Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time launches as a digital download on PS4 and PC February 20

>Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time launches as a digital download on PS4 and PC February 20

It won't feel right on PC, bros...

Ill get it for pc thou

This was the first anime in a long time that actually had compelling character design and emotive animation.

Does it have online co-op?


Game is trash. Skip in. You have been warned.

Looks alright, I guess.

How the hell do you know? Fuck off, no one listens to

>getting gurren lagaan season 4


I hope it runs on my toaster laptop
I have a PS4 but I'm studying abroad so it's not convenient having it on PS4

delet this

I want to forcibly cum inside akko.

>no US limited edition
For what purpose

>Shadow of the colossus remaster
>Dark Souls remaster
>now this

god dammit, I was hoping February would be easier on my wallet

>wanting retard babies
use protection u baka

dark souls doesn't come out until may though

oh, well that's what I get for having a hangover on a Thursday. That actually works for me then.

Is this show good or is it just waifu faggotry?

I hope bunny Akko is in the game

Its pretty fun.


>I only watch the popular shit posted on Sup Forums

first half is slice of life Witch School
second half is plot focused but still has some slice of life

Which half you enjoy more tends to depend on your taste

It's surprisingly good. I was expecting some "Cute girls do cute things" but it turnned out to be a fairly funny and comfy anime, with a bit of feels.

aw yeah

>Will post that, but never post content that supports otherwise
Women need to get off of the internet I swear to god.


God I love Akko.

I want to fuck big butt sensei


There's only girls (male) here


Do witches like head pats?


It overloads them with cuteness


English text option, yes or no?

You mean subtitles, that every game has?

So what style of game is this going to be? I haven't looked in to it too much.

>yeah i get my anime through Netflix, so what?

Less than 40 posts in and the Diakkofags are already out in force. What a surprise.
Carry on.

RPG beat-em-up
Think Dragon's Crown/Odin Sphere

It's just like TTGL, first half you will probably like it" second is all up to you.
That and minus an explosive ending.

I have 0 idea about the gameplay of this
someone explain

1. Mash buttons until you find unbalanced overpowered attack
2. Spam attack
3. ??????
4. Realize you can't get a refund


It's more like lighthearted adventure that happens to feature cute girls.
There's a movie you can watch to get the general gist. If you like it you might as well watch the other movie and the series, just remember to lower your expectations a bit.

Oh, every game has an English language version does it? Where exactly can I buy Fate/Extra CCCs English version?

>no physical edition
>no limited edition

Is the game shit or $10?

you gotta put more bimbos in bimbos or else there won't be any for the kids

its practically environmentalism

Oh, that's sounds pretty cool, I might just pick it up then.

Nice, now I won't have to pay for it.

this is better than diakko

That game was japan only, you retard. This one is comong to westtoo

Now think of slideshow animation combined with shitty models, boring unsatisfying gameplay and lots of conversation scenes


Reminder that Hannah has a crush on suit Amanda and Barbara gives her email to Lotte through Akko.

Does this happen in game? I don't remember any of this happening in the show or OVA

In game. There's also the team with twins that fight over who loves their smaller teammate and a witch who's learning fish to confess to the fish teacher.

No Switch, no sales.

>It won't feel right on PC, bros...
No, but it will be free

Honestly, the only character with a questionable orientation is Sucy. Everyone else is just good friends.

OVA was better

Trigger anime does seem to have good art styles.

Croix is hella gay. Just look at her.

She also wanted the world changing magic to make chariot gay for her

loved LWA, but they fucked lucy up in the full show. the first episode doesn't make any fucking sense.

>intentionally uses the other two as bait, nearly killing them
>laughs about it
>they still become friends

this makes zero sense. fucking no. no way. thats just fucking retarded on every level and easily my biggest issue with the show.

Akko is basically retarded, what'd you expect?

Akko is too retarded to care and Lotte's just chill

is lotte retarded too?


Is it based on the fantastic movies or the shitty show?

Makes sense.

She's a doormatt desu senpai.

still can't buy it. at all. from either end. its actually just stupid.

even if they were cool with it in the long run, i don't buy lucy becoming as cool with them after literally using them as bait.

the show has a good few problems, but that beginning is the biggest issue.


Can somepony please make a videogame with a plot that does not involve time travel?

It's just witch pranks bro. Stop being so sensitive.
Also, Sucy is consistently malicious. Like when she replaced the race prize with poisonous snakes, or when she tried to murder Luluco, or when she helped fuck up the party for shits and giggles.

They were also forced as roommates. Eventually they would get over it. And Sucy realizes if she doesnt kill Akko she can keep using her for experiments

now there's a cursed word I haven't seen in a long time

OVA was a lot better. They botched it and made the show as bland and safe as possible. Had one memorable episode (the suzy dream one).


It's a good day to be a PC weeb.

You're talking about the ONE ova that was made? The one I (and everyone else) seen?

Does the show even follow in the same CANNON?

Show makes its own better canon

>Does the show even follow in the same CANNON?
It does not, and tv series actually did a better job with the charracters especially Diana, so ignore crying OVAfags.

there was two ovas. the second one is slightly longer, about 40 minutes, and p good.

the show actually uses characters that are introduced in the second ova, so if you didn't watch it you won't know who the fuck they are for awhile lol.

as for the same cannon, its pretty loose honestly. not quite the same story.

It's very west-inspired that's why, it avoids the pitfalls of normal anime that make them look stiff and samey, they're not afraid to go against the stereotypical uguu cute girl look for the chicks which is good since almost the entire cast is female

Stuff like Lotte's glasses essentially being her eyes or Sucy usually being drawn without her arms sticking out of her body for a cleaner, more witchy silhouette is refreshing for an anime

I don't really like the gameplay, it wasn't even fun even for beat em up standards, but exploring the school and stuff is nice.

I hate when that is done.
>you just watched a thing
>we are making a series a year after
>it's a different canon, so forget all you learned so far
Can these "immediate reboots" stop already?

if you watch, totally spies, winx club, witch, and any other cartoon with a group of girls as main characters it is the same shit. but gets praised because MUH ANIMU MUH TRIGGER

Did any of you play the JP demo?
I couldn't figure out where to go.

Time to learn moonrunes.

Honestly the only real difference is how she finds the shiny rod. And Diana is slightly less of a cunt.

why rebuy games you already played?

Never owned a PS2 and got Dark Souls for the 360 as a gift, but only played about 30 minutes worth. I also have a few friends that are completely obsessed with Dark Souls and want to play remastered co-op with me.

I never played Dark Souls. Just Demon's Souls and Bloodborne.

What are the abilities of the best girl, Lotte?

The PS3 version of SOTC is very good.