ITT: Tragic missteps in game design

ITT: Tragic missteps in game design

Blizzard giving the Horde elves meant all the fucking trannies and degenerates went over to the Horde, completely dilluting the very clear cut divisions between both factions. Implementing this single handedly started the descent into homogenization, casualization, and other shit tier game design decisions Blizzard made that caused their downfall and loss of subscribers.

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Horde was always for neckbeard NEET autists and freaks. AF were normies and chads. Look at Blizzcon attendance in the 2000s, it was like 80% Hordefags with bad BO that were actually okay with being caught seen at Blizzcon


>implying the horde isn’t the chad choice

All ERPfags are on alliance Moon Guard.

Everything but orc warrior is for fucking betas

I wasn't implying anything, I was making a statement.

Sounds like you're just a coward who was afraid to admit you played WoW.

Nah, never played it but I knew a shit ton of people that did. I was off playing a good MMO.

pic related.

>rolling Alliance
>willingly locking yourself out of the Orc stun resistance or WotF

they should just get rid of factions at this point

it would be really cool to kill your own race AND queue times would be nonexsistant

Every fucking time I’ve tried alliance I’ve realized it’s really a containment faction for retards and the underage.
It’s noticable because even the girls on horde at largely no nonsense tanks and shit like that.


blood elves should have been exterminated
fuck illidan

>Horde get Blood Elves
>All the degenerates, homosexuals, edgy loners, and children...stayed Horde, but are now Blood Elves.

>horde went from 90% male orcs and undead in vanilla to 90% female blood elves
i see nothing wrong with this

>And now, they fight alongside the Horde!!??? I SPIT ON DA HORDE!!!


best post

childhood is thinking that being an evil edgelord with lots of spikes on your black armored orc is cool

adulthood is realizing that pure alliance human paladin makes more sense

>Legendary Troll hero
>Killed in a throw away raid that had nothing to do with the expansion he appeared in

rip orgrim

>Thinks he's slick
>Doesn't know how degenerate the entirety of subscribers truly are
I've seen MVPs on the General Forums bring up internet porn.

trolls are retarded anyway. i dont know why blizzard feels the need to have some bullshit troll raid every single expansion. hey are literally either stoners who sit around doing nothing but smoking weed, which are the playable trolls, or barbaric fucking savages that are somehow even closer to niggers than orcs are, with their constant obsessing about how they used to have an empire. exterminate all trolls. and orcs. and undead. tauren can stay, so can BE. goblins are debatable

All the neets are alliance though. Chad usually plays a Orc/Tauren Warrior.

wait a second i dont remember writing that?!?

>Everyone rolled Horde on Horde dominated PVP servers
>Entire areas filled with groups of Horde adventurers
>That handful of batshit insane Alliance players that would actually wander out of Stormwind
Thank goodness for the cross realm auctionhouse patch, or there would be no economy at all for the Alliance on Illidan.

but troll raids are always among the best raids of an expansion
its a real shame they cut the planned troll raid in wotlk


You cant get rid of factions, but i think they should get rid of H/A and make some 2 new instead.
Lore is so fucked up that current factions make absolute no sense, like taurens allied with forsaken etc.
There should one clearly evil faction for edgelords and one good for paragonfags without race restrictions. make some new conflict that will split current factions and make them obsolete.
I mean, lorewise everyone works together and then try to kill each other since W3 anyway.

noname55 is big in the official WoW community?

>goblins are debatable
Silly user, always start with je... goblins.

>i dont know why blizzard feels the need to have some bullshit troll raid every single expansion.

There have only ever been 2 troll raids and they've only ever been in classic and TBC. 2 1/3 if you count Throne of Thunder.

my power is limitless

>Lore is so fucked up that current factions make absolute no sense, like taurens allied with forsaken etc.
>There should one clearly evil faction for edgelords and one good for paragonfags without race restrictions. make some new conflict that will split current factions and make them obsolete.
i can get behind this

The only way this would work would be if they made WoW 2, which they'll never do because the full autists will cry because they'll have "lost" more than a decade's worth of pixels

Never mind that the engine is stretched to its fucking limits and the game has hundreds of issues that can't be fixed without a re-launch and that the game is becoming incredibly stale

>still mad about belves after 8 fucking years
get a load of this mudblood


>legendary troll hero
>idiots actually believe this
>guy fails at every single thing he ever tried and died to a guy called Budd Nedreck

>You will never be a fat as fuck jew Goblin living in modern paradise home with a harem of Elf bitches sucking your 2 inch dick, but telling you it's the biggest they've ever seen

Blood Elves have been in the game for 11 years and 4 days

>quantity over quality
>fetish pandering
>patreon vampire
ellowas is the king of wow animations

RIP to the GOAT. Still waiting for that new iteration to come.

This saved horde populations. MMO's sell you the idea of a fantasy world but everyone just wants to be a human.

Thanks for reminding me.

They should have just made existing horde females more attractive. They already did that somewhat in alpha.

Because trolls are something blizzard thinks it interesting and original despite being WH lizardmen.

They're also the "fall" race because blizzard refuses to include more than one evil faction per race.

This is literally what WoW Classic will turn into. Wow 2.

No need to screencap this post I'm from the future.

This. Gib Femme Tauren and orc bigger titties

Nah, doesn't matter. People still want to be humans, human-like tolkien high elves are second place. Then all the near-humans with attractive females come after and all the monster races are bottom the barrel.


There's exactly 2 attractive troll female faces in vanilla. ALL the orc females have fucking bald spots.


Maybe someone here knows.

If I want to start wow "from scratch" with no achievements, no heirlooms, pets or other shared stuff. Do I need to make a new Bnet-account or just buy wow over again?

Barely anyone plays human females, mainly night elves and draenei. Even in vanilla it was mainly night elves. Horde lost that audience because they had no attractive excluding bara bait races until blood elves.

>make an entirely different style of world and expansion that is fresh
>limitless options for what kind of enemies they can add because Panderia had never been expanded on
>put trolls in it

fucking trolls

The leveling revamp. It's a big step to making WoW a single player game with social hubs and multiplayer endgame. Honestly, this feels like it's starting to go down the road of SWTOR. When the zone was levels X-Y, you'd have people in those levels who'd be down to kill the elites or do dungeons, doing group content in actual MMO style. Now that the zones scale for each person individually and on a large range, you've eliminated a consistent flow of people into zones to do that MMO content. Hell, even if there are multiple people in a zone, if they're levels are all different what then? Do dungeons scale to the lowest lever party member? Do higher level members scale down too? What about monster on the surface? Do higher level party members trivialize fights? Or are lower level players made irrelevant?

Blizzard is doing a balancing act that can seriously backfire. But the game is dying and more people are speaking about about how they want to be able to do everything short of endgame in single player mode (why even play an MMO then?) so I guess this was bound to happen.

That's why I mentioned attractive near humans which get players who fetishisize their females.
This doesn't mean shit though, male humans are still the top. People can only familiarize with human inserts.

Allow me
>level 50 dude sees level 50 shit
>gets level 50 loot and level 50 xp
>lvl 17 dude sees level 17 shit
>gets level 17 loog and level 17 xp
>the engine handles scaling
>apart from lvl 50 having more abilities, both do comparable damage/healimg

I think final fantasy has you personally scale down to content if you're in a party with lower level people

Just what I've heard never played ff online before

>if they're levels are all different what then?
You can go and kill the elite with them. For them the elite is lvl x and they do dmg according to lvl x and for you the lvl is y and you do dmg according to y.

Humans had an advantage because of their overpowered racials so there is no way of knowing for sure if self-inserting is the reason they were the most popular. On PVP realms most Alliance players were human just for EMFH.

I love this meme of pretending Hordebabbies weren't autistic manchildren and degenerates before TBC.

Notice that even horde edgelords don't want butt-ugly races and pick the tranny-race

>all those hunters

Is it because it's a solo class?

Fucking nerds who can't make friends I can't believe that's a demographic, this coming from a fucking shut in but at least I'm not that autistic

It's not edgelords, it's elf fags. They actually want to be on the alliance because WoW isn't generic enough. Everybody wants the same shitty classic DND trinity of human elf and dwarf and night elves are purple so they don't count.


Neck yourselves

Good call on blizzards part then, should keep the game alive a while longer.

If I still played I'd still go Elwynn , Westfall, Redridge, Spooky forest, Strangelthorn, Highlands, Badlands, Outland. Fuck you Blizzard you could never change me.

>people want dwarf
male goblin 2% master race

If they made a WoW2 I imagine they'd get rid of them. The 2 faction thing is a major constraint on writing and quest-design. Just look at the hoops they had to go through in MoP and how Horde players felt like they were being made the villain.

Fuck yes.
I thought Orc Rogue was cool, too, but still recognized it as less than alpha

In true classic DND faggotry the dwarf is the "odd ball" of the pure generic lawful good trinity., so of course he's 5%. Nobody wants to be a dwarf, they just want a dwarf ally.

>11 years later and people are STILL asshurt about Blood Elves

The races for burning crusade should have been Blood Elves and a subsect of Naga with legs.

Hordes are the villians. Literally everything going wrong in Azeroth can be traced back to Thralls midlife crisis.

>naga with legs

There's a reason you faggots don't get to design video games for a living.

Alliance is and has always been the tranny faction.

I liked Blood Elves in WC3 but the way they're portrayed in WoW is really shitty. They went from being some of the coolest elves ever to sluts and fruits.

Now you're talking sense

post examples of playable naga bls

I agree, blood elves just simply feel weird as a horde race. Also the reason why servers are imbalanced towards horde, normies want to play the "cute" race fucking the servers for everyone. What's even worse they are usually the faggots that say cringy shit like "for the horde" like nigga, you are not a horde, you a belf parasite.

The only good elf is a dead one..... nelfs are ok, they actually belong to the alliance.

Some Belves are still a-ok in my book

NPC belves are cool. Player belves are fuck boys.

I just really liked Rexxar, so my first character was a Hunter.
Too bad Beastmaster and Survival both fucking sucked in Vanilla.


The player models are mega gay

I would vastly prefer Gallywix to be Warchief over Slyvantas

TBC Horde should have been Arakkoa.
I still can't understand why they aren't a playable race yet.
I do know, actually. Too much work compared to more Elves and fat pandas.

They already proved its possible with the Jinyu.

>night elf with fish head

Draenei were always the superior waifu race anyway.

>Playing other than Human

Naga will never be playable until they fix the problem with pants/boots and mount animations.

Naga don't have legs. Kind of like how merfolk aren't merfolk and snakes anre't snakes if you change the tail for legs.

That's literally what naga are though

Fallen/corrupted elves, like Satyr

but they have their own seperate model though
Jinyu are literally reskinned nelves with fish heads

So they can't wear boots, they have a special item that you put on your tail instead, like another trinket or jewelry slot.

Bang, problem solved.

No idea how to address the mount thing though...

Damn you DrGraevling for giving me a lifetime of blue spacegoat fever.

>I've just purchased this fantasy RPG video game. Now, I wonder what type of character I should play as. A mystical elf? A cunning dwarf? A ferocious orc? A dread undead?
>I've got it: a human priest.

Hands and feet are different.

And they still look pretty good for a nonplayable race. Imagine if they had been the TBC alliance race and they put some effort into it.

Anar'alah belore

People don't get it. MMO's put all this work into races and people only want the most generic shit. It all goes back to the purpose of MMOs. They used to be an extension of the RPG, which is an extension of DND.
People are boring and want to see the same exact shit every game. The Lawful good trinity, Human, Elf, Dwarf.

Humans are the most boring faggots, you just want to be yourself but amped up. It's always some fag that wants to be "muh holy" paladin, knight or just some generic warrior, maybe a mage even. They want to be the most generic hero, the Aragorn of whatever fantasy game they're playing. Completely and utterly uncreative in every sense of the word.

Then you have the elf, the insecure faggot who's probably ugly. Being a human is too low for them, they have to be the super athletic, always perfect, magically superior mary sue race to sat their egos. They're just as bad as the human player and in some ways worse because of their desire to be better and more valuable than a human. Always a faggot OP class like a mage or some shit.

Then you have the Dwarf, the uncreative fuck who just wants to be the odd man out. He's willing to lower himself to the manlet race to fulfill all the classic drunken asshole memes and to just joke around with all the tropes of "dwarfy"ness. The other players expect him, they always want him but none want to be him. The human is the player most wanting to be the protagonist, the elf is the one feinting superiority, the dwarf is the comic relief jolly man

None want to degrade themselves into any race ugly, or odd, or unrelatable past a dwarf unless they actually have tastes or they're just such an edgy faggot they pick something edgy like a demon or dark elf. Everything else is too far removed, too complex for them to project on and it translates to every fantasy RPG or MMO. No MMO without these races in some form will ever do well.

post trailer kino