What do you do to pass the time at work when you want to get home to play vidya?
What do you do to pass the time at work when you want to get home to play vidya?
Go for a shit and shitpost here
shitpost on Sup Forums, fap on toilet for retards, watch netflix or smoke weed while listening to spotify, sleep if there's not much work to do since I get paid by hour anyway
Since my boss actually has no idea what I do and how long it takes I only work during Monday and Tuesday and I spend Wednesday, Thursday and Friday shitposting, reading and watching movies while looking busy.
You'd think they'd find out after six years but apparently not.
Wish I could do that
I play games on my laptop, vita and switch or shitpost on Sup Forums.
Come home from work to work.
Fucking Mr. Grizz.
I don't because I am to far into NEETdom to handle the mentality of going to work 8 hours a day. I really think something is wrong with me because I have tried over and over again but I just can't bring myself to do it. I will always quit after a month or two.
I'm a cook. For five years I've been working in fast paced kitchens doing insane amounts of work in time frame's so small one mistake is all it takes to fuck everything. I've ran cook lines and, prepped catering orders, torn apart and reorganized walk-ins and freezers. Anything and everything you can do in a kitchen.
I now sit in the break room, sometimes 8 hours at a time, watching impractical jokers and browsing. Sometimes I post, like the one you're reading right now.
>tfw the actual "job" part of my job takes about an hour or two at most each day and I end spending about 6-7 hours dicking around the rest of the time
What do you think, Mr. Ramsay? Is my dish restaurant quality?
*fist bump*
Chef here, I’m first one in and most times last one out every day. If it’s a slow day and there aren’t too many reservations on the books I’ll shitpost on Sup Forums from time to time while I wait for the crew to get in. Then I drink heavily after work and forget all about vidya, rinse and repeat. Then on my first day off I play games most of the day.
I’m the other chef and I’d tell you to Kys but we all know that isn’t your food anyway.
My job is far too busy to really worry about it. The day goes by really fast. Its nice really, but sometimes I envy people that work at places so shitty that they can get away with just playing games all day.
Listen to music or podcasts or interviews or reviews because I drive.
I play video games.
I'm the only IT person in the company and work part time.
Outside of Thursday, where I Share the office with retarded eastern european soyboy - literally is a vegan that believes soy is superior to milk and milk is killing you - I play video games when I want unless I decide to purposely fuck up one of the computers and tinker with it.
That or I go down to the daycare and talk to the girls there for a few hours
I play videogames and shitpost on a personal laptop that I keep at my desk. Been playing Diablo 2 again.
About 4 hours of real work out of my 8 hour day.
> (You)
>What do you think, Mr. Ramsay? Is my dish restaurant quality?
Beef and banana with a red sauce drizzle. Superb. Next time I'd undercook the banana and let that sauce finish.
In the end your job is probably very menial or there is something horribly wrong with the company you work for. Being bored and/or browsing internet at work is the worst thing, I'd rather work and go home and get something done. You know that weird feeling sometimes when you come home and you feel not sick but weird. It's called being tired. I love to get tired from work. That way you feel like you are accomplishing something.
If you have ever worked in high pressure job you wouldn't talk about ticking any fucking boxes.
I play vidya every night though no matter what happens during the day.
is a
That's pretty much my life. I don't have any titles, but this year alone I switched jobs twice and went up 2$/hr. I work in retirement homes because my city is full of old people. There's more retirement homes than gas stations. The place I'm at now is like a short term stay for rich old people that leave the hospital. Orders are put in hours ahead of time and we plate in waves of 10 every 30m. Very, very little randomness.
The best part: we aren't even open yet. I'm here to cook food for a employee's (about 5) and watch TV. Some days I do actually work, but I can show up whenever and leave whenever as long as I'm 40hr or under.
When I'm home I drink and ignore my fat gf while watching movies or attempting to play video games. I get Saturday Sunday Monday off and usually try to play vidya seriously.
>When I'm home I drink and ignore my fat gf while watching movies or attempting to play video games.
This threads getting darker by the post
The US has so many cushy jobs user. It's why during the economic crisis people were fucked. I know exactly what you mean by coming home beat tired though. I'd walk in the door, kick my shoes off and crack open an ice cold beer and man, that first sip would just be divine.
You don't know what fat pussy smells like and you don't wanna know
Basically this. I see people talk about how they work MAYBE 10 hours out of their 40 hour week and spend the rest of the time playing videogames and all I can think is, that sounds nice, but the second their company starts crunching a bit they are out of there.
I work for a company that strives to get every minute of every hour out of their employees and it has made theme very successful. I never have time to fuck around during my work week, but I have near absolute job security because I know my job isn't something my company can hybridize with 3 other jobs when the economy pinches them. I do 40-50 hours of actual work that needs to get done every week and at the very least they would have to replace me with someone that can do the same. If I lose this job its because I do something to fuck it up, not because my company realizes that I'm not worth keeping on the payroll anymore.
God, I worked in a retirement home for a year and I’d never do it again. Great Benny’s and overtime though but the food is horrible. After that I went fine dining and never looked back. What city are you in if you don’t mind me asking?
Remote Desktop
different user, but my work squeezes everything they can out of us (time to lean, time to clean kinda place) but since the work is so low-skill there is zero security. Everyone just starts, gets worked to death, abused until they get fed up and quit, and then get replaced by another wagie, It's an awful machine.
Thats too bad. There is some of that at the bottom end where I work, but most people that stick it out for a while move up pretty quick. They don't really replace you unless you are lazy or a fuckup.
maybe I should have learned a skill instead of dropping out of community college and playing video games all day, but whatever
>tfw my desk got moved last week and it's right in view of my boss's office so it's impossible for me to fuck around during my shift
don't look at the clock
I do industrial work and walk 10k-12k steps a day doing all kinds of operation/upkeep/maintenance stuff, I don't have time to fool around
I've worked for various retirement communities. Some are straight from the freezer, others have been fine dining tier. I learned how to trim and cut filet and fresh salmon, make roux, all the mother sauces and their varients and a whole bunch of other shit at the last retirement home. Some of these are places are like Hyatt tier resorts. But I have learned I don't enjoy large kitchens. Too many people making too many
mistakes or just generally not giving a fuck. I would never go back to working in a restaurant unless it was a sous or higher position. I make 14 right now, and the median wage for cooks In my city is 11.50 everywhere you go. To get further I need all title, which hopefully I'll get from where I'm at now when we open and get going. The dream is to work in the Whitehouse as XC making well done steaks for Trump getting paid 100k a year.
I don't have time to do anything but work because the owners want us to run tight and now I have 3 callouts on top of that and now the middle school has early dismissal so we are getting slammed harder than a basketball at the fucking Space Jam.
Here's a tip. Go on zip recruiter and look for jobs with no prior experience necessary. They'll train you and pay you. Whatever your minimum wage is add 2$ to it and accept nothing less. Never settle. If you don't like your job, get a new one and ask for more money. That's how I do it. They need you more than you need them. That doesn't mean become a total narcicist asshole, but have pride. Know that you can have what you want and don't let your interviewer, boss or whoever tell you you can't find better or you won't find better because they ALWAYS fucking say that. They are programmed to.
Losing a job, losing an interview; it's never the end of the world. Go back and do something differently this time. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in the me that believes in you.
Good luck man, cooking is a tough life I would not wish on anyone but I can’t imagine doing anything else.