I definitely feel betrayed. This should have been Switch exclusive.
I definitely feel betrayed. This should have been Switch exclusive
Are you posting seriously op?
MH was on a Sony console before Nintendo, you faggot
>30 monsters
>no G rank
>cannot hold even 45 FPS
>early access with internet fee on top
>'free' DLC that require paid subscription
>PC release delayed for the sake of Sonybucks
We're talking about world here, not generations
Sorry you’re not having fun user
Hope you change your mind and join us to hunt some monsters
Only one point fits Gen, what are you talking about?
If it aint for Nintendo, MH would be long forgotten.
If MH spread to other consoles it would have already blown up like it is now.
As a Switch owner I’m so glad to see World not on Nintendo systems
They’ve had the IP since 3U and the games have suffered because of it
>implying PS and Xbox did not have MH games
That's some nice history revisionism.
Would take too much cardboard
>being this retarded
user, you're talking to someone who jumped on with World.
They aren't going to know about 1, 2, Tri, P3rdHD, 3U or the Frontier games.
Nah. World is trash compared to all the others. Just boot up your 3ds or psp and have fun.
World is the only MH that I can actually get into
I tried the demoes on 3DS for the other games but they didn’t hook me as much as World did in the beta
Yeah, honestly the paid online, no local play and no portability killed it for me.
Honestly if the series has been on PS3 and 360 instead of Wii and 3DS the series would probably be much more popular.
There was a game on PS3.
It was the game that pushed the MH away from Sony for years.
Sucks that unite ismy online anymore unless you ad-hoc. Cause that game was fantastic. My 4u will do though. Or gen, whatever you're into.
Been games on both ps3 and 360. Just not localized. Japs didn't play them though. And that's where monster Hunter sells best
I'm aware, but it's just really sad how shills/marketers force their narratives on Sup Forums and gullible people just regurgitate them without thinking. It's even worse than wojakposting, since shitty memes like that can at the very least be disregarded at a glance.
It's the best game in the entire series. What the fuck are you on about cardboard babby?
Go home shill.
not sure what your point about "early access" is and there's no reason the dlcs would require a subscription
That's because this is the only good one. The rest were hamstrung by awful hardware and controls to point of being unplayable trash. It is finally living up to its potential.
Someone's clearly salty that MH is being outshined by fucking cardboard.
How so ?
>inb4 muh graphics
He'll say controls and confirm he hasn't played a single game.
Switch will probably get either it's own Monster Hunter or a remastered version of Worlds. Just happy it's being released on PC.
>remastered version of Worlds
I'd rather they'd have put the game on Switch and Vita.
At the very least they wouldn't have had to remove core features.
Do not worry brother, for their treason have brought them consequences. They now have to compete against the Nintendo Labo.
I'm getting a PS 4 just for this, so it better be good. I hope next year they don't just release the G rank version, but sell it as either a full new game and DLC for the base game.
>I'm getting a PS 4 just for this, so it better be good
Dude no.
Getting a console for one game is always a bad investment.
Also judging by modern capcom they'll probably release a SUPER Worlds that has no new content is just the DLC on a code.
It's the best one by far. Feels so fucking good on a proper controller on a console with good graphics. Runs great, looks great, and plays better than the others without question.
Most of the game's content won't be available this month. What do you call this type of games?
Damn you almost look like a shill
what the fuck
>I'm getting a PS 4 just for this
Oh fuck. Just World, nothing else at all?
>Runs great
It can't even maintain a stable framerate on the fucking pro you shill.
Here's a hint:
>30 monsters
I know you can do it, rev up those neurons.
Fag. Then explain how the best selling ones were on PSP?
Enjoy your glorious 240p, shit controls, ancient graphics, and archaic mechanics.
Are you like, retarded or something? All the content is already in the game
>early access
Quality not quantity user
I thought 4U was the best selling one?
>archaic mechanics
kill yourself
Can't you connect your vita to the ps4 and play from there?
So who's ready for the nergigante ?
And the list goes on.
Technically P3rd I believe is the best selling version because they had multiple releases. So the first one sold about 4m, the next 1m and so on. That's why Capcom's official site doesn't show the other sales.
After playing the beta a few weeks ago, I honestly can't go back to the previous ones. It's so far superior in every way. If Nintendo hadn't been holding it back, we would have had this ages ago.
i'm not the vitafag
i just missed this meme
they're not even adding this ones what the fuck?
Even better.
This is a new gen, with new monsters. If they even bring them back, they will do it as updates. Do you know what early access even means?
>This should've been a switch exclusive
Why? Very clearly MHW as it exists now would not run very well on the switch. And while there's a combination of series burnout in japan and the only switch MH is a 3DS port, MHXX did not so great on switch if memory serves. And while the switch has been a massive success, the amount of switch's do not outnumber Xbone PS4 AND PC. By making it available on all of those consoles Capcom is trying to ensure the most amount of sales possible regardless of platform.
Maybe Nier Automata and Persona 5, but no, nothing else interests me. Only MH.
lol, feel betrayed. It was only a matter of time Capcom realised they need to put their dying franchise (in the west, mind you. It's insanely popular in the east) on superior consoles.
sounds like a terrible purchase desu
Sup Forums is majority Nintendo shills. They’ll look for anything to be butthurt about if it doesn’t cater to Nintendo.
It would be absolutely insane of capcom to make a game with close to a hundred monsters on a new console with such massively improved graphics. Moving back onto home consoles is already a big enough risk. Now imagine if they spent a year or two more adding monsters to it and it failed to meet their expectations.
Nintenbabby tears are going to be delicious when this ends up being the highest selling game in franchise history. Capcom will never look back once it does.
Fuck off OP, MH spent too long rotting in Nintendo systems instead of properly developing.
How do you fucking idiots still get so easily baited several months down the line
>M-Merely pretending to be retarded!
>complaining about lack of monsters
>but also complaining that the devs are trying to remedy that with free DLC
If it wasn't for the DLC the base roster is all we would see user. Do you really want another Tri? And the lack of G-rank is the standard in the first release of a generation user. There will eventually be a G-rank re-release or paid DLC pack. If you're that concerned just wait for that and pick it up with all the DLC monsters that will be out by that time.
The only reason the frame rates were so smooth on nintendo was because the graphics were barely a step above N64
how horrifying
>No Zynogre
>No Nargacuga
>No Lagiacrus
>No Brachydios
>No Dalamadur
>No Fatalis
>No Nerscylla
>No Gigginox
>Only variant species ar the Raths
Is like they don't even want to give the fans the fan favorites
Rip fitz and mecha. All the good channels will be lost, like...tears...in the rain.
Beta starts in like 6 hours right?
Guys, head over to /mhg/ we're having some epic discussions about the game, this time for real.
>G expansion
>Can just pay a bit extra download it instead of technically buying a new game at full price, with more fucking boxes taking up space
MH moving to mainstream consoles and PC is the only logical choice.
It would have sold well if they had fucking released it outside of japan. And the Switch version actually sold quite well, acording to capcom
>Sony bucks
>Sony doesnt care about PC
>Releases same time on Sonys competitor Xbox
Why does half of Sup Forums treat Sony like they killed their parents?
>Fan favorite
How? all its gear looks like shit to boot
it's a really fun fight
yes, but MH is one of my favorite game series. And I can use the ps4 to watch netflix, youtube or porn on my 4k tv.
I can use my PC to do all of that, too. Sounds to me like you're retarded.
Do I need to buy PSN Plus to play this with friends?
I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's what they do with MHW. Seems easy enough to do, just dump all the new shit in an update and lock it behind a paywall. Hopefully they'll give base game owners a discount, and sell the G-rank re-release in retail for new players so the bar of entry price wise is lower.
Who's getting ready for the daily salt from the Ninten-drones and P/Cucks in 8 days
I'm just trying to justify a very poor decition based on love, man. give me a break.
Mad Nintendo and Xbox fanboys.
And seriously, what do you expect? Sup Forums was Nintendo territory since day 1
Okay, I'll give it that much.
the only salt is from me buying the game twice. If Capcom is going to jew us once again with a G rank rerelease then I'm out. There's literally no excuse to not have it as DLC other than greed
Nope. Then only thing you have to do is make a room and send the code to your friends so they can join you
All the sony shitposting is because of their and Capcom's relationship with how SFV went. I honestly wouldn't be very surprised at all to see that sony did kick em a bit of money for it but the people acting like they're scheming and intentionally delaying the PC release are a bit too tin foil hat for me.
Don't you have a PC or something?
In the final release yes, this upcoming beta I do not know.
I have never seen any actual Nintenbro salt about it. The only salt I've seen is the false-flag ironic shitposting sort like OP.
>drone to bro
I did not know there was a filter on that word.
I imagine most switch owners have to own a PS4 PC or Xbone at this point. Unless they just haven't been playing videogames at all this entire generation.
I'm not even that mad. So I have to wait 8 months. At least then I'll be able to play with my actual group of friends, the game will have a couple more monsters, and I get to continue ducking the cost of playing online.
Not a gaming one. just a porn-work one