>It's Lovecraftian
It's Lovecraftian
>it's atmospheric
>it's a deconstruction of the genre
>it's lovecraftian
>it's just a bunch of tentacles and monsters
>you can kill them
>there's not even a hint of insanity.
>that game isn't real fun its nu-fun
>It's vaporwave!
>its the dark souls of x genre
Insane, isn't it?
>It's Kafkaesque
>duuude tentacles and im going le insane BLEUUUUUUUUUUURGH this monster is so scary icant even describe it LMAO
>its an open world crafting survival game
the worst one
"It's Lovecraftian."
How so?
"It's long winded, casually racist, and dipshits love it despite not actually having engaged with it at all."
>this moment is kino
>*posts a screenshot of scenery*
>"It's Lovecraftian."
>How so?
theres fog
ultima online
t. virgin
>It's free real estate