Sup Forums I need help, Im a filthy casual but I dont want to be...

Sup Forums I need help, Im a filthy casual but I dont want to be. I managed to win a few times online and I realized I could be really good. I dont want to be a pro or anything like that but how do I get good? Any tips besides "memorize all the combos"? I feel theres stuff that i need to know like what is AA, v-reversal, ect. I get the general idea but the game doesnt do a good job explaining these so i feel like im playing with my hand tied.

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git gud

git gud

You don't need to train combos this early, just the most basic ones called BnB. You can find them on youtube if you type "your main character's name BnB".
AA refers to anti air, or hitting your opponent when he jumps at you, is part of the neutral game. The neutral game is about spacing, poking your opponent with long rage buttons, using fast buttons when he's close to you, knowing when to block, and most importantly knowing when to punish.
You want to punish when you block a big move from the opponent that's - frames on block. So you either spend a lot of time in training mode looking at what you can punish with a combo, or search for a frame list online.
So basically you want to bait your opponent into doing these punishable moves, or making him jump so you can AA him. Trapping him in the corner is ideal for that. You use your v-reversal when you are the one trapped in the corner getting a pounding.
There's more to it, but with practice you'll learn.

trying, how about some actual advice? i dont get why ppl even go into threads just to say that retarded bullshit. Also how come only DS and fighting games have such cancerous fans? Im a ranked FPS player and i love to help noobs yet if you ask for help in DS or fighting you just get this response.

what do you want to know you retarded shit, how many hours have you sunk into the game so far? if its less than 2000 all i have to say is git gud

who are you playing?

>You can find them on youtube if you type "your main character's name BnB".
ok ill do that
>AA refers to anti air
thought so just didnt seem to fit into the context but thanks
>knowing when to block, and most importantly knowing when to punish.
i cant get these down. I know how to block but its really inconsistent one match ill be blocking great next match they seem to hit right thru. What could i be doing wrong? Punishes i literally dont know how to do, i think i just need to get an actual button map becas i dont get the red/yellow/blue on the ps4 controller.
any tips on getting better at punishments like how exactly do they work compared to reversal?

>if its less than 2000
if it takes you that long to get good you must have downs syndrome. Thats not getting good is autistically sinking hours into the same game to have a mediocre understanding of it. Im a more serious player in other genres, im not wasting that much time to learn this one. If im not able to be a ranked player within 1000 hours ill consider myself a failure at this game. Youre pathetic, out of my sight.
i was juri but she kinda gets hammered online so now laura. I got to lvl49 in hard survival and one 75% or so of the 30 casual matches i played. But like i said i feel like im missing something becas i watched a tournament and they seem to do alot more with her.

1. Learn how to not let peoplle jump in by finding the your best normal attack and the timing of its use. This is AA. Always be ready to press that button.

2. Learn your character's optimal range. Try out all his buttons and figure out where you should be standing again your enemy. You want to stay where you can hit the enemy but enemy cant hit you. Or in a place where if enemy were to jump, you can hit AA and blow them off immediately.

3. Study frame data. Learn which move is safe to spam and not. Learn your fastest moves. Learn which move will put you at an advantage even after having it blocked.

Don't worry about combos. There are so many shitters online who have amazing execusion but they still lose because they don't know the basics.

won... i must be retarded

You want to be constantly blocking. Like whenever you're in the scuffle you want to press a button and immediately block. Punishing against a player who knows what he's doing is hard, because he won't just randomly do big special moves out of nowhere. Ideally you want to pressure him into doing them. Like for example a Ken player will often do ex shoryuken after getting knocked down. You want him to think you'll continue attacking him after he gets up, so he'll try and pull that shit. So you basically block it, and do your best combo when he's still recovering from the move.

It's all about understanding what your opponent will do. Like if they just block on wake up, you throw them. If they press buttons you crush counter them. He likes to jump, be ready to AA at any time. So in the first round you should scan your opponent's playstyle. In low level leagues opponents will very rarely change their style when you start counting them, so you can get away with that.

>ill be blocking great next match they seem to hit right thru. What could i be doing wrong?
Don't press buttons while you're blocking, unless the opponent is negative (red in the training mode). Also, try to use your fastest buttons when you want to press them after blocking (lp or lk, depending on the character you'll need to use the crouching version). If you're facing a really aggressive character with good buttons, then v-reversal out of that pressure.

>I got to lvl49 in hard survival and one 75% or so of the 30 casual matches i played. But like i said i feel like im missing something becas i watched a tournament and they seem to do alot more with her.
Playing against the AI won't teach you much. You can practice combos and that shit, but a real opponent will see your patterns and exploit them. So if you want to get good, play against real people as much as possible and try to see patterns on the way they play as well.

I don't know your league, but if you know how to AA consistently with your character, you'll see most people up to silver literally kill themselves in matches. All you need to do is wait and AA.

so use more neutral and less combos? i think im stuck in MK thinking becas all i try are heavy and long combos but neutral seems important here
this im actually good at
>3. Study frame data. Learn which move is safe to spam and not. Learn your fastest moves. Learn which move will put you at an advantage even after having it blocked.
can you give more details or ecplain it like im retarded? how do i figure that kind of stuff out? just training/vs cpu?
>Don't worry about combos. There are so many shitters online who have amazing execusion but they still lose because they don't know the basics.
kinda me rn lol

>You want to be constantly blocking.
how can i get better at that? sometimes it seems to not work or they break my block after a few hits.
how exactly do i do that? or get better at it?

I don't know what level you're on, so I'll give you some good tools that apply to most fighting games that are worth reading.
This is a pretty good "Getting started" guide to fighting games. If you want some basic insight into how to play, this is a good choice.
This is a good next step. This is pretty much a go-to guide on the mindset of most high level fighting game players. Even if you end up not agreeing with all of it, there are tidbits of good information in here that can help anyone, and it can also give you a better understanding of how other players may see the game.
This is a more technical piece, aimed mostly at SF2 players but applicable to other fighting games as well. I'd say that this is the most important thing you could read about fighting games, but may take some time before you're good enough to get it. After you've read the others, read this.
This is a list of articles, most by Seth Killian, which focus on specific elements of fighting game theory. This is all great supplementary material. Also has another link to Sirlin's "Playing to win" book, but I already included that.

Outside of that, things specific to SFV
>Crush counter is a really strong tool. Focus on learning a good crush counter combo early, as well as defending against typical crush counter setups. Pay attention to where each character's crush counter range is.
>Hard knockdowns (Counterhit sweeps) are a big deal in this game, because you cannot choose when you get up. This makes it easier for you to land mixups. Normally your mixup is going to be either grab, or crush counter combo.
>Learn your anti-airs. Almost all new players are jump happy, so you can abuse this for free wins.

You are probably using moves that are minus on block. Find your character frame data and see which moves work. You want to punish moves that are minus on block.

>try to use your fastest buttons
what do you mean? how do i figure out which is fastest? do you mean basic attacks or combos? >v-reversal
i really need to figure that out
>Playing against the AI won't teach you much
really? that seems odd becas bison in story and survival seems ALOT harder than anyone i ran into online.
>I don't know your league, but if you know how to AA consistently with your character, you'll see most people up to silver literally kill themselves in matches
i think im still rookie but i won against a bronze and silver but just barley

Does Sakura do her victory dance?

thank you great post
now im looking this stuff up but still ill ask before i do;
>Crush counter
>Hard knockdowns
how? ive done them but idk how to do them consistently
>>Learn your anti-airs
practicing that now

>what do you mean? how do i figure out which is fastest?
If you're playing laura, he means standing jab is your fastest button. Every button you press has an animation. You don't hit people immediately. After this start animation which take a few frames, you'll have active animations, these are the ones that hit your opponent. After the active frames, you'll have recovery frames, which is the time it'll take until you can do another attack.

startup frames -> active frames -> recovery frames

Laura's fastest button is standing jab, which takes 3 frames to start. Her other buttons take more frames before they become "active".

Basic rules for blocking
>Hold down back to block most of the time
This is important. By not holding back, you won't walk backwards on accident, and will block low moves. Lows are typically better than overheads in Street Fighter.
>When you expect an overhead, grab, or jump, start holding back instead
Obviously holding back instead of down/back guards against jump-ins and overheads, however it also can give you windows where you'll start walking backwards. This means that the opponent will have to walk farther during their grab attempt, giving you a larger window to react to it and grab break. Sometimes they'll autopilot the grab attempt, and just wiff as you're walking backwards, giving you a free punish.

Also, there are a few unblock-able moves in the game. All grabs, Ryu's V-Trigger 1 fireball (At max charge), Chun-Li's V-Trigger 2 fireball (At max charge), and Urien's V-Trigger 2 (At max charge). Regular grabs are defended by grab breaking, and all grabs can be defended by jumping, with the exception of some Zangief Super Art setups, where if you block his moves at some ranges, he gets a free super. Just don't let Gief get in, and you'll never have to worry about this.

It's just finding a move that the opponent has that has a long period of recovery, and then hitting them with something when they miss that move. An easy way to practice this is to block a shoryuken, and then try and punish it with a big combo. Do not go online until you can easily punish a blocked shoryuken.

people reading books on fighting games? lol wut? just play the game.

Stop playing a bad fighting game.

>Crush counter
Every character has heavy attacks that stun on counter hit (Hitting the opponent when they're doing a move). These are called crush counters, and they're the most important change from SFV to other SF games. Most crush counters can give you a big combo on hit, except sweeps, which give you hard knockdown (IE: Knockdown where you can't change when you get up). Both of these are entirely dependent on predicting a bad move by the opponent, and then using yours at the right time and range. Also, in Street Fighter 5, moves have priority. Heavy beats mid and light, and mid beats light. This means that if you do a heavy crush counter attack after knockdown at the right time, the opponent HAS TO BLOCK IT unless they spend meter on a reversal move. If they do anything else, like grab break, jab, ect, they will be crush countered and you'll get a combo. In the same window where you can try to get a crush counter after knocking down the opponent, you could also go for a grab, because grabs beat blocking. This is the basic mixup game of SFV.

>You are probably using moves that are minus on block. Find your character frame data and see which moves work. You want to punish moves that are minus on block.
i appreciate the tip but i dont understand lol how do i find frame data? what even is that, also what does minus on block mean? im not used to SF or fighting game terminology

yes lol

>If you're playing laura, he means standing jab is your fastest button. Every button you press has an animation. You don't hit people immediately. After this start animation which take a few frames, you'll have active animations, these are the ones that hit your opponent. After the active frames, you'll have recovery frames, which is the time it'll take until you can do another attack.
>startup frames -> active frames -> recovery frames
>Laura's fastest button is standing jab, which takes 3 frames to start. Her other buttons take more frames before they become "active".
ok that all makes sense but how do you find that out? practice? or is theres something that tells you?

go to training mode and make frame colors visible, set the dummy to cpu and block his attacks. When he's blue, it means you need to keep blocking. When he's read, it means you can attack.

Go do this shit right now.

awesome thats very helpful

>people reading books on fighting games? lol wut? just play the game.
you cant get to a decent skill level that way unless you wanna be like the retard who said i need 2000hours before youll be good.
>Stop playing a bad fighting game.
>1 in world
i prefer this one, love the look and feel. I hate tekken and MK is getting stupid with their story and DLC characters. SF is the future!
What do you recommend anyways?

you think daigo read books on how to be one of the greats in the world? fuck no. get that shit outta here. just keep playing online learn the match ups and how to best counter every character.

ok that makes alot of sense with what i was experiancing, ill have to practice that more.>go to training mode and make frame colors visible, set the dummy to cpu and block his attacks. When he's blue, it means you need to keep blocking. When he's read, it means you can attack.
>Go do this shit right now.
i didnt even know this was an option holy shit, im going sensai!

>you think daigo read books on how to be one of the greats in the world?
actually he did and wrote one. I know very little about pro gamers and i know that. You dont get to be a pro by playing like a casual. You dont have to read book per say but i know you can get to that level by just doing matches or every 14yo would be pro

It may take some time to get used to it, but....
This has a listing of frame data for every character (It might not be updated to the newest version, but it should be close). The numbers to pay attention to are "Startup" which is how fast the move is, "adv guard" which is how fast you recover from the move in comparison to the opponent blocking (standing jab ends two frames faster than your opponent's blocking animation), "adv hit" which is the same thing but for when the move hits, and "adv counter hit" which is once again the same thing but when the move counter hits. Any time a move is -3, it means that it's technically unsafe, but can be hard for some characters to punish. Anything that is -4 or more is just unsafe, and you'll eat a punish if that happens. For example, Laura's sweep is -8 on block, which means that if they block your sweep, they're going to sweep you back, and you won't be able to defend against it.

No, instead he had a local scene of players that shares information between them. You don't need this kind of shit if you live in Japan, where the players are very open about sharing knowledge with each other, and you can just talk to people. If you don't have a local scene, online books and articles are the best way to get this information.

Pick a character, read a guide would be my advice.

Know your optimal punishes aswell it will lead to alot more wins.

well OP should have been born earlier when there was a scene in other countries in the 90s. too late to get gud now.

what about general skill? i want to be able to beat survival normal with all character at least before i focus on one, if thats possible

can you explain the "-X" idea a little more?

>well OP should have been born earlier when there was a scene in other countries in the 90s. too late to get gud now.
lol true, i was a kid when it was big and i tried but sucked really bad so i didnt play fighting games most my life. Only since SFIV have i gotten an interest and now SFV is making me want to get good.

>to do in training mode
practice one combo you can do from a jump in
practice one combo you can do after crush countering a dp
practice one combo that uses vtrigger activation extension
>start playing
learn how to block jump ins/crossups
learn how to anti-air jump ins/crossups
learn how to block people's safe pressure until they do something unsafe
learn how to look for and interrupt people's unsafe pressure
learn how to convert an interruption into damage or your own pressure
learn how to put on safe pressure

understanding the basics of all this will easily get you to gold, but don't try to do it all at once

is the PC version of this fine or should I get it on ps4

it's fine and it has crossplay, meaning you can play against people who have the ps4 version