>In a bid to better satisfy advertisers, Google-owned YouTube is changing the requirements for YouTube channels seeking monetization and will soon strip now-unqualified channels of their partner status.
While developers affected by this change likely won’t be losing a major source of income from the loss of partner status, they will be losing access to a number of partner-exclusive tools that may have previously extended their reach on YouTube.
>The new criteria for partnership and monetization require channels to have at least 1,000 subscribers and a total of 4,000 hours of watch time during the past 12 months. Previously, channels had to only have over 10,000 lifetime views to be eligible for the YouTube Partners Program.
>While the new requirements are already in place for new channels, existing partners have until February 20 to meet the new, stricter criteria or risk being stripped of their membership in the YouTube Partners Program and all the benefits previously associated with that status.
>“It’s been clear over the last few months that we need the right requirements and better signals to identify the channels that have earned the right to run ads,” explains the Google blog post detailing the change. “Instead of basing acceptance purely on views, we want to take channel size, audience engagement, and creator behavior into consideration to determine eligibility for ads.”
>Google says the change is intended to weed out the bad actors and spammers that have previously gamed the system, but it notes that a “significant number of channels eligible to run ads” will be affected by the policy change.
>yfw Logan Paul managed to singlehandedly ruin YT forever
This is it. The actual end of youtube.
Ayden Wilson
Is it a bad thing?
Noah Garcia
not video games
Connor Rogers
Probably not. I think it's going to be the first major step in getting people like DSP off of the service.
Aiden Brooks
I wish. We need an alternative to it.
David Thomas
No it really is.
Now people aren't going to be able to climb the ladder. It's officially closing the door to new creators and simultaneously encouraging more stunts like the Aokigahara incident, as those are the only way to penetrate those requirements.
Camden White
This means less Let's Play garbage. It's good news m8
John White
Anytime Youtube announces something it's usually fine to air on the side of "it's bad somehow"
Justin Jones
not everyone can afford to take a trip to a foreign country just to act like a jackass for views. besides, those with talent rise above.
Henry Ortiz
People today are so fucking greedy. Newgrounds didn't pay anyone for like 6 years and we poured out our hearts and souls regardless.
Christian Sanchez
>and creator behavior This is the line that worries me. Who is deciding what is ""appropriate""?
Hudson Jones
>not everyone can afford to take a trip to a foreign country just to act like a jackass for views. People will find ways to act like fucktards in their own backyards user. >those with talent rise above. No, they don't. 90% of the top youtubers are garbage.
Nathaniel Young
Somebody explain to me, in plain English, what Youtube wants.
Caleb Carter
Meh, just more of Youtube moving away from being a place to upload funny videos and closer to being the new Television like they are want.
Carter Thomas
Fuck off faggot. The bar for being part of the partner program used to be WAY higher only a few years ago, and video quality has been at an all time low since they opened the flood gates for any scrub to put ads on their videos. All this will do is drive away the shitters who don't actually have any passion or drive and want to churn out formulaic/cheap content for easy clicks.
Make videos for fun instead of profit. If you make money doing it, great! If not, you still have a fun hobby. I know it seems like a shocking new concept, but back in the day that was the reality 90% of users on the site had to live with and the site still flourished.
Making Youtube into something people do as a "career" was a huge mistake.
Liam Lopez
It means logan paul and TV program celebrities are the only thing on youtube. Thank fuck Twitch is becoming the next youtube.
Joshua Mitchell
Susan of course.
Nicholas Robinson
No, it isn't. ReviewtechUSA describe it all, it has nothing to do with Paul. At worst he accelerated what was inevitably coming anyway: youtube.com/watch?v=jkeTsxqRb0U
Kayden Cooper
They want to be TV.
Juan Powell
Regular and larger subscriberships who turn up on a regular basis and watch videos 20 minutes or longer.
>Making Youtube into something people do as a "career" was a huge mistake. That doesn't mean they should agressively tighten everything up. Now the options are to create controversy or beg for sponsorship form an existing youtuber to help grow you base.
William Harris
More Money.
Angel Anderson
The same people whose first video they shadowbanned was on one for "race and intelligence".
Youtube dying would be a good thing.
Nathaniel Phillips
The owners of the business who is providing to you their hosting service.
Jason Martinez
>the right to run ads Holy fuck
Logan Hill
>have to average 200 views per day at 3 minutes watchtime If you arent shit this isn't a problem >1000 subs per year This is the problem. Niche channels will get fucked.
Ayden Hall
give me the skinny. What does this do? Is this the end of DSP channel?
Kevin Cox
It was Pewdiepie that started the decline. Saying some racist shit on youtube. forced them to remove his youtube red show and start cracking down and roboticly demonetizing everything. The problem with Logan Paul is that Youtube is defending him. He is one of their highest grossing partners.
Angel Baker
Sup Forums - Youtube & E-Celebs
Jaxson Martinez
Not really when you really think about it. At first glance it might seem like it, but it's not.
Kevin Rivera
but the big channels Im sure you hate (Game Grumps for example) wont change because of course they meet the requirements.
Carter Ramirez
People will just look to sponsors instead, like Audible and LootCrate.
Jeremiah Perez
No, I mean, what do they want their site to become.
Jaxon Perez
Twitch is so much worse though
Luke Peterson
>another dsp begging stream inbound
Robert Robinson
subs per year I think it's a raw minimum, not a yearly ratio. even the biggest channel would end up being unable to maintain that.
David Perez
That shit doesn't work at all. They make almost nothing from it.
More profitable and less risky for advertisers. They're tired of advertisers seeing unwanted content alongside their ad spots and pullling their contracts.
Benjamin Rogers
If you're a no-name trying to do a Youtube channel, it is.
Christopher Nguyen
I don't understand the logic all these advertisers use. Do people really see an ad for coca-cola then watch some guy scream nigger and somehow correlate coke to hating niggers? I don't fucking get it
Grayson Long
maybe the 90% you watch is. I don't watch viner turned youtuber #393 and their daily vlogs. good content is out their...it's just a matter of going out and finding it.
John Garcia
they dropped Logan's partner status dude
Isaiah Nguyen
Logan got 56k subs from that one video alone
Aiden Thomas
Evan Perez
It's either time to step up to being a non lazy fuck and produce decent content or get a real job. I like this.
Landon Lopez
A thread about video game controllers got deleted earlier, so you aren't entirely wrong.
Charles Baker
>good content is out their Now you're moving the goalpost. TOP youtube is garbage.
Fuck off with this bullshit user.
Ayden Bailey
Don't you think this thread would be a better fit for /biz/ or /news/?
YouTube isn't really video games
Xavier Davis
>Now no-name Youtube channels won't be able to make that $2.50 per month they were making on their boring, redundant let's play and/or video essay channel.
Let's be real, if you have less than a 1000 subs you're not even remotely close to making any noteworthy amount of money anyway. People upset about this are retarded.
Juan Garcia
it was a different time user, 90% of Sup Forums was probably 3 or 4 years old back then. We were a smaller community that only cared about the lulz.
Jack Nelson
So, less ads for users to sit through? How is this a bad thing?
Ethan Peterson
You sure they dropped Logan's multi-billion dollar partner status?
Gabriel Brooks
maybe because it mostly comprised of people who put out content just for fun? most people make a career out of youtube. which means they have to take it seriously and not make any "fun" content. you see people say all the time hoe they are "depressed" when it comes to making up videos and shit.
Aaron Bennett
Its more likely just 1k subs total and not yearly but thanks to english language its hard to tell
Jonathan Young
Coca-Cola doesn't want to give their money to this kind of people, it's that simple.
Carson Morgan
Luis Thompson
It's precisely because money got involved that people started becoming so lazy and greedy.
Everyone gets paid. Tell all YouTubers to come here or be a millionaire yourself
Jacob Allen
me? I come to Sup Forums for updates on the youtube platform and see what’s up with my favorite vloggers
Sebastian Gray
No, it means more ads, it's just that now google gets to keep even more of the revenue from them and small channels get nothing.
Jason Young
Where are the mods?
Samuel Cox
thought that was hooktube?
Hudson Ramirez
Oh please you can't make a thread here about video games any more unless you have some fantastic bait attached or you're shitting on Nintendo otherwise it's just going to be shitposting or drop off page 10.
There's a reason why Sup Forumseekend threads left the board
Mason Williams
I want to too, user. I want to too. But we don't always get what we want.
Kayden Parker
I'm not quite sure phil would get affected by this.
Ryan Ross
anti-racism is a cancer that needs to be eradicated.
Also, youtube operates at a loss, so Google needs to do something to keep it afloat. It doesn't help with the leftism that infects these cooperation. So there is another agenda here.
Connor Reed
Busy 404ing threads unrelated to Sup Forums, like discussions about videogames.
Asher Cruz
Isn't coca-cola just giving their money to youtube? Why do they care that $3.35 of youtube's money gets dispenced to some turd?
Isaac Thompson
This is YouTube for bitcoin literally
Adam Wood
They don't. But old media has been running a smear campaign against youtube advertisers for years. The headlines on newspapers are frequently "Youtube is funding terrorism" and such.
Newspapers and TV are getting utterly destroyed by youtube so they're going for an all-out attack. Why do you think the NY Times went after PewDiePie? He gets more eyeballs per video than they could hope for an entire month of articles
Sebastian Jones
how is that moving the goalpost? you said 90% is garbage without posting any examples or offering a video to prove your point. thusly I assumed you were going off your own opinion and bias. if these people made garbage content like you claim, they would not be at the top. people would see it and turn their noses up at it. so since you say that 90% is bad offer examples. hard mode: only name a youtuber who has been only on youtube since they first came on the internet. no viners or "musicians" of any sort.
Jacob Peterson
Youtube was never good.
Eli Martinez
>tells DMCA abusers to fuck off >allows titty streamers and goofy dude streamers to have equal successes >not afraid to permanently ban very high viewership streamers if they break the rules Do you hate Twitch because they have a diversity hire program or some stupid shit like that?
Liam Edwards
Jace Hill
>? you said 90% is garbage 90% of TOP youtube is garbage.
Learn english you miserable fucktard
Brayden Bailey
considering they advertised on the las vegas shooting a while back, it's safe to say all they care about is making money and doing it "clean"
Carson Cox
People today won't understand. I barely understand it myself. We did it for the lulz.
Jaxon Thompson
Newgrounds was run by kids and teens who animated and made shit for fun.
Then they grew up and realized they had to start doing shit that shit for money and sites like newgrounds were useless to them.
William Morgan
ok then, 90% of top youtube is garbage. post examples that are non-biased
Jacob Bell
Whenever I go on Youtube, I can always find plenty of decent videos to watch, but on Twitch I find maybe 5% of the streams to be actually watchable. The subscription shilling on Twitch is 10x more annoying than it ever was on YT.
Dylan Diaz
I was in god damn high school
Owen Perez
This is now a trap thread because the mods clearly don't give the slightest fuck about the rules of the board.
Eli Foster
I want my family owned business back.
Levi Perez
>The subscription shilling on Twitch The vast majority of successful twitch streamers never mention anything besides the Amazon Prime connection, which they are contractually obligated to do at least once a month.
Isaiah Wood
Cameron Cruz
Mods don't give a fuck about anything
Camden Thompson
Ian Perez
>somewhat civil discussion about a topic that hasn't burst into a Sup Forums flamewar >hurr hurr no rulez!!!111!! enjoy your ban faggot.
Mason Brown
Imagine how much patreonbux a good flash animator could have made back in the day if the system existed.
Kayden Lewis
Not all of them. RandySolemn fucking died. He's the guy who got me into Newgrounds in the first place.
Samuel Rogers
I don't often say this but
Andrew Nelson
>“It’s been clear over the last few months that we need the right requirements and better signals to identify the channels that have earned the right to run ads,”
Does youtube not run ads on demonetized channels or something? That's what it sounds like, I don't know what the internet is like without adblock. I just assumed they play adds anyway but the uploader just doesn't get anything from them if they're not a partner.
Aiden Richardson
Most of them incorporate the sub nonsense into the very way they act, and constantly bring up donations or say stuff like "Welcome to le club!". You must have horribly low standards if you're okay with that sort of thing.
Landon Foster
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman watch out! we’re gonna get ya with our memes!
Lincoln Cook
Oliver Johnson
user this literally has NOTHING to do with games. Hell him posting traps is more relevant to Sup Forums because we were once called the gayest board.
Sebastian Mitchell
All those upstarts who want their own channel are gonna have to work harder to try and get it off the ground. It was hard before, just trying to get out there and make a name for yourself. It's going to be harder now, with all these changes. But if they are determined enough, really want it to work, and desire to provide as a content creator, they'll persevere and do what they can to break through.
Connor Carter
Kayden Moore
if we had today's technology in 2007, youtube would be no where as big as it is today. people would just using crowd funding system and only those who youtube as a hobby would go to it. no userbase = no ads for eyes.