Which games have you finished at least 3 times?
Which games have you finished at least 3 times?
max payne 1, i play it every christmas. damn its comf
Dead Space 1 and 2
Prime Trilogy
These are my immediate examples.
Witcher 3 and all the DLCs
Ratchet and Clank 1, 2 and 3
get on my level
Dark Souls 1 and 2
Dead Space 1
Wolfenstein 3D
Dune 2
Also some NES games:
Super Mario Bros 1,2,3
Bionic Commando
Ninja Gaiden 3
Wow I thought only the first one was good. I'll have to try it.
Mirror's Edge
Dark Souls 2 & 3
Probably everything I had on PS1
also Golden Axe 1
>Deus Ex
>Dark Souls
>Thief: The Dark Project
>Devil May Cry 3
>Fallout: New Vegas
these game never leave my SSD
Dead space 2. never played 1
Path of exile If it counts
The Talos Principle all endings
Xcom 2 twice on commander ironman
Fable tlc, dragons dogma, most the halos, doom 1 and 2, dark souls, metal gear solid 3, oblivion, dragon age origins, assassins creed 2, sonic 2 , shining force, monster hunters
Dark souls 2
It's easy to play and finish ok?
Give Drakensang 1 a chance, it could be something you'd enjoy.
Ori, Odin Sphere, FFIX, Cave Story, Legend of Grimrock 2, Shovel Knight, and Mass Effect 1 is all I can remember off the top of my head.
NG+ and NG++ or new character each time?
Resident Evil 4 like 12 times.
Dead Space 1 and 2
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Metal Gear Solid 3
Crash Bandicoot 2
Fallout 1 and 2
Ratchet & Clank trilogy
Deus Ex
EYE: Divine Cybermancy
>EYE: Divine Cybermancy
How is it?
BioShock 1
Dark Souls 1/2/3
Sly Cooper 3
Final Fantasy X
Kingdom Hearts 2 (might have finished 1 thrice, can’t remember)
Doom episodes 1-3
Half life 2
Thanks ill try it out
damn, i need to give a try, but i heard that the pc port sucks
all three dork souls
Shadow of the Colossus
Kingdom Hearts
Megaman Legends
Pokémon Blue
Uncharted 2
R8 me
Dark Souls 1, 2, 3 and Bloodborne
Valkyria Profile
Good taste
Hard to tell, you have to finish it a few times to get the whole story, but the translation is pretty bad (in a good way) and most of time you have no idea what the fuck is going on. Gameplay, music, upgrade tree, weapons and skills are great.
ME 1 and 2
Sounds interesting enough to check it out.
Serious Sam TFE
Love those calm empty plains between the chaotic action segments
How do you get dmc3 to not run like ass
S.T.A.L.K.E.R (all 3)
Half-Life (all main and episodes)
Super Metroid, and Prime
Deus Ex
Megaman Legends 2, X8
Dead Space 1 & 2
GTA San Andreas
Crysis 1 and 2
I don't really feel the need to replay "modern" games, even when I have the time to, and I enjoyed them.
New character each time
Hell I've prob finihsed it 5 or 6 times
5 times
You mean the DS version of FFIV? Either way you're alright
Metroid Zero Mission
Turtles in Time
Dark Souls
Super Mario World
Prince of Persia Sand of Time Trilogy
Prince of Persia 2008
Original SPyro Trilogy
Crash 2 & 3
Dragon Age Origins
Sly Cooper Trilogy
Telltale Walking Dead
Sonic Heroes
FF6: 2 times
FF7: 4 times
FF8: 3 times
FF9: 5 times
FF10: 2 times
Lufia 2, Rise of the Sinistrals: 5 times
Mass Effect (1): 3 times
Breath of Fire 3: 2 times
Link to the Past: at least 8 times, possibly more
Links Awakening: 3 times
Bioshock: 4 times
FEAR: 5 times (at least)
Fallout 3: 3 times
Fallout NV: 4 times
cant come up with anything else right now
Quite a few actually, I'm a bit autistic in that regard. So I'll just go with most complete playthroughs, I'd have to say it's probably pic realted. I went through a time when I was just out of high school where money was kind of tight and I couldn't even afford a new (used) game very frequently. During that period I got in pic related and must have completed it upwards of 12-15 times. I would get so wierd with some playthroughs, like for instance I played a character that would only use the Mirabelle (musket) fighting style (once I obtained it), exclusively. Except of course for enemies that were immune/required spirit attacks etc.
Good times, but I'm glad I have money for vidya now. Now the problem is getting enough free time, odd how that's always the way.
Entire Soulsborne series
RE0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, CV, Outbreak 1, and Rev 1
The Last of Us
MGS 1, 3, and 4
Dead Space 1, 2 and 3
Metroid Prime 1, 2 and 3
Metro 2033
Alan Wake
Half Life 2 and the episodes
Portal 2
Actually wait, scratch RE6. Only beaten Leon's campaign multiple times.
Phantom Pain
Wind Waker
Halo 1,2,3,ODST,Reach
Bioshock 1,2,Infinite
Mass Effect 1,2,3
Fallout 3,NV
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Double Agent
Witcher 1,2,3
AC 1,2,Bro,3,Black Flag
Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy
Deus Ex HR, Mankind Divided
Batman Arkham Asylum, Arkham City
Half Life 1,2+Eps
Dead Space 1,2
Portal 1,2
Mirror's Edge
All I can think of off the top of my head.
Not many really.
Deus ex: HR
Fallout 1, 3, NV, & 4.
Enter the matrix
Batman Arkham games (minus origins)
Mass effect 2&3, tried to replay Andromeda on ng+, zzzz
Currently replaying bayo 1 with Jeanne
The list goes on
The HD port isn't so bad.
The old RE4 PC port is hilariously bad. Like spiderman2 on PC bad
At least twice a year since I first played it. I don't always do the inverted castle on every play through
>Crash Bandicoot
>Sly 3
>Jak 3
>Dead space 2
>Demon's souls
>Dark souls 1-3
>Gta vice city
>Gta San Andreas
>Gta IV
>Resistance 1-3
>Resident evil 4
can't think of any others right now.
Portal 2
Super Bomberman 1
God of War Chains of Olympus
These are the only ones I can think of, don't usually replay games.
Chrono Trigger
Aliens vs. Predator 1999 game
Duke Nukem 3D
Cave Story
NEO Scavenger
and it's only from the top of my head.
Fallout: New Vegas
Bioshock 1
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
The Witcher 1
Jesus christ, get some taste.
Dead Space
Dark Souls 1 and 2
Twilight Princess
Pokemon Emerald
That's all I can remember. I don't replay or rewatch stuff very often, but I'd like to do so.
Metro 2033
STALKER: Call of Pripyat
Doom (1993)
Duke Nukem 3D
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Half Life
Halo CE
Far Cry 2
My childhood was replaying the 5 games I had. I must've beat Lego Racers once a week for 3 years
I replay TFE and TSE at lease once a year. Golden Sun games
Dark Souls series
Half-life Series
GBA Metroid Games
Fire Emblem 7
Halo CE-Reach
I know there;s more, but that's it for now.
many times
tony hawk american wasteland
every few years i get back into it for like 2 weeks and just cant be stopped
lost planet
lost planet 2
metal slug 1 2 3 and X
tomb raider (2013)
dead space
dark souls 1 and 2
crysis 3
all i can remember
Mega Man Battle Network 3. Never actually beat it because the final boss is bullshit but I've gone through it more times than I can remember
Mega Man Battle Network 6, but I actually beat it multiple times
MGS3 and 2
Deus Ex HR
Bayonetta 1 and 2
The Wonderful 101
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Lego Indiana Jones
Red Steel 2
>Mass Effect 1 & 2
>Pokemon Ruby (had more played time of Sapphire though)
>Pokemon Firered and Leaf Green
>Halo CE to Reach
>Crysis 2 (like it more than I should)
>Dead Space
>Witcher 2
>Final Fantasy I, II, IV (I fucking hate IV)
>Dawn of War 1 (all expansions beside Soulstorm)
>Dark Souls
>Fallout 3 & NV
>Saints Row 2
>GTA San Andreas, IV and V
>Borderlands 1
>Dragon's Dogma
Shit, there are probably others, but my memory is shit.
Pokemon r/b/y
Pokemon g/s/c
Pokemon r/s
Half-Life 2
Metal Gear Rising
Dark Souls
Sonic Adventure
Gothic 1 and 2
Dragon's Dogma
Sengoku Rance
Little Fighter 2
All I can come up with now
>Little Fighter 2
You are my nigger
pokemon black white 2
Doom (1993)
Doom II (1994)
Quake 2
Dark Souls
Half Life 1
Half Life 2
Half Life Opposing Force
Thief 1 & 2
Crash Bandicoot 1,2 and 3
Puyo Pop Fever
Rayman 1 & 2
Golden Sun 1 & The Lost Age
Pokemon Blue & Crystal
Those are the ones I can think of right now at least.
Assassin's Creed II
once every year
All the Halo before 343 took over
Pokemon Diamond
Other stuff but I can't think of anything
Oooooh good Lord. I'm probably the only one and gonna get hate for this but it was Dragon Age Inquisition. I don't know why I loved the game so much but making different choices and character builds felt like a brand new game every time
REmake, at least 7 times now
That's literally the appeal of BioWare RPGs user. Quality issues aside, that is the primary thing they do right.
I beat a link to the past a bunch of times in one day with that easy 5-minute speedrun
Every Halo.
Every Assassin's Creed.
Every Dark Souls.
Every Gears of War.
Every GTA since III
MGS2 and 3.
Pokemon Emerald.
Spiderman 2.
Alan Wake.
Both Metros.
Every Batman Arkham.
Dark Souls
Resident Evil 2 and 4
Silent Hill 3
I just started my third play through of PW
I don't know what makes that game so replayable, probably because of how simple yet satisfying it is
Streets of rage
Spec-Ops: The Line. Could have just done the last mission multiple times to get all the endings, but that felt like a disservice to the game. Plus there's a bunch of choices you make in earlier missions that I wanted to see the different outcomes to.
Dead Space 2.
Fallout 2
New Vegas
Red Alert 2
Deus Ex
Stalker SoC
Neverwinter Nights
Dark Souls 123
Dragon's Dogma
Doom 2
Blood 2
Quake 2
AvP 1,2
Carbon + Most Wanted
Armed and Dangerous
Giants Citizen Kabuto
Borderlands 1, 2
Dungeon Siege 2
Dark Souls 1.
Mass Effect Trilogy.
KOTOR 1-2.
Stalker Trilogy.
Civilization 4-5, TW series, if counts.
Star Wars Galaxies. Anyone remember that?
Man, i think i played the first one over 10 times for sure. Didn't liked the 2 that much, but i think i have around 4 runs there as well.
Hotline Miami 1+2
Both Dishonoreds(DOTO only once)
Dead Space 1+2
MGS 1-3
Dark Souls 1
I almost never play multiplayer games but I'm nearing 600 hours in Siege.
Kotor 1 & 2
gta vice city & san andreas
half life 2
max payne 2 maybe 1
witcher 1
maybe neverwinter nights 2
alpha protocol
i replayed games a lot more when i was younger. Less games, less cash and more free time.
Skyrim, GTA SA and 4, CoD 4 5 6
I've finished Azure Dreams and Jade Cocoon at least 10+ times each
Kotor 2
Gothic 2
Resident Evil 2
Silent Hill 1-3
If I had more time, I would probably replay FFV and Gothic 2 again, I just love those games
Gothic1, Gothic 2, DK Country 1 and 2, Secret of Evermore, Kotor 1 and 2, Jedi Academy, Monkey Island 1,2 and 3, Chrono Trigger,
Dead rising 1, like 4 times on Xbox 360 and once on PC
Oni for the PS2
Halo 3
Dark Souls
Pokemon Yellow
Kirby Knightmare in Dreamland
Dark Souls 3
Serious Sam
Metroid Prime 2
Metal Slug 2
Ape Escape
Binding of Issac but that hardly counts
Probably more as well
Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3
Dragon Age: Origins
Gothic 1 and 2
Risen 1, 2 and 3
Witcher 1 and 2
Call of Duty 2 and 4
Dawn of War 1 and 2 (+all DLC)
Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4
Fable 1
sengoku rance.
Chip & Dale
Ducktales 2
Mega Man 4
Tiny Toons
Turtles in Time
Mega Man X
Mega Man X4
Final Fantasy 7
Ace Combat 04
GTA Vice City
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Mass Effect
The Witcher
All of those are from start to finish on entirely separate occasions. But then I've also completed many other games numerous times because of muh cheevos, but I don't really count that since they're always done in immediate succession and I just count them as the same playthrough essentially.
fallout new vegas
tales of symponia
tales of abyss
persona 3
persona 4
devil may cry 3
dragons dogma.
Dark Messiah
Fallout 2 and New Vegas
Dark Souls
Hotline Miami
Half Life 2
Pokemon Fire Red
Mass Effect 1 and 2
EYE Divine Cybermancy
Pillars of Eternity
Jade Empire
Age of Decadence
Warcraft 3
MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries
Probably some more
I should get into Looking Glass games. They're good for replaying, right?
StyleSwitcher mod, user. It makes the game run super fucking well, and changes Dante's gameplay to be more like DMC4. I have no idea how the modder did it.
Mario World
Paper Mario TTYD
Mario 64
Mario Sunshine
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Mania
God Hand
Dark Souls
Ocarina of Time
Wind Waker
Tropical Freeze
Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines
Yes, the first two Thief games have amazing replay value and great games even for a single play through but they really do ask to be played again.