If you didn't find a single aspect of this game fun, enjoyable and entertaining, I would go as far as to say "you don't really like video games anymore". The first person shooting is good, lots of good quests, completely open world and open choices, crafting, building, companions, day and night cycle with weather, stealth, different builds, good voice acting for almost every character you meet, characters feels like characters instead of "just another NPCs ... I could go on for a really long time, but hopefully you get the point.

After a 100hr+ first playthrough, the fun is only getting started because the mod support is WITHOUT QUESTION the best in the industry (even consoles can mod the game, that's when you know it's 10/10). There are radio mods that people have put thousands of hours into recording professional voice actors with excellent scripts, there are mods that can completely change any aspect that you didn't like your first time around - it adds hundred of hours to anyone that likes to play video games.

I challenge you to argue against this.

Other urls found in this thread:



>I could go on for a really long time, but hopefully you get the point

You've said absolutely nothing about the game, just claimed the shooting and quests are "good" then listed a handful of things about it you liked. Go back. Expand. Convince me it's not another abhorrent mess of shoddy writing, bugs, and pathetic RPG mechanics.

the shooting is mediocre and only good in comparison to the shitfests that 3 and NV were

everything else about it is either shit or mediocre at best by RPG standards

good bait

fetch quests and that single interesting one where you enter a psychopath's house while raiders are busting down his door trying to kill him
Choices have no consequence
Yeah they're pretty good
I'm going to stop here because a day night cycle isn't a feature you should write home about

>lots of good quests
lol no
>completely empty open world
>open choices
hot cancer

i'll just stop there because there's no way you aren't baiting
the shooting is good for an RPG but pretty shit compared to any decent shooter and that's the games only strong point

>mods fix it
this is a shit argument, if the base game is boring enough after 20 hours and one completion mods don't matter.

If you didn't find a single aspect of this game fun, enjoyable and entertaining, I would go as far as to say "you don't really like video games anymore".

This is how memorable and good the game is: I can post this picture and it will absolutely FLOOD you with good memories of doing companion quests with Nick. And that's just ONE character. Or how about Hancock with the robbery questline, you instantly remember how fun it was.

omg fucking pwned

While it's not as bad as people make it seem it still falls prey to "streamlining" and it lost core RPG elements every other fallout had. Instead of putting their time into that they chose to use it to add VA for the survivor with limited dialog and a horrible base building system that strains an already ancient engine. Mods are gimped compared to Skyrim because they again neglected to implement moding tools, only adding them months after when the hype died down.
It's a cliche at this point but I agree with anons that say it's a bad fallout game but a decent game on its own also nuka girl a qt


I hated Nick Valentine
everytime I hear him talk I instantly think of Mercer Fray or all the Bretons he voiced as well
The only companion I actually liked was Piper
But the rest of the game was equally as shit as Skyrim was

I'm going through the dlc for the first time, why is far harbor so boring

It's actually the best one

They streamlined it even more. After playing fallout 3, I was pretty confident that the sequel wouldn't be casualised since it wasn't complex at all. But Bethesda pulled it off anyway.

Fuck off Todd.

youre on an island with inbred fev asswipes that are all HP sponges
I mean come one dude.. its literally Point Lookout 2.0 and lazy as fuck about it

>The first person shooting is good,
It's alright. For an RPG, it's good, maybe.

>lots of good quests
No. Most quests are completely linear and involve killing a million mooks or are all the same. I can barely remember a single interesting quest in the entire game. The main quest is particularly bad and forgettable.
>completely open world and open choices
Not really worth mentioning. It's an open world RPG. And the only choice you make is what faction to join. Everything else is completely meaningless.
Decent system, I'll give you that.
Literally pointless.
Quite honestly, the worst done companions I've seen in a game for a while. Most of them uninteresting, and they do nothing but bulletsponge and repeat 6 lines over and over. Their quests are pretty much all completely forgettable.
>day and night cycle with weather, stealth,
Almost literally every game that comes out nowadays has this.
>different builds
Lol. Builds are probably one of the worst part of the game. Every single character plays exactly the same. Perks are shit and barely change anything. You're still just going to use the best DPS weapon you find regardless of your perks and stats.
>Good voice acting for almost every character you meet, characters feels like characters instead of "just another NPCs ...
Untrue. Very few voice actors reading a million lines with almost no emotion, terrible animations and facegen, and almost none of them have anything memorable about them.

Fallout 4 can be enjoyable. But it is a terrible, terrible RPG and in terms overall quality, it is pretty bad. You liking it doesn't change any of those things. You're either being contrarian, or you have really low standards for games.

Either way, Fallout 4 is a below average game in almost every regard.

It was fun but it was also worse than every other game in the series, even 3. Just because a game is "fun" doesn't mean you have to hold it on a pedestal and yell "10/10 GOTY"

>when you mod it, it becomes great
10/10 argument you fucking faggola.

Finally someone else who likes this game.
The actual gameplay is what matters. That's what makes it fun.

what are some good mods to be a cute operator?

Are there any mods for FO4 that actually adds build diversity or good weapon options?


i know its a trap...

Contrarian like to shit on it but even being Bethesda game studios' worst title, Fallout 4 is still far above average.

wacky weapon workshop lets you make things like mp5's semi-legit without unique weapon mods.
redistributed power armor, so brotherhood arn't all wearing t60 shite.

Its a typical pcbro argument tho


I mean it’s ok, but it’s still intensely mediocre. Skyrims only real fault is zombie dungeons everywhere, everything else is quite solid. Oblivion is fantastic, it really is. F3 is solid.
F4 is just here, not doing much.

Todd please stop and seek help.

You're 100% right, the game isn't close to perfect but its not dogshit like 3 and NV. It's a good FPSRPG with a ton of content, which elevates it above 90% of games that come out nowadays.



The only fun thing about bethesda RPGs is mods.
So basically the stuff that wasn't made by bethesda.

i found it a lot of fun until the sotry completely fell apart when you find the institute

after that is was unplayable


I initially liked the exploration then the story was just so boring I had to rush through it and uninstall

>>open choices
1. Yes
2. No (Yes)
3. Joke (Yes)
4. Sarcastic Yes.

Yea and it only works for certain fucking games like minecraft where the source code was reverse engineered and modders can literally do anything, or skyrim, where people can use various injectors to unfuck everything bethesda.
Fallout4 has no people willing to do any of that shit because it's so bad.


Second post best post.
People who just call something good, or fun, or mediocre and thinking it is an argument need to be eradicated.

Fallout 4 is a good game, but it’s not a fallout game
Fallout is about exploring the ruins of an alternate America not playing post apocalyptic sims.

F4 is okay. However, I agree that the mods are what makes Bethesda games so playable. I mean, just check this out. It's still work in progress and its if far from the release oif this mod but I am super hyped for it.


mods can't fix the crappy quests and lack of RPG elements.

2 days ago I had a look at how long I'd played it since I bought the game a year ago.
Fucking 40 days and 12 hours in total.
972 hours in 1 year.
I do really love the game to be fair.

worst fallout =fallout 4

todd pls

I dunno. I would say F3 was wore.

f3 was shit but got much better members and better dialogue options, plus skills should have never been raped away

It's better than 3, that's for damn sure.

The bar isn't terribly high here.

>lots of good quests
go away todd


Agree with most of this, but I didn't find the story forgettable. It had a lot of potential that it infuriatingly squandered.

I mean it's one of the main draws. While cares if the game isn't even that great if you can turn it into whatever masterpiece you want? Mount and Blade Warband is an okay game. With mods, it's my favourite game of all time.

ED-E can't store things in his face, his circuits go in there

I've been playing fo3 New Vegas and fo4 side by side and I have to say fo3 is the best one all around for me. Especially the environment. fo4 is by far the worst and I couldn't even get enjoyment out of it with a shit ton of mods. New Vegas would be the best if it wasn't in the desert and suffered from the empty open world problem that desert settings do.

>empty open world
>desert is bad

3/10 apply yourself.

desert levels are boring and compared to even fo4, NV is empty. Even New Vegas itself is tiny and uninspired. I feel like I'm playing Mad Max without cars.



all fallout games are fucking gay

>Good things
The shooting is pretty fun, I wouldn't mind if they gave me a working cover system as well and not just the people I'm shooting at. I think there's a mod for it but I don't know how well it works.
There's also this thing that happens when the Brotherhood of Steel shows up where they kind of fight a mini war in the Boston ruins against raiders, gunners and super mutants. I watched a squad of knights and 2 scribes land from a vertibird, then fight their way through ghouls to get into a doughnut place, the scribes fucked around with the doughnut place computers for a bit and then they got back on the vertibird and left. That was kind of neat.
Other than that, no, game's shit homie.

The game has a lot of good elements but I feel like I'm never able to enjoy it. I like the settlement building and the gunplay is fine, however the gunplay doesn't mean jack shit when the quests and level design are soulless and dull. Every time I try to start a new game I lose interest by the time I help preston Garvey. The rare time I do get farther than that is when I reach Nick's quest and think to myself "this shit again". I genuinely wish I could go back to when the hype train of this game was still at a high. I did genuinely enjoy it on my first playthrough. But since I've realised just how hollow the gameplay is, and especially the 2-dimensional characters. Sometimes, when its quiet I can still hear Piper's unbearably chipper voice judging me for picking up trash.

Eeeeeeverything's for sale.

>Do come back.

Why do you even bother?

Any good mods yet?