MH:W beta jan 18-21
is this the same shit beta they released weeks ago (Christmas 2017) ?
MH:W beta jan 18-21
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No, they have a new hunt. Same build though.
mostly. Nergigante will be available to fight.
>PS4 exclusive
Fucking sonybros
Shit I can't wait for Jan 26 I thought this was a new build with better framerate
Whats the point of open betas if its only for consoles? There are no hardware variations from those used on the internal tests
>what is gameplay tweaks
mustards, everyone.
They're not always betas, more like timed exclusive demos
Its the same build, the new hunt they were showcasing at E3 with Nerg that wasn't available to the public is going to be in it though.
Gameplay feedback, server load, and free marketing.
There has never been a beta where tweaking gameplay has happened, on console.
i thought the whole point of MH:W was that it was releasing on PC?
>mattering at all
There's still tons of reasons to run betas on consoles other than hardware. Let's set marketing and hype aside.
Test server load and stress. Make sure online is working like it should. It's hard to test if internet connections on the other side of the planet will work like they should.
Also there's a playtesting aspect to it. There will be tons more people playing with the game and trying to break it than they have on on their testing team. It's a good way to find bugs and track down problems before release. I doubt anyone on the team would have found the glitch with the GS and healthbooster.
Also feedback is always valuable. I'm sure the beta gathered all kinds of data. Weapon usage, quests played, deaths of both monsters and players.
There's lots of reasons a console would beta test. Hardware isn't the only thing betas revolve around.
tbqh I wish they had a demo for xbros too. just to get more people into the game if anything. I also wish there was cross-play ffs
How is Sup Forums routinely this uninformed about the same game? Wouldn't a 10 second Google search answer your question better than making a thread here?
Beta has everything from the first two plus a new challenge unt vs Nergigante.
Will they listen and let us customize the UI? its too fucking small
Also apparently nergigante hunt is going to be harder than he will be in release, with less time to beat him than the other hunts too
at least it'll get me to actually try the online this time
Soon I'll get back to poking things. Soon.
>playing the 12th newest monster hunter, featuring all the old shit in the old games but with 8 new water bosses
it's worse than CoD
I'm a casual, what if the new hunt is too difficult to beat, will I lose out on bonus items?
i can help you user, but you might have to try a bit too since i doubt i could solo it in multiplayer hp mode in 15 minutes
Oh shit, I didn't think about that. Are there going to be bonus items for nergigante? Probably not, but it would be neat if there was.
>what is Nioh
mustard please go. actually please go and kill yourself.
>The whole point of World is that it was releasing on PC.
>PC comes out 8 months after the console version.
What the fuck gave you that idea?
Is the new beta out? I cannot wait for this games release. Its killing me.
that was an extraordinary situation. I can't recall another time where a console beta actually caused gameplay changes.
Division, Nioh, and Steep just off the top of my head recently.
Who edging themselves and NOT playing the beta this go around, to stay pure for next week?
T-that aaalso d-doesn't count. S-stop naming g-games.
>PC comes out 8 months after the console version
so it is releasing on PC, who the fuck cares about console you'll just be quality assurance beta testing that shit for PC master race anyway
THat's a good idea, but I really want to test out my PS Pro.
>never played a Monster Hunter game before but Worlds looks absolutely amazing
>really enjoyed the Dragon Ball FighterZ beta. Been waiting for a 2D Dragon ball game for years and made by one of my favorite developers no less
>both Monster Hunter and DBFZ come out next to each other
>only have the money for one
>can't decide which to get
>Who here retardedly skipping fighting nerg so they don't get the bonus nerg horns for character creator that you get for beating him in the beta.
Kill yourself.
Its so cute when you third rate cucks fluster to justify slurping up our sloppy seconds. ^_^
Well, World will last longer definitely and have a more engaging community.
Depends how much you like fighting and if you want to dedicate time to it. MH requires very little commitment and is enjoyable at any point to just hop into. I imagine DBZ is amazing for fighting game fans, but most will play it the first month and move on, just to really taste it like most fighting games.
nah you're just the niggers fucking aids victims while they develop contraception, condoms and vaccines for the master race
Nah, enjoy guzzling that cold cum boyo.
I feel like your a Switch fagboy. I've been gaming on PC more than my console life, and you are a bitter faggot that is only waiting because your a poorfag
is this beta downloadable for free or is it just for people who preordered?
I cba turning my ps4 on
I really do enjoy fighting games and put a lot of time into them but I know MH games have more content in them. I bought KOF14 in 2016 and I'm still playing it though. I seriously can't decide.
You know how it works with videogames?
Yeah, same here, if I want you to have an answer, I'll give you one after I'm done using it :^)
Free for everyone.
What are the bonus items, consumable junk again? I'm not too fond of taking out the fucking flagship monster before the game releases.
>get the bonus nerg horns for character creator
elaborate? The official site just says item sets like the other ones, plus the camo face paint which we already know about.
>you waited 10 years for MH to go to PC
>you must be a console fag
your logic is undeniable
>yo wat up nigguhhhhh suck muh diiiiiik eat muh cuuuuuuum im so coooooooool i play MH not fightan games or destiny 2 like muh other cuck boiisss
at least i aint black or american lmao
Yeah, it really depends on your view of games, fighting games are definitely a type of gamer kind of thing
>at least i aint black or american lmao
You're both.
is this beta on pc as well? If so where can I download it? looked through the website, couldnĀ“t find anything
I'm from central Europe, non-Americans don't say "aint" my amenigger friend.
Enjoy licking the 8 months old cum out of the cold corpse.
I busted a huge one so just wait and anticipate.
It's just item sets like the others, but probably a Nergigante material too.
don't make me say it
Your beta is in 8 months.
>August is Fall
More like Oct-Dec. It'll be released in November or December in time for Christmas is my guess.
was just going to ignore the betas so i can play the game going in blind, but i cant keep away.
I said beta you fuckwit, not release.
Just do each quest once for the item packs, that's all I've done. I might do the Nergigante one a few times so I know his movements for release.
Capcom is looking a little desperate with this game right now.
Calm down bro
No such luck, it's PS4 only
Learn to read you retarded fucking moron.
Like they're even gonna give you a beta instead of just telling you to wait till release.
calm down bro
>Heavy Bowgun
>Like they're even gonna give you a beta instead of just telling you to wait till release.
Them, I'm on console not PC, but yeah they'll give them a beta just to give them an excuse for getting beta packs and shit.
Reminded me of this lol.
Do I need to DL new client?
No you can use the old one.
Beta's not up yet, retard.
console release is this month so shut the fuck up
Who the fuck are you? I'm not your mother so don't talk to me like a bitch. If you don't like it don't read it, nobody wants your fucking opinion niglet, the fuck out of here you fucking soylet.
Nope, sorry you have to be boring alone.
Ufc 3
It's at 9pm est, the only correct time, right?
Can someone draw three golden faces based on these faces?
First beta is not online yet and its nergigante not nergigantic you asstard
do it yourself
Just post your nergigantics time boy
so how long till the beta?
The time left is however long it takes you to beat nergigantic.
Check, Jesus
MHW shills got to me, I'm trying to play 3rd now. What the fuck even are lances, I did not think they would be the hardest thing to use, I actually thought it would be an easy facetank weapon. I'm doing okay with the greatsword but the lance is just making me lose my spaghetti and stamina
>tweaking MH gameplay
Hasn't been done since 2006, dunno why you think they're gonna do it 4 days before retail.
>already making excuses
fucking shitters
Why not just go with 4u, it has several QoL changes and the new weapons
Although tbf the -ggis are much better monsters than the -dromes
Does it emulate well?
9 hours?
>third fucking beta
i never played a monhun game before so i don't know how beta worked back then
but it seems to me not many people are playing this, imminent flop?
6 hours 20 mins from NOW.
>Hasn't been done since 2006
Clearly has seeing how much of a change World is. It's kept the basics, but brought QoL changes which a lot of people have complaints about for some reason.
>but it seems to me not many people are playing this
What would give you that idea?
Admittedly, I didn't play the second beta due to holiday travels, but there were a lot playing in the first beta.
The first beta had a huge following, obviously people aren't bothered after that until the game releases.