is dota worth playing?
Is dota worth playing?
not anymore
>Quit over 3 years ago
>Try to come back sometimes but I can't bring myself to play it.
It was 11 years ago.
explain further
if you dont have friends playing, probably not.
i've been playing since wc3, enjoy the competitive scene and have a bunch of friends that play, but i wouldn't try getting involved wiht it today unless i really wanted a new hobby.
i think thats the best way to put it. dota isn't much of a game unless you treat it like a full hobby.
Only if you have 5-men premade. Else you'll be giving your ass at the mercy of matchmaking that is specifically designed to do everything to make your win rate as close to 50% as possible.
>specifically designed to do everything to make your win rate as close to 50% as possible.
i mean, yeah, thats kinda the goal of a competitive game -- to put people of the same skill level together. stomps aren't really that interesting.
It's worth playing if you don't get salty.
Not in this way. You'll be intentionally provided with most abhorrent game-ruining faggots from Brasil and Russia if you dare to win too much. Game also being constantly balanced in a way that makes winning game solo on your own skill and knowledge harder and harder, with more emphasis on teamwork with aforementioned "human" beings.
Yes. Anyone who says no because >muh game has changed over the years
simply can’t adapt and were bad players to begin with.
Now get off of Sup Forums and actually do play it.
Game is ridiculously aggressive now. Getting a comeback after 30 minutes is almost impossible. Farming lost a lot of it use, except for AM.
Talents, fuck Talents, they are so useless. Just fucking buff the heroes normally.
>Talents, fuck Talents, they are so useless. Just fucking buff the heroes normally.
i thought this too at first, but man talents are actually fun now. they keep adding aghs level talent upgrades that feel fresh. it was shit at first, but now talents are p dope.
also comebacks are MORE likely now. idk what the fuck you're talking about now.
most of my friends dropped it during the last big patch.
I haven´t played since mid december and really have no desire to boot it up again.
I think im done with this game this time, its been fun 6k hours.
>Mines now have a 25 movement speed
I will forever love Icefrog for this change
No. League of Legends is.
>pick one of most obsolete heroes in the game
>ruin 9 out of 10 games fot 4 other people
>just for the sake of DUDE MINES MOVING LMAO in tenth
Yes, this is what I meant talking about people whom matchmaking intentionally adds to your team when you winning more than you allowed to.
yes but never take this game seriously or it will ruin your mental health
It would be if it had more cute girls
I guess I'll play league with my friends then, because none of them play dota. Dota seems like fun but I don't know how rewarding it will feel when I get good by only playing with pugs all day.
yeah man if you have friends playing league, play that with them. LoL gets a lot of hate but with mobas, the better one is the one you can play with your friends, period. mobas are about the players moreso than the games themselves.
+6 gorilion
Currently all mobas went to shit due to terrible decisions from the Devs. You lost your chance.
>LoL has always been overly casual since its inception and over the years they removed more and more of the very few unique ideas to normalize the whole game.
>HoN was great in its prime but died off due terrible management
>Dota 2 started good but slowly went to shit due the unchecked bad ideas of Icefrog.
>Virtually every other moba is dependent on a gimmick or another
>no cute lolis
>no shortstacks
DotA has only improved over time, but it's still a moba/arts so its inherently not worth your time.
It does have one sadly she'll never be part of the game