>ctrl f
>no MMO thread
What are you playing?
What do you miss?
What are you looking forward to?
Other urls found in this thread:
>wow circa 2004-2010
>looking forward to
the sweet release of death
you have to broaden your horizons, user
The only thing you MMO fucks need to be playing with is my cock in your mouths. Because let's face it, this thread is nothing more than a haven for hating MMOs, not celebrating MMOs.
This guy actually made me want to play again, i finished AoTC Kiljaeden and the Fire Mage challenge artifact thing and now i'm bored again.
>hating MMOs
Only if you play eastern shit.
We don't need this thread every four hours.
For half a year now. Scratches my Korean grinder itch just like it did 15 years ago.
I dare you to name one western MMO. My cock will be in your mouth by the next post you fucking slut. I promise.
Missed the chance to play Firefall
There are none. They're all in development.
Hey guys. what time do we start shitting on Black Desert? Is there a schedule somewhere or do we just wait for the first person to mention they're having a good time playing BDO?
There's no depth to the gameplay so it isn't worth discussing.
FFXI on a private server.
I miss Vanilla WoW but this is ticking all the nostalgia boxes.
EVE Online
Being young and naive and easily amused
that's not what I asked you user, are you retarded? You deserve a dick in your mouth. People with comprehension skill should not be able to speak at all.
whats the best xi private server to hit up
>that fucking sword design
are you daft mate
kinda wanted to go back and play blade and soul but im not sure if it still installs spyware on your computer
Been playing swtor but hopped back on wow for immersion leveling. GW 2 UI, immersion quest mod, and dynamic cam feels really nice. Leveling an Orc and taking time to really read the quests.
Swtor spoiled me on the voice acting though. It does make a difference, but I can see how it's unsustainable as an mmo feature.
You sound like you're hungry.
>What are you looking forward to?
all these new western MMOs in dev:
>PVP (all generally with open-world "sandbox" components)
Chronicles of Elyria (think it has a Rust-style ruleset with open pvp and consequences (as a result of the game mechanics and not the players)--more advanced Life is Feudal with a lot of RPG characterization?)
Gloria Victis (I honestly can't tell the difference between this and Chronicles aside from production quality)
Crowfall (another FFA PvP ruleset except the worlds have victory conditions, implying there is a hard reset at the end of each round which may last for weeks/months, but character progression is never touched)
Camelot Unchained (RvR ruleset (3-faction) from the DAOC creator--entire game focused around TESO's Cyrodiil or GW2's WvW, except there are no rounds, nothing ever resets, and is driven by the "3 faction balance")
>??? (should probably be in PVP)
Ashes of Creation (fantasy eve except there's a large PVE experience, so it's probably more like Archeage?)
The Repopulation (a new scifi-themed SWG that got fucked mid-development with the engine but now they're back on track)
>PVE (monster killing/raiding is the primary content provider)
Pantheon (reads like a group-driven difficult Everquest)
Shroud of the Avatar (ultima online--looks like it's turning to shit)
Nasomi for sure.
PvP is fucking irritating though with tanks being better than any actual dps classes
bless online
the waiting game for XIV 4.2
being a hero
>looking forward to
any of the successors
>I want to play a game that two regions calm is shit and even people in NA who played on the KR/RU servers calm it's shit, but I DON'T CARE!
I really don't understand the interest in Bless. Maybe you could explain why you want this dead game so badly.
are you that one retard who was arguing the game wasn't 'canceled'?
I don't know what you're talking about so probably not
GO play DC Universe Online
>inb4 he hates DCUO
Just c'mhere and suck my dick
>calm it's shit
fuck off phoneposter
user seriously why are you so obsessed with getting your dick sucked by men
also I played DCUO, didn't enjoy forced powersets and sidekick simulator
It does.
Is it even worth playing tor still? I got a warrior to like chapter 3 but stopped because it felt like I was putting time into a game that will be all dead soon
It was never worth playing
I know that talking to you all is pointless since you all hate every MMO in existent, so I'd rather cut the small talk and have you get straight to it. There's no fun allowed in these threads outside of your watery mouths embracing my cock.
can you at least put on a trip or something so we can filter you
How many posts are you going to make with the same shitty cock in mouth joke?
I don't know what's worse, these threads or the idiots who come to them thinking they are super witty and clever.
>What are you playing?
Maplestory private server, WoW Ascension
>What do you miss?
The RPG in MMORPG and in-game community
>What are you looking forward to?
An MMO with action combat that isn't korean/asian trash and an art-style similar to WoW. Or WoW 2. A vr MMORPG would be the dream but that won't happen in a long time.
Stick it in then, user!
>How many posts are you going to make with the same shitty cock in mouth joke?
As many time as you and your posse are going to shit post about the same MMOs over and over. Call it.... balance. But at the same time, know your place, bitch. Behave yourselves unless I command you.
>WoW Ascension
I've played there when they first laucnhed. Logged yesterday to check if they changed anything since then. Nope still all the same builds on every single character. Literally no diversity why would you play there?
Because I haven't played it and my friends wanted to try it out so I thought why not. Will probably not play for that long, doubt I will even reach 60+.
Its fun as you level up or for pvp purposes. But for PvE its a fucking shit server since there are like 1 tank spec 2 heal specs and 3 dps specs that perform good. Any everything else sucks
Been playing SWTOR but considering returning to WoW for some revamped leveling experience.
Why aren't you playing it?
Sigh. Playing FFXIV because my friends play it. I'm terribly bored with it. Visually it's very nice but I haven't encountered a dungeon that caught my interest.
quit bumping it then, you giant retard
actually started playing Maplestory recently on Reboot with like 6 friends
I'm enjoying it eough, anybody who hasn't played reboot should really try it
Im not touching chinese garbages
I only play western games
>What are you playing?
Trying out SWTOR
>What do you miss?
Adventures, not looking up guides 24/7 and everybody cutting corners
>What are you looking forward to?
Sea of Thieves, if that counts.
I trust chinks even less than gooks
Kronos private server
guild wars 2
right now in the middle of living world season 3, i really really like it.
>Sea of Thieves
Do we have a release date yet ?
Playing GW2 and FFXIV.
Miss Wildstar.
Not really looking forward to anything. Does Monster Hunter World count?
t. unironic sjw
Muh salad lesbians
Or was that one just muh salads?
Or just muh lesbians?
none. closest would be Destiny 2
>looking forward to
>game lets you play as little cat/bear/bunny/dog people
>will probably fuckin die
I hope bless at least finds its niche.
you dont like lesbians?
Man, all these years and I still don't have Armageddon. Tried to get it so many times too.
I do, but it all felt a bit forced in that game. It's a decent game if you ignore the story I find. It's mostly about jesus saladpeople from what I recall.
march 20th
the jesus saladpeople turned out to be demon saladpeople all along
Want to play some random gook shit, but dont want to invest my time in some stupid gook shit
yea, its a bit forced, but both of them are hot, so it makes my dick happy.
about the salad lesbos i dont really care, their race dont really have a sex, they just take that form.
>puts out new info, and interview with the game director
>yeah we know the game has problems and we'll probably fuck up a few times while we try to fix them but we'll try to be as transparent and responsive as possible so please understand
At least they're honest
What a tweeeeest. I love me some jumping puzzles and pvp though. Shame about the rest of the "content"
Salads have sex, user. They're not barbie dolls down there.
Recently been playing a lot of Runescape.
I miss Elsword. It had a lot of potential that ended up getting ruined by dev/publisher decisions.
Same for Tera. Game would be great if it didn't run like ass.
>looking forward to
Nothing really, Bless looks pretty, but nothing is gonna change too much from their whole "remake the game like ARR and it will be good" shtick.
Fair enough mate, I'm mostly just mad about the salads. Literal Mary sue shit
Is this shit good? Kinda craving some harcore MMO
I loved DCUO, but I can never come back. I got my ass reamed by SOE when they left another company in charge of the European servers and you had to fucking MANUALLY TRANSFER YOUR ACCOUNT AND I DIDN'T SEE THE E-MAIL IN TIME FUCK. I'm still mad. That account had so much shit on it.
What are you playing?
I'm having a ton of fun playing BDO. I got my Asula set and dropped $300 on everything i would need. I just want to hit 60 on my Valk so I can start pvping
>What do you miss?
I miss my old guild in SB we had our own TS server it was great
>What are you looking forward to?
More chinkshit MMOs I can play for a few months and then drop. Bless looks like it will be right down my alley.
>I'm having a ton of fun playing BDO.
It's time guys,he used the magic words! It's time to shit on BDO! TEAM UNITE UP!!!!!!
if you like boring grinds
might feel special if you're the whole rope weaver in the clan
>dropped $300 on everything i would need.
>300 dollarydoos on an mmo
recently started playing the free trial for ffxiv, still waiting for the game to become good I guess?
Classic UO
>looking forward to
nothing desu
I'll be honest, I've dropped way more money than I ever should have needed to on MMOs. Maybe not that much all at once but the number is up there.
xiv literally doesnt become good until endgame, and trial only offers until level 30
Why not just play Darkfall ?
Are you in a guild? If not, you can join mine and become my personal guardian as well as my personal slut.
>that one slut glam tank
>What are you playing?
>What do you miss?
GW2 when it was good, WoW when it was fun, BDO & AA when they weren't p2w garbage
>What are you looking forward to?
Nothing really, maybe WoW classic but nowadays I just dont look forward to games at all, I just play the same 2-3 games I've been playing for the past 2-3 years.
>GW2 when it was good
It was never good.
It's been dead for a while. The only thing to do is the story lines and then you drop it. It's essentially a single player game with an optional group element if you have friends. It's not the worst game on the market, not by a long shot, but it is the worst MMO in my opinion. It just has the worst MMO elements.
#1 hated coming through. Hi.
Insane right
That's all I've spent so far
I'm the one who does the fucking friend. Also yes I am in a guild.
>all that shit
>10 damage
Only MMORPG I care about is EVE
Can't wait for it to die so I can rest
>10 damage
this will have a cash shop, right?
I would assume so, otherwise how would they make money?
wasn't sure it's been a while
into the trash then, I'd rather pay a sub
>current year
>releasing an mmo with a sub
No faster way to kill your game.