Hi I'm the last good Legend of Zelda games that true fans of the series like

Hi I'm the last good Legend of Zelda games that true fans of the series like.

Yes, you are.

>The remakes


the only bad thing about the MM remake was the bosses having a "attack my eye" mechanic and thats literally it.

First of all let's pretend the remakes don't exist.

I think OoT and MM were the last great Zelda games, but they weren't the last good/acceptable ones. I think WW and ALBW were good and TP was ok though forgettable. The biggest problem with modern Zelda is that SS and BotW were both shit though.

Ocarina 3D is ultimately the better version, no lighting argument will change that, it is THE best way to experience it

Majora’s Mask is still stuck in a limbo of arguments

typical 3dshitter forgetting that all of the capcom zeldas are better and came out afterwards

They need to make a third hero of time game. The tme travel gimmick has not been surpassed. In fact all games beyond oot should have just been hero of time games. The multiple Link bullshit is one of the reasons the series is so inconsistent and the story so fucking nonsensical

>Try Botw
>Boring as fuck
>Dropped within 2 hours

No thanks I will simply prefer the traditional style of Zelda games.

The Zelda cycle continues, BOTW is good, stop being faggots

Even that argument is debatable

There’s nothing wrong with the eye design, the original bosses were retarded damage sponges spam to win

those remakes are soulless trash. OP is a shitter

thats what happens when you put a talentless hack in charge of the games.

True fans of the series don't give a fuck about the overrated ALTTP formula which was stolen from metroid except Metroid did it better. True Zelda fans prefer non linearity and choice over linear garbage.

>non linearity
All of the older games were like this except for WW and Botw the worst zelda games next to TP and SS

The original Zelda offered you choice, nigger. You are probably an autistic ALTTP babby so you are cancer by default

True fans of the series think Majora's Mask is shit.

Only LTTP, OOT, MM, LA and Oracle games are good. The other Zelda games are trash.

>Ocarina 3D is ultimately the better version, no lighting argument will change that, it is THE best way to experience it
>no fucking death counter
>gay hint sheikah stones to make the game even easier, and ruins the atmosphere of places like Temple of Time
>shitty controls, Z-targeting being particularly crummy feeling
>ruined Link's character design
>censored music and religious symbols
>overall atmosphere non-existent
As remakes go, it's pretty stellar. But better than the original? No. The best way to experience the game is on an N64, how it was meant to be played. The absence of a death counter alone is enough to write the game off as the inferior version.

hi im the most overrated games of all time

>Dying in OOT ever

This 100%. Terrible OoT fan mod with shit dungeons, shit overworld, shit items, no adult link and worse music. Ocarina was, is, and will always be the better game.

Literally not true.

The point is that if you want to do a 3 heart run or no death run, you have proof of it. Omitting that from the game was unnecessary and ruins part of the incentive to replay it.

agred. Majora's Mask doesn't even feel like a Zelda game. It's a Zelda game for people that don't like the series

TP HD is a great game tho

ALttP, OoT, MM, TP, ALBW, and BOTW are the best ones.

It is a good game but seriously overrated.

I honestly don't understand how WW and TP receive so much scrutiny but MM is praised as a masterpiece.

>Death counter
what is this and what does it do if you manage 0 deaths the whole game?

>no lighting argument will change that
Atmosphere and art direction are a vital part of how you experience a game. It even affects how gameplayfags experience the game, even if it might just be subconsciously. There's a reason why we don't just build all 3D models out of big cubes and spheres and texture them all with primary colors and call it a day. Change how a game looks and you change the game, for better or worse.


>Zelda 1
>Zelda 2




The original runs at 20fps, that automatically makes it the inferior version.

>3 shit games for a poll
wow its fucking nothing

>Overrated of Time

XD and FF7 is le best game ever!!
hahaha Navi is so annoying! Hey listen!!!!

In the original OoT, there was a number on your profile. Every time you died, it would go up by 1. It doesn't really "do" anything other than proving how many or few times you died while playing. Most people don't care, but it adds a cool incentive to replay the game. I have heard that there's things about the final cutscene which are different if you get 0 deaths, like your version of the Scarecrow's Song playing in the credits, but I'm not sure.

>shit dungeons
Snowhead is one of my favorite Zelda dungeons. Swamp Palace and Great Bay were eh.

*tips fedora*

>living this much in the past.

BotW was the change the series needed.

Twilight Princess HD is a blatant cashgrab. Only retarded faggots bought that shit and the WW remake was better

t. framerate brainlet

Twilight princess surpassed both.

The nonlinearity was good but abandoning traditional elements was a misstep

>someone likes a popular thing
>which is by definition popular because many people like it
>act surprised

WW was definitely memorable, but it wasn't nearly as good as TP. The dungeons are piss-easy and the cut content like Greatfish Isle make an already short game much shorter. It also doesn't help that most of the islands are tiny archipelagos that have one or two main purposes, and the Triforce hunt is probably the worst padding in any Zelda game.

Link Between Worlds is great

TP had some great dungeons but had a fucking abysmal start and some pretty bad padding. Hidden skills are GOAT though.

SS was shit, you're correct

I disagree on BotW, it's got a few problems with enemy variety and the world almost being too big, but the mechanics are great and it has me hopeful that they reuse the engine for a sequel. Another 4 or 5 main enemy types and a few more optional dungeons designed like Hyrule Castle would have been amazing.

>the WW remake was better

Sucks to be you child. I was playing Zelda games before you were cum and I think BotW is one of the best games of all time. And wouldn't you know it, the rest of the world agrees.

>fixes shitty tears of lights segments
>touch screen inventory
>much improved graphics
>hero mode fixes the easy combat

literally what the fuck are you talking about

still better than fedora's mask you fucking retard. only fedoras enjoy garbage like majora's mask

You just named 3/4 of the dungeons.

I want games to run at a minimum of 30fps. That's not much to ask.

Can't polish a turd TP cuck. TP will always be toilet poop

what is this fucking abysmal start meme

it shows link as a farm boy. People always complain WOW, DESTINED AS THE HERO OF TIME RIGHT OFF THE BAT when it doesnt, it shows him fishing, herding goats, and helping out around the village. The forest temple isnt great, but its just the first dungeon, whatever. Goron mines was god tier

>BotW is one of the best games of all time

Wait a minute you don't have the right to talk about the wii U remakes. Literally no one bought a Wii U remember? So delete your posts.

nigga I need sauce on this because people are talking about it on google but I havent found a video

astoundingly bad post

I think is more up your alley

>hero mode fixes the easy combat

Hero mode didn't fix shit because the AI in the game remains as braindead as in the original games

Yeah I know.

>Ocarina of time
>overworld are literally hallways
>hyrule field is an empty circle with nothing on it

>there are people who unironically think OoT is anything more than the worst 3D zelda
Nostalgiafags OUT

glad you agree that discussion about a garbage game like TP deserves to go into the trashy board

>true fans

Ask me how I know you are an insufferable twat.

I didn't like TP when it first came out, but before BotW came out I replayed it on an emulator and I liked it a lot.

yah, your elementary school level argument really showed me

Majora's Mask is worse than OoT. At least OoT was built from the ground up and didn't rehash any art assets like Majora's Mask

Hmm. Fair enough. I didn't think of that.

>n-no u

Not surprising considering you enjoy genuine garbage like Twilight Princess

lmao you can tell this guy didnt even obtain the paraglider

Played MM before OoT, like OoT better. What now?


I always hated Hyrule field

its so boring and empty

Is this a bait post? Because the TP remaster was literally a fucking cash grab. Even Damiani who is like the biggest Zelda shill hated the TP remake for not improving anything substantially. The game doesn't even run at a stable 30fps for fucks sake.

you said it memelord

>true fans
Kill yourself

it literally did though

everyone who complained about it looking like shit got their wish because it got a big visual overhaul

everyone who said "these tears of lights segments suck ass" got their wish because it got streamlined

everyone who said "Enemies do fuck alll damage" got their wish with hero mode

everyone who liked the touchscreen inventory in WWHD got it brought over to TP HD as well

Still looks better than the ugly and autistic looking overworld in MM that doesn't make any fucking sense.

Okay real talk, botw was a pretty cool game maybe not the GOTM some people like to claim, but I think it is a very good base for what new-Zelda should be like.
If they could combine aspects like more enemy variety + dungeons for example I think that game could actually be the GOAT.
BOTW makes me really excited for what Zelda can be.

Only soyboys get triggered by a batch of empty space in a game.


No, but you are the best two.

The fact these are still talked about today outside of their remake just show how revolutionary they are even for being some of the first gen 3D games

>ALTTP formula stolen from Metroid
What the fuck are you talking about?

>try BoTW
>love it
>glad they finally have a new direction for the series that they seem to be invested in
>can still get the traditional Zelda experience from future top down games
It feels good to be me.


Only OoT was revolutionary.

I just realized that in BotW, you can use remote bombs to dynamite fish. The fish die and float up to the surface for you to grab. It even kills fish a small bit outside the blast.

IIRC the Scarecrow Song plays regardless of the death counter, as long as you keep the controller still in the final scene.

ALTTP best 2d MM best 3d.

It literally didn't because the game is still a downgraded piece of shit that never lived to the promise of the original trailer in 2004. Everyone who watched that trailer didn't get their wish. The game was a massive letdown and a fucking cash grab released 10 years later won't fix that shit.

I didnt watch the trailer, so maybe Im different then

I did follow it in Nintendo power though, and it was fun back when I played it in 07 or 08

>a downgraded piece of shit
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Christ you are so upset. Twilight Princess is a a superb game and the HD version on Wii U is the definitive version. This is a known and accepted reality.

Did you know that none of your childish tantrums matter for shit? You're not going to convince anyone.

Name another game like Majora's Mask

Not suprising that a TP fag is a GC babby.

Literally go to youtube and watch the first two TP trailers . Even a brainlet like you should be able to spot the differences

Lightning Returns which has better combat, better music, better dungeons, better graphics and isn't linear as fuck.

Nope. TP is a garbage game. The HD remake is the only zelda game that doesn't have a score over 90. Even Okami HD has a better score because Okami is better than Twilight Garbage.


my first zelda was Oot and my first console was a 64

project harder

>critic scores mean anything

WEW lad

Please stop