Other urls found in this thread:
>the Virgin virtual reality
>the Chad cardboard reality
If and most likely you are you are consuming commercial products, you're most likely ingesting soy in some form.
So we're all soyboys.
Soy is actually really tasty because it can taste like anything you add to it. I don't understand this soy meme.
I say fuck consumerism I will destroy all of it in the astral realm
Wasn't that only for tofu? Soy has a distinctive taste in other things
Maybe this picture will help you
fuck neo nintendo as well
Soy can increase estrogen production, but underages don't understand that males and females have estrogen and testosterone.
When males get older, their estrogen levels rise and testosterone levels lower.
Having too much estrogen can be bad, but so is having too much testosterone, balding, prostate cancer etc.
So, it's just a new meme, people just got bored of cuckposting.
Sweet insult bro
>but so is having too much testosterone, balding, prostate cancer etc.
that's just what (((they))) want you to believe
Aren't there countries which consume a lot more soy on average? Are their men just all a lot more feminine?
Eat 12 onions every day then and report back
i´ve been to much in Sup Forums
Japs consume a lot of soy and most of their men are betas
I already eat 24 a day, gotta have some buffer in case I absorb any ambient soy from the atmosphere
So is there something to it or not?
Take down the control system
It has nothing to do with the flavor, you dolt.
Couldn't find the pic I was looking for but see the pic. Not versed on this topic so take nothing I say as gospel but the issue is that there's these things called plant isoflavones which are literally plantoid estrogens (phytoestrogens). These actually work the same way that normal estrogens work with human estrogen receptors. Soy is fucking loaded with plant estrogens. It's also an ingredient in nearly every single food product that you buy in markets or fast food places. It's theorized that the reason that males are so feminine and transgendered and generally weak in first-world countries now is due to the hormonal havoc being wreaked by the phytoestrogens in soy products.
Consuming soy literally turns you into a female. It's a fact.
Memes aside, moderate consumption probably doesn't do shit. Eating it 24/7 will most likely cause you to get chubbier and less muscular, though.
>Not versed on this topic
then shut the fuck up
It's for this mostly
I'm unironically hyped to see what autism people will unleash with the cardboard things
>guy talking about WW3
finally something good to come out of the soyboy meme
you're doing gods work making OC user
Since it's a shitpost thread can you guys help me?
I'm searching for the name of a legit autistic dev who made a ridiculously complicated game with very basic tools, there were videos of him eating pizza and cleaning walls and made a tabletop game with pebbles based on advanced mathematic
His name is something like Ilulilalu or some shit
I can't decided between robot or variety.
>he think (((they))) don't have everything planned in advance
come on user, don't be stupid.
>implying the secret societies didn't invade all the religions back in the day and made all the symbolism about natural events in humanity and about leading to inner knowledge
Also what about Albert pike he was a confederate general and crested the KKK good thing the secrets can spy on the racist people to make sure they follow an agenda
Lets look at trayvon martins dad
Platform masters. You’re welcome.
Accurate representation of the current fanbase:
SJW proven to be a govt made thing in this post
Your doing what your govt wants you to.
You have no free will
>Sup Forums making fun of soyboy
Post a picture of yourself, go on do it. I unironically wanna see what the average soyposter looks like to be talking this much smack.
Yeah, and it only came at the cost of cutting down millions of trees! Based Nintendo!
>soy can increase estrogen production
the soy meme is just a way for weak introverted men to distance themselves from weak extroverted men
You gonna post a picture yet pussy?
Typical chicken shit soyposter.
What food don't have soy?
>he doesn’t know now about the tree planting scheme
Why do people post before actually doing any research?
back from where? Didn't notice it was gone
Manly food. Pretty much everything Sonybros eat.
Steak and lobster
Yes, in our profound conviction, the Grand Masters of the Order of Templars worshipped the Baphomet, and caused it to be worshipped by their initiates; yes, there existed in the past, and there may be still in the present, assemblies which are presided over by this figure, seated on a throne and having a flaming torch between the horns. But the adorers of this sign do not consider, as do we, that it is a representation of the devil; on the contrary, for them it is that of the god Pan, the god of our modern schools of philosophy, the god of the Alexandrian theurgic school and of our own mystical Neoplatonists, the god of Lamartine and Victor Cousin, the god of Spinoza and Plato, the god of the primitive Gnostic schools; the Christ also of the dissident priesthood.” 4
>you have to build your own peripherals now
Back on my day you had to build your toys as well.
>he doesn’t like STEM projects
Liberal arts under grad detected.
Except phytoestrogens are found in more than soy. They're in a lot of foods from various beans to different grains to processed foods (but that don't contain soy). And they're found in amounts comparable to soy so you don't get that as an out either. If eating phytoestrogens caused femininity then men would have been trannies 200 years ago.
It's literally bunk Sup Forumsscience BS. Eating phytoestrogens doesn't make you a woman. You literally can't cope with social change which is causing you to reach for weird conspiracy theories to explain something simple: things change.
>some fatass Sup Forums poster thinks he's any manlier than this twink
Oh man the delusion
never said they weren't. Just that soy is particularly high in them.
>cardboard pefabs
There's literally no scientific evidence of phytoestrogens effecting human hormones in any significant way and they're in way more than just soy products.
>inb4 muh gay frogs alex jones conspiracy
Yes, and?
>Sup Forums of all boards acting like they know anything about masculinity
What kind of food would you need to eat to end up as a soyboy?
I'm going to wait for you to read your post over.
Anything with soy
Nigger, Baphomet is just Mahomet which is the name Muhammad in old english.
Those found to be worshiping Muhammad were obviously worshiping the devil religion of Islam. There's no cryptic mysticism to it dude.
>when you actually want to read the Financial Times article in OP but the thread is so(n)yboy posting
But isn't soy is most market products? How do you even avoid it?
difference in getting something with 2% soy twice a week and drinking half of your meals as soylent and slowly rewiring your brain into wanting to get fucked in the ass
>take nothing I say as gospel
>it is theorized
was careful not to omit these bits for a reason
>we are all soyboys after all
oh no
cook your own meals like a normal person.
It's basically a shitty Sup Forums meme that snuck into Sup Forums one day and become the new buzzword to replace cuck as the word for a type of people Sup Forums doesn't like.
All because of some BS about Soy making you more "feminine" or some shit even though it's in everything more or less.
Just a shitty forced meme.
>It's basically a shitty Sup Forums meme that snuck into Sup Forums one day
It flooded the entirety of Sup Forums
>The console has appealed most strongly to hardcore, adult gamers. But the focus on children in the marketing video suggests Nintendo is now tilting at the five- to 15-year-old market, which currently forms just 10 per cent of the user base.
>hardcore, adult gamers
I love the open mouth in each panel
This guy
This guy is right on the ball.
>No replies because dumb insecure soyposters know it's true
How can I see a full study?
>fun things shouldn't be fun
>you need a specific set of consumer habbits to be happy the right way
>but don't be a soygoy
>don't be a normie
Jesus, it's like being a shallow judgmental high school girl.
Whew found the plugmedia guys
you can thank the meaningless mods on here for letting Sup Forums garbage fester like the cancer it is but hey they do a great job making sure you never get triggered by a stupid pastel horse
The pol insult aspect of it is dumb and ineffectual
I always say thanks when somebody inevitably regugitates the word soyboy in my direction
this is EASILY worth 80 bucks alone
ok but what's your thought on soygirl, just curious haha
Maybe if your fucking retarded
My sides
the fucking state of nintendo
Lol get a load of this faggot
this bored is a cesspool
he's right tho
Bet you have lots of em fatass
pay the jew his grease silly goy