>there is a chance that your weapon is completely destroyed every time you perform an attack in Fallout 1 & 2
Why do old games have such shitty RNG mechanics?
There is a chance that your weapon is completely destroyed every time you perform an attack in Fallout 1 & 2
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Back then, the industry was pretty small and the only customers were the type of people who spent all day playing video games.
Cause it's fun
The chance of that happening gets astronomically low once you have a decent amount of points put into the skill of the weapon youre trying to use and have a luck above 3.
Ive beaten both games 2 times and never had that happen to me
I played through 2 at least 7 times and it's never happened to me
How low a chance?
melee weapons break due to all the manhandling
pellet propellets are even more prone to complete malfunction, due to the shooting
it's a postapoc setting, everything is quite rusty
Why are you lying about decade old games?
Yeah i agree. Having the chance to break your weapon EVERY SINGLE TIME you use it is so fun. That's why BotW sucks, you have to attack so many times to break your weapons.
Extremely low chance
Increased if the weapon skills are low or luck stat is low
It happens when you get a critical failure, and usually you drop it instead of destroying it
You don't even need to use it often
You can go through most of the game without even using weapons, just fists
>On the flipside, there are also critical failures. If you really fumble your attack (characters with the Jinxed trait are notorious for this), something disastrous may occur. The most common result is attacking the wrong target (for instance, you may be aiming at a mutant, but you will accidentally shoot your friend who is in between you and the mutant). Other possible results include weapon jams, dropping weapons, weapon destruction, causing damage to oneself (by stabbing yourself in the foot or some such) and other unfortunate outcomes.
>hurr durr you don't even have to use weapons just punch your way through.
Fucking EXACTLY dude! Yes! That's why I always play dark souls with fists only. Because it's possible, so it must be fun!
git gud
Flat-rate durability loss is a dumb mechanic that has latched onto gaming since the days of Diablo.
RNG wear is a more functional way for modeling how items would actually break.
Dark Souls relies on your mechanical skill, fallout requires mechanical 0 skill because of the limitations of it's engine
Since you have no change to fail mechanically you have to fail on chance, the way you deal with the failure is where the player engagement takes place
This is the entire premise behind tabletop rpgs
In DnD this is called a natural 1
Unarmed is actually fun and viable in Fallout, though...
You have different stances and maneuvers and tactics you can unlock and they become progressively more powerful as your skill increases.
also Dark Souls 2 vanquisher's seal but nobody likes to mention anything good about that game
> fallout requires mechanical 0 skill because of the limitations of it's engine
No, that it requires 0 mechnical skill is because it is a stats and decision based RPG, and "skill" is determined by you character sheet.
Never experienced that.
I've shot myself
I've dropped my ammo
And i've dropped my gun
Never has it exploded.
You think that's bad? In Might & Magic 1 there is a chance for a random volcano to erupt and wipe out your entire party.
I've completed Fallout 1&2 more times than I can even remember, and I can honestly say, that I've seen a weapon explode once during all those plays.
I gave Vic a plasma pistol, and after missing a few times with it, it exploded in his hand.
So unless you are a complete retard, who doesn't invest a single skill point in your weapon skills, and have PER and LCK of 1, there is virtually no change of your weapon getting destroyed.
But I always felt like all of that was just temporary until we had tech good enough to display a game of the scope of fallout with more exciting gameplay
Too bad the new ones tried to apply the RPG logic into a first person shooter so you get regular raiders who can take an entire mag to the face and still keep on fighting
And I don't mean get rid of the rpg elements just adjust them for the new gameplay, instead of having random chances your bullet goes through the enemy just have the gun fire more uncotrolably, make it so if the player chooses he can offset the low skill stat with his mechanical skill, at the cost of more difficult gameplay
The only way you could get your weapon to blow out is when you pick Jinxed perk.
>taking low luck and jinxed
You shouldn't be getting many critfails if you're using a weapon you have actual skills in.
but i always use jinxed, with ten luck
Jinxed 10 luck and Jinxed unarmed are both fucking hilarious to play
That's awesome though.
>what is reading comprehension
Go back to 5th grade and learn to read again.
New Vegas is best
I've played fallout 1&2 at least 40 times each and that has never happened
Except it also simulates how items become worn down the more you use them, resulting in them becoming less effective. In 3/NV this is reflected by weapons doing less damage because they're worn down.
It's not perfect but a weapon breaking after continued use without maintenance is a lot more realistic than a factory fresh weapon breaking in your hands because of RNG.
Fallout 2 protagonist >>> FNV protagonist
I've played at least 500 hours of Fallout 1 and 2 and shit like this never happened.
Is that Nigel Farage?
with good perks unarmed is fucking op man
>The chance of that happening gets astronomically low
pic unrelated
>Fallout Online
I remember playing this back in 2008, gangs of russians in power armors were murdering everyone they saw. Is it better nowadays?
FOnline reloaded is good
>10 luck
>2 int
Literally the best way to play. You are warping the reality and saving the world with a sheer power of your stupidity.
You have a chance to have a stroke every single second, I wonder why you're not making a big deal out of that.
I played fallout game dozens of times and it never happened to me.
Fucking soy-Sup Forums I swear.
Because it's funny. It's a story you tell to your friends and they don't believe. It's such an incredibly small chance that worrying about it is retarded.
Also, there's a save/load option if it really upsets you that badly.
>using weapons
ayylmao unarmed build is the best.
By that logic we might as well add spontaneous combustion in RPGs. Videogames should always try to imitate real life, obviously, and the less control the player's skill has over the outcome, the better. I can't wait to see my hero die in the final boss fight because a satellite fell on him!
>I can't wait to see my hero die in the final boss fight because a satellite fell on him
It's been done
Unless you picked Jinxed the chance of that happening is impossibly low, especially that early. I'm calling shenanigans
Crits were pretty gay in fallout 1/2
No matter what your defense there was always an ansta-gibb chance, especially in the endgame.
I savescummed my way through F1
I remember playing the ASOIAF mod for Mount & Blade Warband and it had tons of shitty events like "you tripped, you permanently lost -1 AGL" And it wasn't bound to any stats or something, it just randomly happened. And it's not an ultra rare event that the modder put for shits and giggles, it happens regularly. Now that is shit game design.
The chance of that happening in Fallout is incredibly low, unless you roll a bad thing like a critical shot in your eyes that blind you.
How's Arcanum? I want to play it, but it's very laggy on my PC, got to the capital city, and quit there, until that, I liked it.
The chance for an instagib is so incredibly low that you're just as unlikely to ever experience it as you are the weapon breaking in OP's post. I once played my way through FO2 entirely unarmed and unarmored without even saving once and never ran in to a situation that just fucked me over because of bad rolls. Crits happen pretty often and can be dealt with appropriately, but the instant death crit is a one-in-a-million kind of thing.
stop being such a faggot when you probably critically hit every mutant you encountered
Excellent writing, but the gameplay definitely stumbles, and magic is far, far more powerful than technology can ever hope to be.
For the player to receive, that is.
Crit builds can shit out instant death like nothing else, especially unarmed with Slayer.
Slayer is fucking ridiculous. Every single hit is a crit.
Slayer is ultra-end game shit, most players will never level up high enough to be able to pick it up on the typical play though. By the time you can get it you are already able to shit all over anything the game can throw at you.
Fallout 1/2 were made with questions in mind.
Every encounter in fallout offers you a question, and it was up to the player to answer that question. Even your weapon breaking asks you a question of 'what are you going to do next'?
This is why the Fallout games were something special
>not playing a character with jinxed and 1 luck that has to punch everything because anything they touch fucking explodes
Do you even fun?