Fuck tired gamers

What games are you looking forward to most this year?


Please be good. Please be good.

Looks decent but the number of screenshots of empty rooms and no background animations is concerning.

None. The vast majority of those will turn out crap or mediocre.

I wait for them to get success, either in the niche or mainstream and then play.

metro exodus

Kingdom Hearts 3 is GOTY

One would think that still screenshots are not able to provide information about animation in the background, but I guess I was wrong.

>implying aoe4 is ever coming out and wont get delayed three times then ultimately shitcanned

Yeah, they just randomly chose screenshots to show the public, it's not like their purpose is to show off the good parts of the game in order to increase sales

Vermintide 2

Will most definitely play
>Ace Combat 7
>DMC Remaster

>Soul Calibur VI
>Code Vein
>SOTC Remake

Really bummed DW9 isn't looking too hot, I need my hack and slash fix ASAP.

First that come to mind are DBZ and maybe Kingdom Come: Deliverance, if its good.

Lots of stuff to look forward to though.

Monster Hunter World
GHOST of Tsushima
Red Dead Redemption 2
Shadow of the Colossus

>they couldn't think of another name for a 4 player coop horror horde shooter set in an underground facility besides GTFO

Octopath Traveler looks good.
Project REFantasy? Doubt 2018.
Ready or Not & Hunter Showdown look good.
I have bits of hope for Phoenix Point &PoE2.
Besides from that it's all bad.

You missed Sea of Thieves & Crackdown 3. I hope C3 will be good.

Still waiting for a release date for EDF 5.

>Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
>Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (PC release)
>Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition
>Secret of Mana remake
>Code Vein
>Kingdom Hearts III
>Freedom Planet 2
>Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
This year is looking pretty good but it'll be hard to beat last year. Freedom Planet 2, FFXII's PC release, and Biomutant have most of my attention. Biomutant came out of left field. It looks like something that would get made during the PS2 era with how weird an arpg it is. Like it'll be a breath of fresh air.

I'm mostly hyped for MHW, metro exodus, ori 2, and kingdom come deliverance. This year doesn't look as exciting as 2017 did in january.

>waiting for other people to say a game is good instead of deciding that for yourself

Where's Kingdom Hearts 3 fucking faggot

Day 1
Darksiders 3
Detroit Become Human
The World Ends With You
Ghost of Tsushima(if its a 2018 game)
God of War(curious to see how it turns out)

Price Drop/Sale
Code Vein
Monster Hunter World
Shadow of The Colossus

Oh don't mind me, just the GOTY stopping by.

Monster Hunter World, SMT V, Pikmin 4, Pokemon switch

Shadow of the Colossus

you missed some, but still good

looking forward to SotC, Soul Calibur IV, Dragon Ball FighterZ, M&B (never ever), Ni No Kuni 2, PoE 2, Metro Exodus, Vermintide 2, System Shock, MediEvil remaster, DQ XI, Mega Man 11, Octopath, King Knight campaign and Vampyr which I hope isn't shit
fuck me there's a lot of good games coming out

Almost none of these, and the ones that I do anticipate will be either shit or not coming out on '18.

Bannerlord and RDR2. Bummed about the MHW delay on PC.

You dropped something,

not interested in Kingdom Sharts

Definitely Playing:
>Dragon Ball FighterZ
>Monster Hunter World
>Sea of Thieves
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Mega Man 11
>Metro Exodus
>Kirby Star Alies
>Wattam (if it actually comes out this year)
>Strange Journey Redux

>Ghost of Tsushima
>Octopath Traveler
>Project Re Fantasy (definitely won't be out this year)
>A Way Out
>Ni no Kuni 2
>Return of the Obra Dinn

I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff but as it stands this is still a lot of games, 2018 is shaping up to be another good year for the ol' vidya


The inevitable Pokemon on Switch.
I'm pretty sure it'll be out this year.

New Cyberpunk
New SystemShock
MechWarrior 5 Mercs
thats about it for PC

I know there are a lot of high profile games there like GoW and RDR2, some with even a cult status behind them like Bannerlord or VC4.

But fuck me, I'm by far most excited for Octopath. That demo was so fucking good. If nothing new was announced for 2018 that could very well end up being my GOTY. That or maybe Kirby.

God of War and monster hunter world are day one for me. They rest will wait for sale/reviews to buy.

DBFZ and Monster Hunter World (The PC port) for me.

mainly Monster Hunter, Shadow of the Colossus, and Dark Souls.

I never played a Souls game, so a remaster of Dark Souls with 6 player co-op sounds like a good place to start. But most of my time will be spent hunting this year.

I just want my Ys 8 PC port already.



Literally none. I'm interested in quite a few, but not totally excited.

I'm already fucking dying, why must these people twist the knife in by saying it's gonna happen this year, or ever for that matter?


>this year
user, I...

Pillars of Eternity 2 and Monster Hunter World. Maybe Vermintide 2 as well but I got pretty bored with the first one fast.

I stopped liking games after I played MGSV and it was shit. All other games have been shit and boring to me since then.

Detective Pikachu
Persona dancing games
That's about it.

Looking forward to octopath traveler and mhw. Hoping Valkyria Chronicles 4 will be worthwhile.

>implying SMT V will come out this year

Sea of Thieves
Dragon Ball Fighterz
Ni no Kuni 2
Monster Hunter World
Octopath Traveler

>ctrl+f "Survive"
isnt htere a beta on right now for Metal Gear Survive, Im starting to just feel bad for Konmai, they are working hard at it and noone gives a single shit. They couldve canned the game and noone would care.

RDR, Spider-Man, DQ11. I'm tired of playing trash just to be contrarian, give me AAA or fuck off

They're not working hard, the game is just a reshuffling of MGSV contents. It's a joke

What's wrong with DW9?

Wasteland 3 is set for 2019 user

dunno why I bothered doing this.

Never even played a Metal Gear game but it seems like a complete mishandling and misunderstanding of that franchise and its appeal.

Battlezone 2 remake
That new TW game
New TWWH2 races
Still have a sizable backlog of VR games to play/try, though I'm waiting for some to come out of EA

I'm praying that Ready or Not BTFO out of Rainbow 6 Siege ever since they turned that into a bullshit waifu skin simulator.

Wasteland 2 was the first isometric RPG I ever played all the way through so I'm kind of hyped for 3

I haven't been keeping up too much with upcoming games so fuck knows


>As made by Relic

Fucking monkey's paw...

Whoever made that image is my nigga for including Ready or Not, although I am very afraid it might turn out bad, we don't even know who is making it.

Also anyone remembers what was that website to do those kind of collages but online?

I can take eyeballs, eyelashes, hair and most other things, but a mouth like that is just ridiculous.
It even has teeth inside!

Ironicaly, Relic is a monkey paw company in itself.
They can make good shit and have done it somewhat recently. More recently than fucking Ensemble, that's for sure.

They could be the Platinum of RTS, but I'm not quite sure if they're too incompetent nowdays or they have publishers draging them down.

I'm probably going to buy Ready or Not anyway to try it out at least but yeah, I share you fears.

1. RDR2
2. Metro
3. State of Decay 2
4. Sea of Theives
5. MG Survive

I hate wanting to play one unreleased game so much that it stifles my ability to enjoy other games.