legs, or throw severed heads before going into battle.

I downloaded this a while back and played like halfway, i should really go back and finish it.

Gonna have to relearn all the controls though

Remember this game came out in 2001, at that time, From Software released the unholy abberation known as Kings Field IV for the PS2.

Is there any other game that mocks you for saving too many times?

Postal 2

it seems that most people here didn't fucking play blade of darkness

dark souls is a combination of elements from different games, not just one

Just restart and replay from the begining. The fun part of the game is the whole game, so nothing lost there.

Jesus fuck

I've downloaded this game and there are a lot of bugs so i can't play. Is there some mod that fixes everything?

shit game. even then

is this the tenchu of kings field?

Eh, i'll probably just pick up where i left off. I should get back into the swing of things after a few deaths


>dark souls obviously has more sophisticated combat

Obviously not. It might look more fluid but it's basically light and strong attacks, autoaim and i-frames.
Severance has way more moves, super tight hitboxes and locational damage. Dodges need to actually physically get out of the weapon's path. What you see in the webm is not a scripted sequence but two moves, a sidestep to the left and a counter-slash, positioned and timed by the player so that he evades the vertical slash and catches the goblin on the neck causing decapitation.

Watch some of those carefully, look where their weapons are and who gets hit and where:

combat reminds me a Drakan

>beat linear levels one after another
>combat relies on executing fighting game style input special moves
>very few boss fights
>almost no RPG elements
>no character customization
>no magic
>no multiplayer elements blended with singleplayer

Dark Souls
>non-linear and repeatable level design, you can even repeat and grind almost any non-boss enemy as much as you want because everything respawns
>slower and more methodical combat, no crazy combos and special moves
>lots of boss fights, they are a core part of the game
>decent amounts of RPG elements and character customization
>magic system
>non-traditional multiplayer mixed into the singleplayer game

If this means Dark Souls rips of Severance, then Severance rips off Legacy of Kain: SR, Prince of Persia 3D and a ton of other late 90s 3D action games

You are fucking retarded. Dark souls dodges are i-frame based while all the dodge moves in Severance are completely i-frame free and are purely trajectory based. Also, the hitboxes in Severance are leagues aheead of the trash that passes for "hitboxes" in Souls games. This alone is enough to completely btfo Souls games when it comes to combat.

>no magic
Sounds like someone didn't find all the runes

It's a shame the combat system is only useful in the very beginning of the game, later on combat is basically "spam broken special moves until everything dies". For example when you find the Elf Sword with the Knight for the first time, it's like the game goes from "very hard" to "very easy" in an instant. The special move even breaks apart orc shields in one sequence and turns every fight into a joke. One of the special weapons was also insane, I remember destroying the vampire's shield with one or two special moves with it.

>finding the ice axe as a barbarian

You people will only say this is better than souls because 5 people played it.

I don't think it's better than souls but it's a genuinely good game.

Maybe play it and find out


How does it run on modern computers?

It takes a bit to set up but it ran fine for me once i got it going

can you even get this working on windows 10?

go back to your containment board.

Can anyone even get win10 working?