If Snake wants to be stealthy, avoiding being recognized by his enemies in combat wherever he goes...

If Snake wants to be stealthy, avoiding being recognized by his enemies in combat wherever he goes, why doesn't he just not wear the eyepatch?

They'd still recognize the mullet, you idiot.

Why not get a haircut then?

you don't want to know what big boss looks like when he gets a haircut

He looks really gross without it.

He should just wear sunglasses like Master Miller

He doesn't wear an eyepatch in MGS3, I don't see what's so gross about it

Your point being?

Doesn't look gross to me

Because he attempts to not be seen at all.


OP is completely missing the point of stealth. Either that, or OP just has a fetish for his left eye.

Snake Eater era Big Boss is hottest. (no homo)

why does he not look like Keifer?


Big Boss is not meant to be seen without his patch.

He is the legendary soldier. It strikes fear into foreign soldiers that at any second he could appear from the shadows and murder their entire platoon before they even heard a rifle drop.

Actually looks more imposing.

If he gets caught at all he's dead. They eye patch won't change much.

That would require him actually being visible. I don't see what you're getting out of this discussion.

Remove your damn eyepatch already

Snake is a Ninja Pirate


Do it.

You mean bibo

Are we going to have this crap for every single thread, or what?

Venom is objectively the cutest snek.

He could just wear a camo eyepatch.

I don't understand what Sup Forums sees cute about him. It's just naked with a thinner beard and scars.

I'll agree with you on that. Big Medic is the best looking Snake. But MGS3 Big Boss is more attractive that MGSV Big Boss

If your not homo you don't understand.

How dare you call Large Medic that way?

how dare you call him Large Medic?

It's Big Medic not Large Medic.

It's Tall Doctor, idiots

33 replies and 10 posters, huh?

It's obviously Massive Medic

You say that like it's a bad thing

Removed your eyepatch yet, ?


Not until you remove your eyepatch!