Keep it vidya
Filename thread
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Good job retard
you first
Dang lol whoops anyone know how to rename files on iphone this was a funny one about Labo
>admits to mobileposting
Fuck off and kill yourself.
Kill yourself my man
whats wrong with posting from mobile? i mean i wouldnt because Sup Forums on phone is fucking awful
Only thing I ever found funny about this pic is the liveleak watermark.
Underage newfaggot.
>Concentric circles
>Really just spirals
>But no really, it's concentric circles!
>funny is now a bad word
I can't keep up with you underage retards
you can always tell who the new people are because they try so hard to fit in
>doesn't get it
someone explain
Only newfags give a shit about being called new though.
Kek, what movie though?
Nice job idiot
All of his suggestions are horrible.
In the other one, all of the "optical illusions" aren't real.
no im just laughing at you
black dynamite
Nice job reddit
I've enever actually played Gary's Mod now that I think about it. Wtf even is it?
as far as i know you can do almost anything in it. but i havent played it either
A very big toy box that's inhabited by even bigger autists.
RP hotbox for autistic virgins and children. Of course, it's getting dethroned by VRchat
wtf is going on in that webm?
>Mad because he can't evade bans
Something escaped from the zoo.
Mosh pit, probably.
Imagine being this fucking stupid lmao
Sup Forums on phone is fucking awful
It's fine if you have android
Firefox for android can use violent monkey addon to load scripts like Sup Forums x
I've seen this gif posted before, is it popular just because of how those players move?
What is this? Seems enjoyable
Moshpit? That ape obvs just wanted to hit those wypipo tho
10/10 filename
Counter Strike Source physics sandbox mod made for Half-Life 2. You can use it to make stuff, or in most cases you make shitty gmod videos with tf2 characters
underrated post
lmaoing at your life
Me on the back
fucking great
ricky 420 got a punch in the face
>not Dovsky Dovsky literature club
>oops I accidentally hit this girl in the face
>better take my chances and hit as many as I can while i'm in this anyway
>hitler in the back
>cook who just pies his own face on the right
my sides, my fucking sides, you bastard
Deathcore is the second worst music genre ever created next to trap is what's happening.
You're supposed to hit eachother in a moshpit, not swing around wildly in the air
Thank you man
Now that is quality
That's honestly the only way to distract western society from the fact you have hit a woman.
Theyre dancing like drug users and thats what you are concerned?
Those shears are inhumanely dull. A good pair of kitchen shears should be able to do that in 2 clean cuts without mutilating the face the way this guy did.
I mean it's a crab so whatever but that's just poor culinary practice.
t. Executive Chef with autism
>Harry Potter, we meet again
Would be accurate if it were neo Sup Forums in a nutshell
>GDQ 2018