Half the game is set in a drab, boring jungle with godawful pacing

>half the game is set in a drab, boring jungle with godawful pacing
>the major plot twist is literally never resolved or even brought up again and everyone just forgets that Sam is a lying asshole who nearly got them all killed
>epilogue is worse than fanfiction-tier; Uncharted 3 already had a perfect ending to the series
>the most exciting part of the game--when you're alone and shipwrecked on the island--barely lasts fifteen minutes
>dialogue and banter is the worst in the entire series
>character development practically nonexistent
>soundtrack is unmemorable garbage
How did everything go so wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:



>first teaser was for a more interesting story where your brother is the villain seeking revenge

why didn't we get this superior ludo?

It had to be like this so Druckmann can make Uncharted 5 star Drake's daughter because he's a fucking pedophile hack.


Speaking of, has anyone ripped her model yet?

Don't forget one of the villains gets to walk away scott free merely because she's a woman of color
because Druckmann can't have minorities getting killed off

>tfw they gave her Sarah's animations from TLOU
Fucking hack.

The game was fine stop being a sperg

Don't forget that this same woman of color was able to be two grown ass men both of which were at least 30lbs heavier than her in a fist fight.

Better than gears 4

the only true constatations in this list are 1 2 3.

>calling exciting the most boring part where you only have to jump and stumble on every single rock on the island
>actually good dialogues to make characters more realistic, flopy banters because irl no one is a comic, no one laughed with this joke ass thread
>let's not talk about some of the best animations in vidya that will never be surpassed in less than 2 years
>true that. only 2 were good.

don't think up reasons to make your list look longer, fagonymous

Nothing like a nice movie.

Imagine being this much of a pretentious faggot.

This! Why the fuck didn't they keep that as the plot.

I agree the writing was a low for the series but all in all it had some great chapters. The heist and the boat chapter stood out for me. If only the game didn't make it so obvious that the team was ripping stuff straight from TLOU (like that dumb-as-hell 'press Triangle for advance small talk' mechanic) and inserting it into Uncharted, then it would've been better. Also not being able to throw back grenades is a strange removal after how prominent the feature was in 3.

A brother we never heard of seeking revenge is worse than a brother we never heard of who is also a treasure seeker.
Pretty sure he was always the head of Uncharted 4, I assume introducing a villain brother out of nowhere makes even less sense as introducing a brother out of nowhere.

Uncharted has always been an "okay" series. I don't see why people like autopilot platforming, minor puzzles and cover shooter combat. If you want to play on Normal/Hard I guess you can be more active, especially in Uncharted 4 since its the best gameplay-wise, but if you play on Crushing you have to stealth or play cover shooter

Don’t forget those two grown ass men are canonically super tough in fights, one in particular known to clear out a room of a dozen men and a giant with nothing but his fists for at least 3 different occasions in just one game.

The best uncharted was uncharted 2

Gold tier solo and multiplayer.

Ultimate comfyness in the snow levels and shambhala and that village section
You can't fight me.

who cares, the gameplay we get is so good

>if you play on Crushing you have to stealth or play cover shooter
well the game is a cover shooter, so if you're actively trying to not use the cover system then you're playing it wrong. The cover-transitions that you make when you "magnetize" to a new cover position keep you low to the ground and are integral to your ability to move around without getting shot to death, as enemy hitscan accuracy and damage are reduced while you're performing them.

Stealth-only is always way harder than just fighting, because if you get caught you're utterly surrounded and basically fucked. If you're playing on crushing, you will play like it's guerrilla warfare. You only use stealth to ambush (and alert) multiple enemies or silently pick them off when opportunities arise, and you lose them and ambush them again multiple times, whittling them down until they're all dead


I played on Crushing first then Normal, and Normal is way more fun with all the new mechanics of the game. Between swinging with the grappling hook, and shooting while doing it, and sliding and all the disarming, Uncharted 4 improves over the previous games but the actual hard difficulties don't allow you to leave cover from fear of getting dismantled in 2 seconds flat.

I would have liked to see difficulty be less aimbots, maybe have an extra enemy type and bring in all the enemy types much earlier into the game


My main gripe is that they gimped the melee from Uncharted 3, also there's not enough combat sections.

>drab, boring jungle
The jungle environments are fucking gorgeous, what are you talking about


What's so bad about it? It literally looks and feels like a playable ultra-high-budget action-blockbuster movie

B-but the sjw are ruining it, it's obviously their fault!
I watched an interview of the guy and it was pretty obvious he didn't care about any sjw crap but he knew it was needed if you don't want autismos screeching at you. They insert random blacks and women and say whatever makes people happy, that's a smart move from them.

I can't tell if I'm in the minority here but I loved this game. Sure they could have been a bit more bold with the game and the scripted losses to Nadine are annoying but it was a fun romp in search of pirate treasure with over the top action and a nice sendoff for Nathan Drake.

do you like my oc

Even if you take out all the cutscenes there's still more gameplay than other single player games, and it has multiplayer.

It didn't have to be revenge, they could had been separated at in the orphanage young enough that neither remember or knew of the other and then both grow to be treasure hunters, of course the other brother would be more ruthless and both would come to the realization of being family while they almost kill each other

You forgot that there is no supernatural element in 4, which was complete bullshit

If you haven't seen it I bet you'd really like the movie The Accountant. Something similar to this happens plus it has a legitimate autist as the main character. Would recommend. plus Anna Kendrick has the best smile in Hollywood

That would be too much of a coincidence even for Uncharted.
Its theme was pirates, not much they could do besides actual skeletal warriors which would require them to fist in something about supernatural treasure

I will now

It's not a game I'd pay 60 bucks for (none of the Uncharted games are) but a friend lent it to me and I really liked it. Even the fight with Nadine didn't bother me, I just chalked it up to Nate not really wanting to hit a woman and getting thrown out of the window. I'm not a graphics whore at all but I'm still amazed at how they managed to make the game look so good and run at a stable frame especially since the hardware was new. They have a great software team, I'd like to see them trying different stuff.

>require them to fist in something about supernatural treasure

That was always the whole point of the treasure in Uncharted though, it's supposed to be cursed

The problem with the story is that the writers are too afraid to tale risks with their writing. Everything was fine up until the twist. When Drake's at his lowest point, his wife Deus Exes out of nowhere to save him. This game was marketed as the fall of Nathan Drake. He should have lost people close to him. His wanton treasure hunting should have real consequences that change his character. It definitely shouldn't end in a forced and shitty happy ending where everything turned out alright in the end.