Console wars will always be a part of gaming

>console wars will always be a part of gaming

idiots must always rally to a banner

Idiots want something to complain about and spam repetitive memes

Why? We're on an anonymous imageboard. It'll be forgotten as soon as the thread dies.

Because Nintendo still exists

Your side can't be right unless you make another side wrong.

Irony is is that neither side is right.


Every time.

because humans are hardwired to be tribal.

gamefication of products by marketers

What about idorts?

Theres no sides, only retards fighting each other for stupid reasons

all that matters is that a product is sold



because there are people who are too poor to buy all worthwile platforms

and there are retards who are gonna buy worthless platform and defend it

t. analvore and scat lover

>Can buy every console
>Still prefer Sony

Because it's eternal.

Because pointless bickering has become a hobby in of itself.


There will always be poor people and children that are only allowed to have 1 platform.

And lastly the legendary 1989 post

Platform choice is expensive for teenagers. Teenagers are also very stupid. Teenagers thus feel the need to defend their choice and attack all others.

>shut up bunghole

Does brian have a bunghole left

>when you own both consoles but swing at sony in shitposting threads because they're the most numerous, most vocal, and the most easily triggered

Personally I think the Switch is a piece of right wing garbage akin to the AMD PC. Slow, out of date, but heavily marketed so that mindless dweenies will think it's the hottest thing since Zelda had her first period. I have yet TO SEE A SINGLE GAME ON THE THING SUBSTANTIALLY BETTER THAN STUFF I PLAYED ON MY OLD XBOX 360 TEN YEARS AGO... Yes, there are some nice games, but they do not do anything extraordinary and in fact clearly show the glaring limitations of the thing's inferior Tegra hardware.

Shitposts are timeless

>Shitposts are timeless
Have some ancient toddposting

All of them only have namecalling to defend themselves with too


yeah no you should have dogma level convictions concerning absolutely every last topic youre right my guy

They are also the most vocal group on the internet.

There will always be gullible idiots who dont understand the nature of consumer culture.
Sup Forums is always full of shit posters but those who take it seriously are the true cancer


Because teenagers think shitposting is unironically funny and so will shit up every board and forum that they can find regardless what console/consoles they have.

>Because teenagers think shitposting is unironically funny

Maybe that's why I don't find it funny.

>As long as there is something there will be people to complain about it

Why must we dwell in such hate?

It's the internet.

It's fun. Deal with it.

only poorfags choose a side

Because you allow it to happen. Gaming is dead it's not about making good games it's about making money.

I'll be glad when the planet finally decides to kill us all.

If you find shitposting fun, you need to leave.

>ancient console war fanboy post goes on about how Sega will be fine, how Nintendo is financially fucked and Sony will fade into obscurity

"This research examines how people respond when a commercial brand they identify with is threatened. Across four studies, the authors found that among participants who identified with a brand, a threat to the brand elicited the same responses as a threat to the self. Specifically, participants with low implicit self-esteem defended the brand when the self was activated, unlike their high implicit self-esteem counterparts."

journals sagepub com/doi/abs/10.1177/0146167212445300

TL;DR People with low self-esteem respond to threats to the brand they follow as if they were targeted to them personally.

This is why console war bullshit is so stupid. Armchair analysts think they can predict the future.

>shitposting about consoles and posting unfunny wojaks is "holding serious beliefs"

>holding a serious conviction that one console is special and worthy of being part of your identity and other consoles are bad and the people who own them should be mocked
No one does this including you so that picture is irrelevant you brainlet. Arguments start over consoles because most people don't have the money to own them all. They start as attempts to justify their purchase and then devolve into shit talk purely for the sake of antagonizing each other.

weak minds get owned by the big ones who see's them as their leader,that's why platform wars exist,or politics,or any fanaticism,they are all cancer

not really surprising desu

I recognize you
you're the guy who posts screencaps of old early 90s posts of people complaining about moeshit on Sup Forums

I'm glad I didn't have a computer then. I was blissfully ignorant of all attempts to make me regret having the wrong console.

Why can't they just be one vidya platform for everything? A movie buff doesn't fight over which brand of Blu-ray player other movie buffs uses since they all play the same shit.

Lol no

Todd Howard, telling sweet little lies since 1997.

Because video's are pretty much independent of whatever hardware is playing it. If movies were rendered in real time and looked different on different hardware, then people would probably argue about which one is the best

because there will always be some who are so poor that they do not have one platform or the other, despite their desire to be idort

Because it's fun seeing people get legitimately mad over stupid shit.

Maybe if you're a child.

Most people here are bored, underage and poor
The perfect breeding ground for console warrior retards
incidentally it's also the same kind of people militaries and terrorist organizations would want to appeal to

Yeah like that.

Maybe that was true in previous console generations, but everything uses x86 architecture nowaways. The PS4 and Xbone might as well just be gimped PCs.

What does that have to do with anything I just said?

Make me :^)

Sony and MS should just make one vidya console.

You canĀ“t fight nature user, wind blows, rain falls and retards will be console fighting

Buyers remorse and proprietary hardware. It would all go away if retards would stop supporting it and nobody would have to either spend a thousand each generation for all the platforms and their online services or only buy select ones and gamble thst it will be worth down the line. And even if it wasnt, buyers remorse will make them pretend it was and shitpost on this board, shilling for their shitty plagform/game

It feels like a modern version of the Pompeii graffiti.

Better be a smart centrist than a braindead extremist.

Game consoles are expensive and most people can only afford one. They then feel subconsciously obligated to aggressively defend their decision.

Because there will always be underagefags posting online.

I just don't get Sony and Xbox. They don't even have fans. People who were Sony drnoes jumped ship to 360 and people who loved 360 jumped ship to PS4. There is no loyalty there. Nintendo fans are at least loyal and support first party games. Being a "huge" fan of Playsttion is like trying to pretend DC comics is still popular with normies compared to marvel or The Rolling Stones are better than the Beatles.

Because children are allowed on the internet.

>consolewar post
Get a life

This. I fucking miss Sega hardware. Only company to have genuine fans and mascots other than Nintendo.

>Now a bunch of fucking jocks are laughing at Ranma.
Chad confirmed to be a Ranma fan.

Only when everything finally comes to PC will we all be truly united

Ahh yes, PCfags truly don't rub it in the faces of console players when they lose an "exclusive."