Name a single game that lets you kill children

Name a single game that lets you kill children.

You can't

Heavy rain

fallout 2

I murdered at least five different kids in Pillars of Eternity and that came out like two years ago.

cry of fear

Deus ex

fallout 1

David Cage has no morals or sense of shame but
>david cage

Mega Man Zeeo 3

Skyrim with mods

Dead Space 2

S2 never ;_;

I don't remember, there was no childrens in any postal right?


Fallout 2
There I did it, what do I get?

Its funny how C3bu was so shit but Sabagebu was so good

Mother 3


What the FUCK was her problem

every game with a child as main character

Only Gary Coleman


Drakengard 1

Dwarf fortress

do your friends in SMT games count as children?

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pa- w-wait...

Fallout 2, you even got a perk for doing it

One time I got an attack helicopter to crash onto all of them at once, I wasn't even mad that the mission failed.

Fallout 3 let's you nuke a town with 2 children in it.

Also, fuck off stealth Sup Forums.

Baldur's Gate based late 90s isometric rpgs

>shoot pickpocket
>get negative karma

My wife

Dante's Inferno.
Meat Puppet.

She was too good for the show.

Wasteland. It causes Red Ryder to start hunting you and he will likely fuck you up.

there were a bunch in the final level of the first one but you cant kill them

Dragon's Dogma

Killing children isn't any worse, ethically, than killing adults. Prove me wrong.

All killing is unethical. The sooner you learn this the sooner people will stop calling you an edgelord. They'll start calling you a pussy instead.

Killing adult is worse as they already are useful members of society with years of knowledge and experience while children have only the potential on their side.

Pathologic has a sidequest that is about killing a kid who stole some drugs

Having kids makes it harder to play certain games that involve children

I can’t play Inside now even though years ago I played Limbo

ATF Simulator:^)


You can also get married with them, have sex with them for recreational and/or reproduction purposes, kill them, eat their meat, force them to become breeding cows, drink their milk and blood, and give them all the headpats you want.

It’s called having morals due to close relationships

An animal activist would be bothered to play a game involving randomly killing animals


Crusader Kings 2

Why is murder of children a bigger taboo than murder of adults?



the gf

This was a very underrated show.

Of course the roguelike game has the most degenerate choices

Killing is bad. And wrong. There needs to be a stronger word for killing.

Faggot with a children, what next.


>tfw no maya or kayo gf

What about Miou?

All murder is wrong ethically but an adult can usually attempt to defend themselves while a child is not capable of it depending on how young they are which is why it's deemed as more monstrous. Of course none of that shit applies to vidya as you don't ever kill real living thinking characters


Elona shooter also had children guided bombs

by orphans, no less

Fallout 2

overwatch, call of duty and minecraft


The correct answer has already been given user.

I was playing Inside yesterday, that kid I was in control of sure looked like he died a lot. He was probably dead inside all along though.

>you will never be this new again
The implacable march of time is terrifying

The official Phantom Menace game on PC, Tatooine level.

Heavy Rain is a legitimate game, essentially a point and click. Beyond is the literal movie game.

>It will never be properly streamed again because mods have no culture

you know the rules.


>activate bomb in backpack
>let child in Den Steal it
>he explodes
>you dont get negattive karma and noone is mad at you

>and give them all the headpats you want
Damn senpai this shit is too hardcore for even my edgy ass

and so do i

Black & White by Lionhead Studios

Technically you can but you get scolded for it.

It's hilarious, I wish there was a mod where Kaz cheers you on for doing it instead.

>play fallout 1 or 2 dont remember
>come across some people needing help with killing a deathclaw they had trapped in one of their buildings
>walk into said building
>child thinks im tresspassing when i agreed to help them with their deathclaw problem
>throws stones at me
>explode him with my deagle
>explode deathclaw with my shotgun
>nobody cared about either of them
i had no idea what was going on at that place

Children are generally considered pure and uncorrupted.

It's a benefit of the doubt thing. You can surmise that by the time someone is 30 they've probably committed some crime/sin against someone most likely.

That being said, in games it's always hilarious due to the absurdity of it.

am I autistic for liking Stella more than Sabage-bu?

>not chucking peoples children into the sea for lacking faith in you

>not beating their spouse to death with their child's skeleton

>not having your beast eat the remains of both in front of the one survivor

Black and White was an amazing PC game, shame nobody's old enough to remember it on Sup Forums.

I consider it the most essential mod

I've only played the second game. I've been told that it's just better all around and that I'm not missing much, do you agree? Should I seek out the first one?

>You can't
Fallout 2

Dying light
Dead Space 2

DL was just another bland zombie sandbox game with a shitty QTE final boss and a dumb brown sand map of a destroyed city and it is a bitch to play until halfway when you finally get a gun and the fucking plot is a disaster

Dead Space 2 is allright though, vastly better than DL I tell you whut.

HEre's a picture with some big fat anime tiddies

The sims.

This. Holy shit Bethesda stop making unkillable NPCs that do nothing but talk shit.

Does Hellmoo count?

Fat Momoka best Momoka

Shogo Mobile Armor Division

Empire Earth

also Baldurs Gate

I prefer Shena's ass anyway

Drakengard 1, FFXV (technically).