In the shower

>in the shower
>imagine I'm a game designer giving an interview about my latest game


I do this too but then remember that making video games is actually a terrible job.

>lie down to sleep
>imagine you're with your party on an adventure

>lie down in bed
>roll up blanket and hug it, pretending it's another person

Go on...

Go make a game in Unity or RPGMaker. Make it your pet project/hobby for a month and see if you actually like game development. You can make an easy game this way with actual returns, and you'll enjoy it while doing so considering those engines are dirt easy to make anything in. Get your friends involved, etc.

That's basically what I'm doing right now desu, feelsgood. Just wish I wasn't bad at character design/conceptual art or else I wouldn't be using the placeholder RPGMaker MV stuff.

>be bored
>talk loudly to myself as if I'm being interviewed about thoughts in my head
I do have autism, thanks for asking.

Wtf are you me?

>wake up at 3 pm on monday
>Imagine I'm doing a job interview

kill yourself

wut ?

>in the bath
>imagine what it would be like if I had a shower installed

thats what video game body pillows are for

Personally I only worked as a tester, but if the rest of the game industry is similar, no thanks

>game tester
>treated like dogshit, terrible overtime
>actual dev team looks at you like less than human if you are even allowed to be in the same room as them

>tester for a company that makes accounting software and other stuff like that
>Wow user, that's a really great find! Haha, where would be without people like you
>Don't worry, you can go home two hours early today, you did all of today's tasks and more!

>going to sleep
>imagine that I'm going to die instead and forget all of my worries.

This. Being a voice actor would be the only fun vidya job.

>lying in bed
>literally can't fall asleep without looking at porn

I need heavy distraction from nervous fantasies

>playing video game
>imagine myself narrating it aloud to someone or as a let's play

wtf that could actually cure my insomnia I'll try it later


>be depressed
>but scared of death
Worst combo tbqh

and why do you think there's so many streamers with 0 viewers on twitch that pretend to talk to someone in the chatroom ?

What job exactly is that 2nd one? Back end tester? Back end quality assurance?

mfw i do this too

>actual dev team looks at you like less than human if you are even allowed to be in the same room as them
It's like the cycle of poverty, code monkeys are treated as subhuman by their superiors and their superiors are treated as subhuman by the publisher. It all results in everyone in game development being pissy and miserable. Shit overtime without extra pay is basically the norm.

I imagine the people making the professional software actually make decent money and feel valued for their effort thus feel motivated to make the best product they can, even if the end result isn't exactly as exciting as vidya.

How do you know they're saying anything.

>personal hygiene

>In shower
>Imagine thousands of people behind me in the crowd watching me excel at games
>you'll never be a popular esports streamer or player

I'm just scared of the dying part, not so much being dead. If they found a way to make it completely painless and instant with no hint of panic, then we'd lose half the population I think.

>he thinks shower > bath

Well technically it was called back end testing, but I also did other stuff too.
To be fair they actually expected qualifications, unlike game tester, where I just had to show up to the interview without smelling like piss

>in the shower
>imagining my luxury lodge in Switzerland and sitting in front of the fireplace drinking tea and reading the Greeks
>meanwhile my PhD maids fixing up dinner

>t. burger

>Going to sleep
>Lay awake as my head fills with every possible worry I could ever have, including worries I pull out of thin air
>Stay up till 4 in the morning literally puking with Anxiety
>Finally have a nice long deep sleep.

Bath is just lying in your own filth.
Every time I take a bath, I smell even worse than I got in.

Do it like the nips, shower then bath. Waste of water tho

>Playing a game
>Imagine in my head a Game Grumps commentary, and its actually them playing it.

>he likes floating in his own filth

If there's 0 viewers does their stream really exist

>be bored
>playing games
>act as if I'm streaming

>in the shower
>imagine this is all a bad dream and I'm about to wake up

It's really nice, you should try it.

I start every day off with a long hot bath.

>try streaming
>get 1 viewer
>immediately smash alt+f4

>tfw shower + bath masterrace

I work as software developer for car HMIs, we are well paid and treated. We have one and a half hours of paid coffee time during work hours. Almost no overtime and what little of it there is it's paid at 1.5 your normal pay.

Feels good to work there, I wanted to be a videogame developer. But if I ever do it will be as personal projects and never for a living in a company.

I even wash my hair in the bath.

That's not how bath work you dumb anime poster

I initially shat on the VA strike, while I still think the royalties were an unreasonable demand I can sympathize with some of the shit they wanted. VAs weren't even allowed to know if they would be required to sexually moan or scream "NIGGER" 100 times a day before signing a contract.

>want to play videogames
>mom comes home
>don't want to play videogames because she'll think I'm a loser
>browse Sup Forums and have mosnter in another tab to switch to it

VAs still make a lot more than most people in the game industry biz, for far less work

Pic mildly related

I do gamedev as a programmer, maybe cause we're small but it's fun as fuck if you enjoy software development.
But, like all software development, if you don't enjoy it, you'll fucking hate it.

> i also do this but i actually go to trade shows

fuck, i do this too

>do things almost every other human does secretly
>talk about it anonymously
>everyone does it
Not that hard to figure out retards.

Bath > shower

they also have to work less because recording lines for hours and hours damages your voice. They have to take a lot of time off to recover.

>> i also do this but i actually go to trade shows
That's the best part
My boss is so bro. "Hey user, while we are at the trade show there'll be nothing to do in the office anyway, why don't you come with us?"

Bam free holiday to Dubai and Tokyo

To be fair those are for nip shows. Seiyuu are basically worshiped by some otaku.

That's the best way to do it though. I did this every day in middle school and I literally had to slap girls away from petting my hair.

I just finished one of those job interviews where "we get to know more about each other". The slot was for 2 hours but we ended it after only 1.

Ummm..... sauce?

>crawl into bed
>snuggle waifu body pillow and stuffed animals

>they make you write a test instead of talking to you
>Do you think you can improvise easily? 10
>Do you like to visit foreign cultures? 9
>Do you enjoy working in a team? 10
>they all think I'm normal just like them

>feel a fart coming
>wedge hand between butt cheeks
>take a deep whiff and gently drag hand across lips

Use Yandex, you retard, then, be disappointed.

Guys I was thinking of making a Mega Man fangame, tell me if this is a good roster of robot masters:

Skate Woman
Fungus Man
Boxer Man
Order Man
Bandit Man
Merchant Man
Sand Man
Gibbs Man

Man Man

Eh...can you explain a college student GETTING PAID, and then, more than an animator?

Make all of them women

>yfw you didn't get the job

Nigger Man

don't look for sauce, that video is disapointing as fuck

Fucking disgusting Euros

I realized I used the wrong macro for mine. My reaction is more that of worry.

But those are not normal answers, it would be more to say 7 or 8

>Dutchies are filthy animals
what a surprise

>go to a stem college
>spend extra time washing my hands
>at least six nerds walk by behind me, literally none of them wash their hands

It made me go up to them and tell them to wash their hands, but then I'd have to talk to people

Shieet i do that too

i do this too but i dont think im autistic

>Washing your hands after peeing

Literally what's the point, it'd be cleaner to wash your hands before touching your dick, more germs on your hands than cock.

>play video game
>pretend i’m streaming to thousands of people and give live commentary

am i the only one?

Woman Man
aka protomagicalgirl

No, i do it do.

>the power of imagination knows no boundaries
>you use it to imagine you're a videogame designer

Lame as hell.

but you can change so many lives. people will put off their suicide to play your next game

Idk, you have to have to go through formal acting training, then probably never have the the chance to actually appear onscreen. I think you'd start to feel like a bit of a cuck after a few years.

I also imagine myself being the president and killing all the undesireables


I did QA at Rare and this is an exact description.

I feel like my autism is off the charts please tell me how bad it is from an outsiders perspective

>get panic attacks when I'm lying in bed and have nothing to think about
>love the idea of having an artist that has a great body of work from start to finish
>so I thought up this japanese producer in my head that made many of my favorite rpgs
>think his whole career through, with ups and downs
>people he fired and family related stuff that happened that influenced his games
>for example, he started in the 90s with lunar silverstar and grandia
>in 2002 his mother died what inspired him to make mother 3. Since mother 1+2 dont exist in my universe the game is simply called mother
>he got the once in a lifetime chance to work with studio ghibli, which resulted in ni no kuni. But it was very hard for him since he had to give away a lot of creative control for the first time as a director

I could do this all day. I have it all layed out. All his games. And when they came out. I made it so that the bigger games took longer to make of course. The struggles making them. His collegues. Everything.

I think this through almost every day. Otherwise I can't sleep anymore.

I do this with other stuff to. I like to imagine the perfect movie director and the movies he made. Same goes for bands and authors. Sometimes I take bands I like and take the good songs from 3 shitty albums to make one good album. And so I create my own version of their discography

Sometimes I even imagine my own not existing career. I write six books, starting in 2019. Have all the names of the books in my head. Even the vague story and genre. The first one is a sleeper hit. Its a coming of age drama. The second one is a lot darker, almost horror like. I lost a lot of readers because it wasn't what they expected. After the sixth book I kill my self (in 2036) and my last book is kind of my farewell letter in book form.

I keep all of this to myself. But I can't stop doing it. It makes me calm.

HP Lovecraft pls go

wtf I love turkey now

This is perfectly adequate

This is way too far my man

>end taking a shower
>water dripping all over my body
>kneel and raise slowly
>i'm an android sent from the future
I'm 33yo

Eh, seems normal.

This. But Imagine shipping all the whites out of the country

>squat in shower
>tip touches the floor
>never squat in the shower again

Lovecraft had a cat called Niggerman

tl: dr, but you're probably not autistic, you're just trying too hard to be a special snowflake

then make a fucking game

>Falling asleep thinking about how cool it would be to be able to teleport anywhere at will