2 decades into 21st century

>2 decades into 21st century
>literally no video games about deep water horrors


Other urls found in this thread:


ur mom is a deep water horror

It wouldn't work. The entire point of Lovecraft's works is the fear of the unknown. If you just make them an enemy you might as well use a bear instead. That bear scene in Condemned was more frightening than if it would have been another tentacled unnatural monster. It's why something like Dead Space doesn't have anything to match it outside of the scenes that actually feature regular situations rather than tentacled necromorph waves.

There's some game on steam like that where you go around in a submarine with a top-down view. Forgot the name

i'm not insisting that it's exclusively lovecraft. just anything that has you go into the darkest deeps. kind of like soma but with gameplay

Sunless Sea, also there's a giant eye in the ocean that's probably the spookiest thing in the game


>monster has tentacles
>"it's a lovecraftian game"

>thread has you
>"it's a loveshaftian thread"

>and it was soooooooooo dark and spooky like lovecwaft XD
>I love my awful high school dropout writer *squee*
Lovecraft is so fucking garbage. You want to know what makes the sea interesting? Making something fucking beautiful, hard to understand, and larger than life. Almost like they are simply existing on their own, like a whale. Not
>oh it's so spooky and attacks me!
Lovecraftards need to fuck off and need to go learn how to appreciate majesty

is this pasta?

just dropping a little truth bomb that Lovecraft is a high school dropout and he writes like one

Not everyone who likes deep sea horror is a Lovecraftard you fucking miserable cunt. The sea is absolutely terrifying.

Subnautica and Depth.

Also, when did people start getting so immensely agitated at the idea of games borrowing inspiration from Lovecraftian bestiary even if they don't follow the deeper themes of the mythos?
I don't see anyone screaming at Doom for not being faithful to Catholic dogma, this whole thing just reeks of people trying to make it all a faux-intellectual dick measuring contest.

Because insufferable people like to add the Lovecraftian label to something to sound smarter than they are, when they probably never read Lovecraft in their entire life and don't realize that having a tentacle monster doesn't fucking make something Lovecraftian

What a retarded post

I bet you also think Nietzsche is shit and reddit.

>don't read

Reading is easy, ANYONE can read it.

Nietzsche isn't reddit, but people who pretend to have read Nietzsche and constantly use his name to sound smarter than they are are almost certainly reddit

>oh it's so spooky and attacks me!
Granted I haven't read some of the big name shit by Lovecraft yet, but everything I HAVE read is entirely psychological in nature, I can't recall a single story that has anything popping out and actively trying to attack anyone.

yeah only the best game of the decade is deepwater horrors.

No, but throwing his name around and posting a fucking frog sure is

Call of Cthulhu dark corners of the earth was a great game tho

He's a shitposter who hasn't actually read any Lovecraft. The Lovecraft mythos was never about LE BIG SPOOPY MONSTER THAT ATTACKS ME SO SCARY. Only people who haven't actually read the works think that. It's always been about the insignificance of humanity in the face of the cosmos. It focuses on psychological horror and insanity, not big tentacle monsters.

you guys need to get your shit together and realize Darkest Dungeon is the ultimate lovecraftian game. it oozes atmosphere and plays with the exact same themes

same with Lovecraft, denying Lovecraft being one of the greats of fantastical horror is dumb, he wrote a massive amount from serialized stuff to one offs, from huge novels to poetry, saying he wrote badly is stupid and there is literally nothing wrong with dropping out of high school or whatever, this is the go to liberal insult because somehow having a worthless degree makes you smarter than someone with actual knowledge.
I hope you choke on estrogen pills you transitioning baboon, your kind made discussion impossible on this website.

2 spooky

I didn't say anything about Lovecraft being bad you stupid ape, are you replying to the correct person?

Have you thought about making the horror subtle?

they may not be exclusively about giant horrors but Subnautica and Diluvion try their best to include some

Sunless Sea: Zubmariner

Although the Fallen London setting is really more about cosmic horrors

Wow, fedora tipped to user for this excelent shitpost.
In all seriousness though Lovecraft is great. Don't you dare memeing about that.

Honestly Subnautica came very close. The sound design specifically is on point. They just dropped the ball with the whole cartoony aesthetic and how bright most areas are.

>it's lovecraftian

you post contains almost 100% of the garbage killing this site

While I personally love fishmen done well, all the tentacle focus is annoying. There are bat monsters, crocodile people, the mass of flesh and the goatman, dead starfish, and giant penguins. Or an ugly pickman dog.
So much to choose from and everyone makes it about tentacles.

I'm vaguely curious about the new Call of Cthulhu game. Even if it just turns out to be Amnesia with more water and tentacle monsters.


The site will survive. I've been making this kind of posts since 2009 and we are still kicking. Not that summers will get it, but trust me on this one.

>Even if it just turns out to be Amnesia with more water and tentacle monsters.
tfw I've owned Amnesia since it came out and have never once played it because I'm too easily spooked

I don't make shill threads but you're forcing my hand here.

What do you guys want to see? I'm really open to spooky ideas and my aim is to have a bunch of crazy shit like giant monsters ala jabu-jabu in OOT that have a small zone to explore inside of them and other spoopy stuff.

If you get past stage 2 you'll be good. Those fucking water things man.

yes you've totally been posting generic post 2015 garbage since 2009.



>kind of posts
>redditor can't even understand the meaning of common words
Checks out. Now just say something about cringe and anime and you'll fit the cliche 100%.

You could try easing into it with SOMA. A few less monsters and a little more existentialism.

A cythulu game is coming out this year.






remember to shill it to horror youtubers so that you get a shitton of normie fans
and remember to litter the description with lovecraft because protentious fags love that shit
but it looks good user, hope its successful

what fucking game

working name is The Deep. I might change it eventually but lots of deep sea names are taken already.

no, he's only just as dumb as regular pasta, but without the flavor or the originality

shit game

you made the fall down a mouth inside a creature filled with weird shit a year ago webm?

It's not Tentacle Hentai, It's lovecraftian pornographic animation

yeah the webm's pretty old. The mouth is a little less obvious now.

>The Deep
Dude it looks fucking amazing, keep it up!

It almost never happens. The most that usually happens is the protag witnesses something he really shouldn't have.
A guy witnessed a pelagic fishman worshipping an obelisk once and that was the climax.
Expecting something like Cthulhu actually physically attacking people is missing the point entirely.

Space Station 13 at the bottom of the ocean would be goty

How about a small organism that sneaks into the pod and hides around/mimics objects, and begins to grow if you don't find it and eject it. And when you eject it you can later find it roaming around in the sea, massive, and calling you mommy

>I hope you choke on estrogen pills you transitioning baboon

That fucking shake at the end was equal parts comical and horrifying. I laughed as I nervously moused off the webm.

Keep it up user.

I had plans for a clone parasite and a blob parasite like that. One would be a flesh mass that grows slowly inside the ship and you have to damage it before it takes over, the other would only happen if you leave your ship's hatch open while exploring. You'd start hearing someone moving the ship and firing flares and stuff like that. Not too deadly but it would waste ressources/damage the ship.

is Sunless Sea actually a fun game or is the only draw the writing?

I remember someone actually got water physics working and posted webms, never heard much about it afterwards though.

from what I've heard the progression takes way too long but I think you can mod it to be faster?

Everyone look and laugh at the faggot.

How about finding the corpse of an alien sunken diver, the wreckage of a ship that looks much like yours.

How about a deep sea centipede

Visuals are cool, especially on the water. Audio has some memorable relaxing songs. Writing is good. Gameplay is fucking annoying, the rougeshit and survival elements are frustrating and take away from just exploring a weird creepy sea.

Lovecraft is /ourguy/ faggot. Dude spent most of his time in his mom's attic because his social anxiety was so bad he couldn't leave the house for very long.



now it is


there'll be wrecks of similar ships to yours where you might find upgrades and loot yeah. Some wrecks will be ships that were much better than yours sent by another coportation sending people down there (think wall-e versus that Apple robot in Wall-E). The story's not set in stone but that I'm pretty sure I'll do.

I dunno about the centipede since it's basically just an eel with lots of legs but I know some people hate those things so it could be fun and easy to add later. I want to do big a big spider/crab/tick thing before that though.

Pickman was best story.

Top 3 anyone?

Pickman's Model
The Rats in the Walls
The Picture of the House

Ara Allah and this are the only ones to make me laugh. Congrats.

Trust me, spiders are cool, but centipedes are terrifying

Underwater bat would be cool too.

Ghost could be interesting, maybe a statue that moves when you're not looking at it

You gotta wonder what kind of artist makes such a detailed piece and then just mirrors the other half and can't even be assed to cover it up with a little more efford, than a handful of details drawn on top of the mirrored part.

You should call it Pressure.

I think it's supposed to be an anatomical look, not watching it in its natural state.
But I get yer point.

I mean, Diluvion has a bit of that. There's literally a wrecked battleship with spider legs you have to fight at one point.


but then people would shit all over my game cause it's not ss13 underwater. Also I decided not to add any pressure related mechanic (except the one where you die if you touch water without your dive suit). You only have to manage oxygen, your inventory/equipment and your mobility.

I figured if you're going to be 12km deep, taking or adding a few more atmospheres of pressure won't really kill you less. Either your ship can support the pressure, or it floods and you die if you don't have your suit.

I'll think about the centipede. For your ghost idea, I wanted to have these "anti-matter jellyfish" that can noclip through your submarine like nothing and hurt you. They'd be pretty passive but a big passage could be blocked by a pack of them or they could be moving around a larger area, making it interesting to keep an eye on them while you explore.

cant have too many spook creature nearby eachother
whats the game about

what about barotrauma?
From what ive seen it looks nice


Until you got a gun, then it just became practically slapstick comedy dealing with the silly AI.

For the story:
You're contracted by this corporation to go explore the mariana trench after a big earthquake shook things up at the bottom and uncovered a new, deeper area. Your task is to find valuables, but you start understanding that you're not the first to come here as there are many shipwrecks resembling your own vessel. After reaching the bottom, you find that there's a giant beast preventing you from going back up, so you're forced to explore the surrounding depths to find a way to survive.

You have to find artifacts (amount based on difficulty) that act as keys to unlock a weird structure at the very bottom. You have to make your way around a static world with randomized obstacles and fauna, basically like a "Subnautica meets the Binding of isaac", but with more focus on the scary aspect. The world is very dark, you have to go out and look for special crystals that can be converted into either more oxygen or power for your artifact radar. Every playthrough will be different since your starting gear and the way passages are obstructed will vary. Certain zones are cramped and force you to use your small scooter or even swim without gear, while others are horribly vast and home to gigantic beasts. The game has a system similar to Space Station 13 where each mouse button is a hand, which lets carry only two items (besides your equipped ones). There's no inventory so managing your ressources will be crucial as the ship can only store so many.

fuck water, i want deep SPACE horrors

>what idiots think lovecraft is

>what lovecraft actually is
>the existential dread of being utterly insignificant in the grand scale of the universe, and cosmic beings who's mere existence is so complex even trying to comprehend them will make you go insane and eventually die


Almas de los Demonios?

Lovecraft's works lost a lot of their punch in modern times because we're exposed to the concept of nihilism at such an early age.

Also because the mainstream focuses on the monsters

So? We are talking about Sup Forumsideogames. It dosent have to be realistic and follow the author 100%.
GTFO >>/lit/>>