>playing vidya
>getting ass kicked
>go get a ice cold monster zero ultra (tm)
>crack it open
>take a sip
>focus and reflexes are now enhanced
>top of the scoreboard
are sips cheating?
>playing vidya
>getting ass kicked
>go get a ice cold monster zero ultra (tm)
>crack it open
>take a sip
>focus and reflexes are now enhanced
>top of the scoreboard
are sips cheating?
arent these made for women?
I don't know, are beverages like these allowed in Chess or other similar activities? Because when I drink one of these I actually get better results in gaming, particularly noticeable in rhythm games as I constantly break my records and achieve better scores.
flavorless shit
>sugar free
What a faggot
>sugarfree placebo shit
Actually made me laugh OP 10/10
gamer fuel my nig
> Energyless Energy Drink.
>that first sip of the day
post best gamer drink
I drink 10 of these every weekend to sooth the pain of the working week
literally zero ultra black or white are the best
>Zero calories
Not just women but fat people too. Energy drinks are for wageslaves
no user they aren't cheating, only winners know the way
No, /fit/, go home
It only starts to have effect after 20 minutes of drinking it so chances are you made yourself belive that you were better and actually played better
The only way to beat computers these days in chess is to take a sip before a match.
I see monster is now marketing on Sup Forums
Originally yes but the white ones are really crisp and refreshing. Way better than other energy drinks imo
The white ones are one of the only sugar-free beverages that I like
How anyone can drink that disgusting and over sweet shit is fucking beyond me. Even that sugar free one tastes like syrup.
>That old zero cal
Absolutely disgusting
Honest question do you guys actually enjoy this shit?
Once in a while. I usually just drink coffee but I'll have a sip if I've been workong late consistently or for a LAN party to increase my performance and stay awake
Ultra is legitimately my favourite soft drink, i dont feel fat after
Black ones aren't sip...
how fat are you?
I bought one just for the SIPS. It was weird, almost like diluted pineapple-mandarin juice.
Yummy desu
If you’re not drinking lemonade rockstars you don’t know SHIT about energy drinks
Caffeinated drinks are not a substitute for natural energy from a balanced diet.
Eat breakfast, and get your required daily caloric intake, you bunch of literal drug-addicts.
Instead of wasting 3 bucks on an energy drink, buy a bottle of caffeine pills for the same result for 1/30th of the price.
3 cups of black coffee in the morning, water at any other other time.
>drink a monster and eat a baconator in the same meal
>the mix of flavors repulses me but I desire more
>blatant ads are allowed on Sup Forums