My computer's not good enough to emulate it at a playable framerate, and I've still got some left over cash from xmas

My computer's not good enough to emulate it at a playable framerate, and I've still got some left over cash from xmas.

Now that it's in it's twilight years, is now a good time to finally pick up a 3ds?

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It has been a good time since 2013

Don't forget to get Monster Hunter and Etrian Odyssey.

I would say so, you only need an sd card and mod it. So you don't really need to buy games.

Used 3DS XL or new 2DSXL?

Get new because it's better

>new 2DSXL
Does it fold?

No 3D whatsoever, huh? Will I miss the 3d effects?

All jokes and memes aside, unless you're actually going to play one of the handful of games that outright require 3D support, just buy one of these

They're dirt cheap, the screen size different is negligible, and they get the job done just as well

No, it's worthless

Having owned two since 2013, I can say that it's completely worthless as an effect. The only reason to buy the New 3DS over the New 2DS is if you like one of the designs better.

>30% of processing power gone
>no ability to play snes games

Remember to never pay more than 20$ for a 3ds game, honestly you should be pirating everything.

Get one and hack it, easy and free games.


3D effect compensates for the small resolution. Let's say it add z-resolution to 3DS screen. Also you better get the New one, user.

Stop being poor.

the only game that i use 3d in is mario kart 7. every other game i played gives me eye strain

A question for 3ds owners and pirates alike: best games of the system and stuff that probably isnt getting remastered for switch?

>My computer's not good enough to emulate it at a playable framerate
That's because 3DS emulation is shit and still being worked on.

>no ability to play snes games

Professor layton games.

>*audio delays*

Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem Fates
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
Zelda Remasters
Mario 3D Land
Ace Attorney 5/6 (1/2/3/4 are also remastered if you haven't played them yet)
>what is frame drop

>3ds fire emblem being anything but trash tier
Im truly sorry for your shit taste.

Etrian Odyssey series
SMT games on 3DS since most of those are remasters already

yes go grab a 2ds xl asap. games are cheap, the console is cheap

not an argument

Yes, the library is great and 2DS xl is cheap. Personally I would've search for used new 3DS XL but that's because I love the 3D feature.

works much better than snes9x psp and is still being updated.

I don't need an argument, the 3DS FE games are simply trash.

and native emulation on n3ds already works better

>native emulation

He means Virtual Console, it's "native" because it's a part of firmware, and a homebrew emulation would be "custom"

>mfw live in third world shithole
>3DS is usually found at around 400 dollars
kill me

>conquest is one of the best games in the series
go back to playing binding blade and gachashit instead of posting here

3D is great, probably one of the best mechanical features of the device.

>My computer's not good enough to emulate it at a playable framerate
Citra won't be worth using for at least another year at the rate they're going. Just buy a used 3DS and hack it.

how do I hack it?

is chase : cold case investigations really as bad as reviews make it out to be? i want to kill off 1 or 2 more games before playing persona 5.

Are you going to buy it, or steal it via piracy? If the latter, why the fuck do you care because you're stealing it. Your time clearly isn't valuable.