This is actually ridiculous. It perfectly shows just how mindless nintendo’s consumer base is. It’s quite literally nothing but embellished cardboard that’s being sold for real money and yet they defend it with all their heart. If any other company had done this, no one would defend it. How can you even? It’s cardboard that they’re charging you for. Cardboard. That you have to pay for.
Nothing can be defended here
This is actually ridiculous. It perfectly shows just how mindless nintendo’s consumer base is...
>If any other company had done this, no one would defend it.
He kinda has a point
Use the fucking catalog you stupid nigger
No other company did this, so we'll never know.
To be honest, I'm really curious to see who they hired and how/why they did this type of market research? Did they find a big enough whole in the arts and crafts industry that they decided it would be a good idea to break into it?
I get that it's for kids, but do kids really want to use this? If I was 8 or 9, I would be so embarresed to use these, especially the robot suit.
It's for kids, cardboard crafts for kids is nothing new you ultra autists
If you don't believe for a second Sony fanboys wouldn't defend it if it was a Sony product you're fucking nuts. The very nature of being a fanboy, you defend things irrationally. I remember when the PS4 announced paid online, before that the fanboys were saying it'd never happen, Sony wouldn't jew its customers then immediately after they were defending it.
nobody is forcing you to buy it sonybro
in fact, it will probably be more fun then your monster hunter shitshow. comfy af
>using the “it’s for kids, they play with cardboard” excuse. Doesn’t fucking matter. If I wanted to make a cardboard robot with my kid, I’d buy something else and use the free cardboard box it came into to make him the robot. Paying for a box of cardboard is fucking retarded
>”n-no one’s forcing you”
Doesn’t make the practice any better. No one’s forcing anyone to rape little kids but it’s still sick, isn’t it?
I'm taking a survey of people who defend this, can you answer:
1. How old are you?
2. Are your parents divorced?
3. Are you autistic?
4. Do you have any mental illness (depression, schizo, bipolar...)
You should steal copies from people who just bought them and dunk them into a bucket full of water
As pointed out elsewhere, Nintenbros aren't mindless, they're childish. Nintendo is a nostalgic brand for a cohort that lacked the means or will to grow up. Litttterally Peter Pan Syndrome: the brand
haters for the last 24 consecutive hours
Other companies did it. Ghetto VR headset was a cardboard cutout to place your phone in and they sold it. So they aren't exactly the first with that idea.
I think even most Nintendo fans agree this is not for them.
>It’s cardboard that they’re charging you for. Cardboard. That you have to pay for.
Why would that be an excuse. People buy shit made out of cardboard all the time.
Board games
2D & 3D Puzzles
Don't act like using cardbourd as a material in commercial products is something new.
As a former kid who loved dicking around with Legos and K'Nex and Erector sets, getting something like that for Christmas or a birthday and not only getting to assemble it but also have it integrate into my vidya gaems would've been fucking cool.
As an adult? I think it's an interesting idea for kids, especially since I've already heard of schools planning to integrate it into classes as a sort of 'introduction to engineering' thing. At worst, it's a harmless toy for kids that they'll enjoy for a while and then discard like other toys. It's obviously not designed for adults, but like plenty of other video games, it doesn't mean adults can't buy and enjoy it if they choose to pay money for it.
The easy answer is, I have children, and they're going to love this and m going to love assembling these with them no matter how assblasted you are that this will be succesful.
>It’s quite literally nothing but embellished cardboard that’s being sold for real money
cardboard can actually be quite expensive
I think the comparison between legos and this are misguided. Don't get me wrong, I loved legos as a kid. But fundamentally legos are very different than this.
its like you people have no self-awareness or even any kind of memory
You know you can just buy the game on it's own and print out the cardboard stencils for free right user?
You...You did do your homework before posting, right user?
Translation: my wife sometimes drops her kids off at my house while she goes off fucking black guys, so i’m going to love building this with them and pretending that they’re actually my kids
The fact that you've procreated is disgusting.
Sony fanboys defended paid online, who's to say they wouldn't defend Sony brand cardboard?
>compares selling cardboard to raping kids
wew lads
what’s funny about this is that Sony got bashed for every single one of those gimmicks whilst people exclaimed their love for nintendo’s version
I'm taking a survey of people ho shitpost about this, can you answer:
1. How old are you?
2. Are your parents divorced?
3. Are you autistic?
4. Do you have any mental illness (depression, schizo, bipolar...)
Nintendo is a Japanese toy company with a really wide demographic. Sony and MS are giant conglomerates that tend to skew older. That’s the difference you guys are failing to observe.
Nintendo wants to try to revert AR so kids can play with toys again and parents can help put it together.
Lonely niggers on Sup Forums who 50% of use emulators are mad.
It looks fun, it looks challenging to pull off (Nintendo actually delivering). And it can boost their sales and start something new. Nintendo is known for their big risks and have paid the price before. Nothing new here.
>Sony got bashed for every single one of those gimmicks
There are still people today who defend the Move and the fucking Wonderbook user, shut the fuck up
Are you implying my black son is actually not mine?
I think the fact that I'm stil on this website despite having a family is even more disgusting.
Xbros did that loooooooong before sonyfriends
Are you mad?
>it's for children, nobody here is buying it
>LMAO THEY'RE ACTUALLY DEFENDING IT *posts wojack numale soyboy image*
Sup Forums is so boring
SonyBoys began defending it after they spent years bashing Xbros for it.
PS4 has been getting fucked in the ass all year, so the soyboy squad is desperate for anything to burn for their sad little console war.
Nintendo handed them high-octane shitpost fuel yesterday and they will continue to guzzle it until there's nothing left BUT shitposts.
The carboard shit is stupid, but it's not about that. It's about sony's legion of desperate fanboys having literally ANY leg to stand on. They're going to use the Labo announcement to try and forget that Switch spent its first year gangbanging their console's sales and getting a neverending conga-line of sick-ass ports (getting Darkest Dungeon right now) while the console exclusives take big shits on sony exclusives (who the fuck even still cares about Horizon:Zero Sales?)
In short, Sony needed this, desperately.
This post perfectly shows how little imagination you have. How you're not a kid at heart. Sad!
this is actually ridiculous. It´s quite literally nothing but embellished plastic,and its being sold for real money!
Also, games are nothing but embellished 0s and 1s.
If someone enjoys it, let them.
When people like something and you don´t, stead of complaining maybe thing "maybe i´m not the target audience for that". NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU
(not gonna buy it, but not gonna bitch about others doing it cause thats idiotic)
>I can't believe they're making me buy this crap!
Obviously the fundamentals are different, mainly because you're not required to follow a particular set of instructions with Legos if you don't want to. But you're still getting to assemble something that's mildly complex for a kid.
Plus, you get to put your game console into it and play various games integrated into your new 'toy', which is something that Legos really can't match.
>paying for cardboard
You're paying for the software, dumbass. The cost of the cardboard is negligable compared to that.
well i already pirate it
now they're defending the mcdonalds ads
wild, wild stuff
Do you have kids,OP? Or know any?
now make it dance for us.
Most people on this board aren’t even out of high school.
I can justify it only if it will be cheap as fuck. If they charge some high prices for this, then fuck this shit.
that is cause this is model creation, like those plastic ships, airplains, gundams, etc that is so popular in japan, only made of cardboard, or as it is widely called (even in the nintendo video) PAPERCRAFT
You’re not fooling anyone, nintenfag
If any other company did this Sup Forums wouldn't even be talking about it.
If it was some toy company that made this it would be taken at face value, but of course since Nintendo made it it's a huge talking point with people shitposting on both sides.
We accepted in exchange for used games not changing. You don't remeber that issue? I know it's been a few years but come on. The backlash to Microsoft was so bad the former head Xbox was fired for attempting this shit.
There are gorilions of cardboard toys sold. Not for 80 fucking bucks mind you, but still.
Plus what you buy (if I got this right) are the shitty mini games, the cardboard itself isn't that expensive and you can download your own blueprints for free and use any cardboard to make them.
Fanboys will always white-knight for their precious company's products. Doesn't matter if it's Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft or anyone else. Anyone who believes otherwise is buying into consolewar shitposting where one side is worse than the others when it's all equally cancerous bullshit of defending anything regardless of how ridiculous, niche, or anti-consumer it might be.
For some reason a lot of people on this board think of Nintendo as solely a traditional video game developer when that’s never been the case.
How the hell am I going to emulate this on my PC!
its ridiculous how we have so many threads on this WHO GIVES A SHIT
What's the issue exactly? If you don't like it don't buy it. The other thing is it takes real money and effort to make even those cardboard things. Why give them out for free
>tfw I play board games
>tfw I'm already used to paying for overpriced cardboard
Imagine this unimaginably assblasted just because Nintendo made some fun arts and crafts for kids.
Absolutely outstanding. I love Nintendo.
>buy joycons
>buy cardboard and rubber bands
>look up guide online how to remake the robot
shouldn't be too complicated
Saying this doesn't equal the ruination of Nintendo, like you so badly want it to be, is not a defense of it
Because they weren't original nor fun to play?
Those two things aren't even remotely connected. When Sony started charging for online most Sony fans just said it was going towards improved online functionality. The main reason Sony started charging for online was because for the most part people don't mind paying for it, it's literally just free money for them.
I also remember telling everyone that the quality of games on PS+ would go down as soon as the PS4 came out and they started charging for online and people fought me on that, but I was right. It's nothing but indieshit.
eheh I got them now
The fact that the mods haven’t made a sticky and deleted all the other labo threads is insane.
I wouldn't say it's arts and crafts. They are trying to tap the maker crowd. If you've been to a Barn's and Noble in the past 2 years, the kits litter the tables at the entrance way. Usually it's like "Make your own robot", or "Build your own trumpet". I'm not sure if it's saturated market or not, but Nintendo is going to try and tap it.
I barely see anybody defending this. I've only been on Sup Forums for gaming shit. Everyone is laughing at how rediculous
There’s no point in defending a product that wasn’t made for the Sup Forums demographic which is primarily teens to early 20s. I will say the announcement video was well produced and it’s good to see Nintendo putting a greater focus on that stuff.
Thanks, man. In one sentence you’ve just explained 95% of the shitposting. I don’t know why I bothered.
My nephews are going to fucking love this shit.
Pointing out that a product designed for kids and advertised as such and shitposting about it as if it was specifically sent to you from Nintendo with a note saying “we’re no longer making or publishing games” isn’t so much white knighting as it is “self fucking evident”.
The irony is that the standard line for shit posting faggots is “people who like Nintendo are kids” thriw THE biggest tantrums known to man.
>I barely see anybody defending this. I've only been on Sup Forums for gaming shit
>I only go on shitpost central, why can't I find any positive comments on this
You answered your own question.
>whilst people exclaimed their love for nintendo’s version
not on this board
not even in reviews
There was endless bitching about DKCR and TP implementation of motion controls. Also MSfags were still around so Sonyfans were busy in other threads so it was really toned down.
>It’s cardboard that they’re charging you for. Cardboard. That you have to pay for.
Cardboard is expensive you idiot.
I know you get it when you purchase electronic shit, but the price of the cardboard is included in the total price so you don't feel it.
Go try to buy some cardboard, you'll be in for quite a surprise.
Fucking neets seriously leave your homes sometimes.
Google has already done this and it was only a little less retarded. At least Nintendo isn't wasting as much money on gimmick peripherals no wants as they have in the past by making them out of cardboard.
People are saying it's stupid, not that Nintendo stopped making video games or that it'll kill the company; those that are are shitposters. People can dislike Labo without being an anti-Nintendo Sonyboy console warrior
Yeah you always, always have to take everything you see here with a giant grain of salt. Sup Forums in particular has a really young userbase since it’s an entry level Sup Forums board. Always assume you’re arguing with someone well under 21 while you’re posting here.
You could actually hook your psp to your tv and use your psp as a gamepad since 2007.
and now nintendo fans defend PAID ONLINE LMAOOOO and soon loot boxes and season passes
Watching people freak out about this is really quite fascinating.
And yet that paid online ain't nowhere to be seen :^)
A lot of current shitposters were in grade school in 2006.
I think it's really cute and great for kids and families. Sorry, Sup Forums. I can understand why you're upset though.
I can't imagine being this assblasted over shit that's just fun and simple. This board is definitely not the demographic, but I think my kids are gonna love it, and it'll give me something to build with them so that they can play video games at the same time too.
>When Sony started charging for online most Sony fans just said it was going towards improved online functionality.
You can blame Microsoft for that.
They did it first, during the PS2 era and normalized it.
>the colors are on the wrong side
little kids with parents who have disposable income who want to nurture the growth of their kid are the target audience, not virgin fat neets
just face it, nintendo is for the kids
you could
but you'd still need the 70 and or 80 dollar software to use all of that useless cardboard with
>No one’s forcing anyone to rape little kids
I don't defend it, I just point out it is what consumers want looking at the sales of 360 and PS4 compared to PS3 and Wii U.
It's a shitty practice.
Except we don't know how much the carts along cost, dummy.
>You can blame Microsoft for that.
No I think you can blame consumers for buying it. Companies aren't your friends, they're going to try to get as much money out of you as possible. When Microsoft charged for XBL people could have rejected it, they didn't and showed Sony and Nintendo that it was a free source of revenue for them, of course they'll take that.
Hmm.. It's almost as if Nintendo did them first!
Not him, but here you go.
1. 26
2. No, they're still together.
3. Not that I'm aware of.
4. I had mild anxiety when I was a teenager, but I've been off medication for seven years.
5. I have a four-year-old daughter who is immeasurably excited by/about this.
>mfw I think its the most genius ideas of the last decade
sadly I dont think that those games will end up being good.
insanely creative gimmick though.
Nintendo already announced that all of the cardboard pattern shit is going to be downloadable from the internet for free, you don't have to pay for the cardboard. You don't even have to print it on cardboard, you could run that shit through a 3D printer or just make shit out of paper.
Tinfoil. Unless you've used it up making hats.
>IGN France confirmed that Labo Kits won’t actually be required to play Labo games, the cartridge or download will be all that you need. Cardboard design patterns for the various games will freely be provided online, meaning that you can replace or build parts with just about any material, provided you’re crafty enough. Here’s what was said by Nintendo:
>Nintendo: "Note that the kits will not be mandatory - although the cartridge is needed - since Nintendo plans to offer the cardboard design pattern for free for aspiring builders"
Shhhhh, don't you get that they're just going to stone you for being a sonybro, next your going to say you actually enjoyed your time with your vita. If you try to use logic they're just going to start spinning it into saying you should be using a laptop anyways.
My girlfriend and her younger brother are excited about this. Its not for people who browse Sup Forums, its for people who like crafts. You autists dont seem to understand what an intended audience is
Personally, I'm not mad at this at all, and I don't see why people are so upset. Let the children enjoy their garbage if it makes them happy.
Now, if you want to convince me that it's a quality product, then that's a battle you'll never win.