Announce expensive cardboard for your console

>Announce expensive cardboard for your console
>Corporate value shoots up over a billion dollars

Other urls found in this thread:


One, children
Two, it's essentially cheap /vr/ that won't cost an arm and a leg to replace if your kid fucks it up.

It’s not VR

you are still watching it on your tv how is that vr

Speculation that's it

How do they do it


these type of toys already exist with phone apps used instead of a switch and are successful. This is not as risky as you idiots believe it to be.

Stocks were up 2.4%, according to the article, which equates to the $1.4 billion dollars mentioned.

even google does this already

>these type of toys already exist with phone apps
Except they don't.
There's no such phone app like this.

I wonder what Sony cardboards will be like.

you can already put the Switch in a tablet VR HMD, some auts out there will make something similar, soon enough.

Because it is a great idea for kids and a nice implementation of the technology in the Switch controllers?

>Microsoft Cardboard is just a box with a big X drawn on it in marker

How expensive are those phone apps?

It’s creative and unique, it’s for kids and unlike the Wii U isn’t the main selling point of the console it’s literally just a small edition to an already successful console

It doesn’t have to cater to you

Well for starters you need the phone

Honestly, I love the salt. The idea sounds great if they provide some nice games with it. I'll probably buy the robot too since my gf wants us to sperg out with it.

For now I gotta start drawing Switch-tan in a cardboard armorial, this has potential

>Not even 24 hours and value is already higher than bloodborne

Because people enjoyed the concept, is it that difficult to believe that humans have opinions

The apps are free, or come with the toy.


Because it's cute, for children, easy and cheap to replace, and comes with a video game.

I'm buying one for my 6 year old sister.

Anyone can say anything thanks to this fake news world.


Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Motherfucker!

>What is Google Cardboard

Nothing like this.

Get hyped for Sonys e3 announcement

>/vr/ means VR

I don't follow nintendo stock but this is kind of misleading.
Between nov 27th and dec 5th Nintendo went down almost 10% for some reason and has yet to recover from that dip but nobody reported that or made it as dramatic as 'ADDS BILLIONS IN VALUE' to make it look more impressive than it actually is.
Doing a little googlin' I see that their stock dropped 7% when they announced the switch but they actually made it a relative success.

This is just a bullshit misleading article for impressionable tards

>creative and unique,
fuck you, it's cardboard

>for some reason
Black Friday and no cuts


i bet you voted for trump

Nintendo really is a cult

It's a kids toy you absolute fuck. It fucking amazes me that nintendo fans are such manchildren that they start screeching every time they have to face the fact that they're favorite console is marketed mostly towards children.

Sheesh, thats impressive.

Very. Nintendo can make a game out of anything these days.

I think Augmented Reality is the term you're looking for. Larpo definitely has nothing to do with VR.

Maybe we're too old for videogames

Guess I'm gonna have to start hoarding cardboard now. Would not be surprised if in the next few months there's a """cardboard scarcity"""

Nintenbros eat Nintendo shit up. Like backers eat up any boardgame kickstarter that puts miniature quantity over gameplay.


Wow, been a long time since I've typed that word here, didn't know they filtered it.

>The absolute state of the world is so bad that companies are selling cardboard products to get by.


Based Nintendo actually prioritizing fun games over cash

overwatch VR

get hyped

How can't you understand the appeal? It's not rocket science, dude.