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Did you see the downgrade between their alpha gameplay and last year's E3 gameplay?
Looks like a generic 3PS. Who gives a shit?
fuck off shill
Not interested unless I can play as a girl.
Female Vampires are absolutely
I hate OP
Go fuck yourself
is this a youtube for altright fags or what?
Looks bland as fuck.
Why would even try and make a vampire game not set in World of Darkness?
Did you see the alpha ran sub 30fps?
>made by frenchies
Well there goes that
nobody gives a shit about nwod
>Here have a rehash of Arkham/Asscreed/Mordor series
>Theres now 5! entire dialoges you can choose
no it's shit
It's like saying that Meme Souls are good games
So they sacrificed graphical fidelity for FPS? Still doesn't excuse the abhorrent animations
French Souls?
This would be kinda interesting if they took some pointers from an actually good vampire game and didn't do this Bioware bullshit it looks like they're doing now.
Did that bottom box just compare trannies to dangerous monsters?
Protagonist looks like an absolute gigantic faggot.
Vampire kino already exists numbnuts
no but you can skew it and it does
Has France ever made a good game?
Holy shit this game is still not out?
>from the maker of such masterpieces as Remember Me and Life Is Strange
Oh shit new Castlevania?
Ubisoft has made plenty of good games
Remember Me was good at things that's not gameplay
all of arkane's
so they have a talky wheel like Fallout 4
oh joy
Literally the Souls UI, kek
>Our game is AA. That means medium budget
So AAA = High Budget, AA = Medium Budget, A= Low Budget. Then what are B, C, D games?
There is not B C or D, but instead we have indie and doujin games.
>Beyond good and evil
>Bioshock 2
>Blood bowl
>Cities XL
>Dark messiah
>Endless legend & Space
>Shaq Fu
All of this just off the wiki m8
Everything about this game looks so Bland. Character designs, world, combat, music. It's all so boring.
And the graphics in that video looked even worse than 2017 E3 footage.
By the time this game comes out it's gonna be straight PS3-tier visuals.
>can't create a character
>have to play as filmschool dropout's OC like Horizon and Shadow of Mordor
Why do they keep doing this?
I'd play all of these AA action RPGs if they stopped shoving these voiced retard MC's down my throat.
>a talky wheel like Fallout 4
Don't you have homework to do or something?
>Bioshock 2
>Marin County, California
looks like bitcher 3 but with gamma turned down to 10
>all you jaded fucks
I understand this is Sup Forums but I'm still looking forward to a new vampire game, not enough of those
>inb4 Life is Strange
After the failure that was Remember Me they did a shitty "cheap" Telltale knockoff that just so happened to be popular among leftists. The fact that they do Vampyr instead of going full Tumblr and making unlimited sequels of LiS (instead giving the prequel to a side studio group) makes me think they actually care about making a good game
vampires are fucking dull though
A defined character is always better than some create-a-character, but of course the writing has to back it up.
>popular among leftists
Did you even play it
This. What we need is a open world pirate RPG where you play as a wereshark.
There's a difference between looking forward to a game and calling a game kino before you've even played it
>Did you even play it
>There's a difference between looking forward to a game and calling a game kino before you've even played it
That's why I'm not OP
I read vampire kino and thinked that could be about soul reaver. Only sad reactions
I'd actually like a pirate game with all sorts of fantasy/fisherman tale shit. I want the ghost ships, curses, sea monsters, skeleton crew, and whatever else.
have you seen the gameplay videos?
Combat looks like a bad mix of the arkham games and souls:
Have you seen the interview where they talk about what they are trying to do with the story? holy shit it sounds like shit, won't hold a candle to VtM
So another movie game for PS4 then?
and that's not even mentioning the awful console 3rd person over the shoulder camera
Always a good sign when they spend all their time talking about the story and characters and no the gameplay.
>Focus Home Interactive
It's gonna be either utter garabge, or average at the very best.
Too unusual for normie audience
Yeah his list is any games that had any development history with France, not just ones made there. BS2 had art support from Arkane.
as I said
>Off the wiki
Gameplay is too videogamey. They are creating art here.
alone in the dark was pretty great
>That's why I'm not OP
Never said you were. I'm just referring to your
>all you jaded fucks
remark. We're calling OP out on his shilling and you're saying we shouldn't be so jaded.
Wow you guys really hate everything don't you?
No I just hate shit games
Not an argument.
Was going to post this, what the hell.
Inb4 b-b-but OP said "kino" and that triggered me.
>>Did you even play it
Tell me why do you think your opinion matters, then
What do you expect? I'm miserable because video games were my only hobby all my life. I grew out of them 3 years ago but never developed any other hobbies. So now I want everyone to be as depressed as I am.
"Vulkods" fuck yeah,those are the types of Vampires I like(at least the concept),capable to turn into big bat like monsters that are capable to rip and tear their enemies.
"Other types of creatures" wow,this game may turn out to be a good vampire game since VTM:B.
I guess you didn't notice the sarcastic insult in there
Let me rephrase it without sarcasm:
why the fuck does it have a retarded fucking wheel for responses. It was stupid in Mass Effect and stupid in Fallout 4.
the one about angels is actually correct
>So they sacrificed graphical fidelity for FPS?
>Still doesn't excuse the abhorrent animations
The only good animation that company has every made was the ass in Remember Me.
>Putting his much emphazis on identities
If you have a tumblr blog, sure
I like it
Heart of Darkness
>Have some sort of phased movement attack
>Can't be used in movement in tandem with normal movement or attack
>Fails to talk about anything but "muh vampirism"
>Doesn't even adress the janky looking bad gameplay, or the horrid 1:1 ripoff the Dark Souls UI
Creators or EYE deserves better, than to share country with these hacks.
The main character is literally unironically Jewish.
Let that sink in.
What's this?
Not sure, can't remember.
So is BJ Blazkowicz, Sup Forumsack
then play their other game faggot
Isn't that from the gone home guys?
I ain't givin those homos money to fund their fag propaganda, get fucked.
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
Mate, the Main character is a VAMPIRE. I don't think you realize how fucking hilarious this is going to be when you look at this in hindsight.
yeah after a swedish company cuckified his background story.
And I aint even fuckin with you. I'd have legitimately enjoyed the game and even looked past the cringeworthy idiotic characters and story, but BJs constant bitching is so fucking anoying, I don't wanna play as that faggot.
ok that glowing cross part is cool
A lot of people are jewish.
the eternal bog
Literally the best thing about the shadows of mordor games was the movement, especially the new one, jumping around like a madman was actually fun, the rest of the game was shit tho'
Yeah, I have no trust left in dontnod anymore.
We'll see when its out.
To those already posted I'll add: Captain Blood, Another World, Arx Fatalis.
No,and they are one of the few game producers that aren't going to put a shit ton of DLCs,60 bucks season pass,microtransaction and cutting the game into pieces to sell it as "DLC".
>Tell me why do you think your opinion matters, then
same can be applied to everyone in every fucking moment of their whole life
inb4 reviews or developers because not baised at all
Fuck off cuck
>from life is strange garbage
Damn it's going to be shit writing
Oh I'm sorry yes. I mixed that up.
It's from the guys that made the game with the lesbian tumblr girl that shoots herself in the fucking arm or some shit.
That was pretty gay too user. I stand with my point.
>Original setting: Gothic "OI MATE" London
>le dialogue wheel thingy
>normie hack&slash combat
>main character is jewish AND a vampyr!
This is just discount Bloodborne.
It's not being jaded if there's nothing in the history of the studio to give you hope.
Same as Cyanide with that Werewolf game. They are good guys, their heart is in the right place. But I won't be expecting anything good given their releases and see what we get once it releases.
Just like Remember Me before it, I hope this turns out to be good.