What did Nintendo mean by this?

what did Nintendo mean by this?

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>mighty number 9

Nintendo is low key telling people that they finally have Japanese third party support.

xD animeeeeeeeeeeeeeee us weeb right bros??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!

>Anime trash

anime is the new fad of the year for normalfaggots (like you) who think that "anime tiddies" is the apex of comedy and makes for a perfect punchline to any joke. it's only natural for corporations to use fads in their marketing.

imagine the guy who made that ad looking at this

crying like it's prom night rn

>cue pizza explosion

>Mighty Number 9
O i am laffin


That brown girl is ugly

kys stupid phoneposter.

Is the new generation of kids even into anime? They don't have the same excitement of exposure to it like the 20 to 30 somethings today. I find it hard to believe they are since it's all easily available so much that they don't know where to start. It's all about rick and mort...wait that's a show for manchildren.


That's not even Mighty Number 9 you dumbasses. Its Mighty Gunvolt Burst.

Isn't that what's in the top left corner

don't ever quote me again

Did you buy her game?

Fucking retards.


At least all of the games are actually Japanese, and not just American imitators like whenever Steam has an anime sale.

No, that's for Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack.
Pic related.

That's Azure Striker Gunvolt, which on Switch has a dual pack release of Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 and 2.


It's not like most people got into anime because they watched DBZ or Sailor Moon on TV. Watching it as a kid has very little to do with getting into it. It's mostly word of mouth that drives anime in the west.

>n-no! fuck grompf and fuck popular things

i have like 8 waifus from danganronpa ALONE

Laughed way too hard at this one

Jesus Christ.

>everything popular is bad

I want to die every time i see this image

I love that Disgaea 5 pretty much became a staple of the Switch’s library just by getting its foot in the door early. I remember it not doing too well on PS4, at least in Japan.

I guarantee at least one person in this thread is subscribed to this guy "ironically" right now.

I love anime games and I am happy that all of these are selling well.
It feels so damn good. You probably have no idea the deep and sincere joy I am experiencing from seeing the Switch carry on the torch of the Vita as the "weeb machine" and do so with better hardware and performance.
It feels so good!

>Mythra instead of Pyra

officially the better girl

Is that the one that comes with the card game?

The ones I don't own on that list are that, the One Piece game, Xenoverse, the Touhou game and not sure what bottom right is (Steins;Gate? I don't believe that's out overseas yet).

I guatantee that a shit load of people on Sup Forums is subscribed to this guy.

sorry buddy, i don't see anything from the OP in your list, guess that means it's True Weeb Certified, better luck next time kiddo

What is an ironic weeb? Somebody who watches a lot of anime but has social skills?

It's also the perfect game to play in bursts/on the go thanks to it being an SRPG and incredibly grindy.

I unironically want a Love Live game on Switch

lol xD

me i have like 23 waifus from fire emblem fates and awakening lol and my gf got only 5 husbando -_-

Disgaea 5 sold 200k copies worldwide.


It's easy to see why Falcom will be leaving porting over their games to them since they've seen lots of success as a fellow niche anime-style game maker.

It's a meaningless phrase
It just means people who like anime/memes that you don't

Sorry to say, but you're getting an exclusive Pri Para game instead.

Was Mighty Blunder 9 even released on the Switch?

>half of those are port
>games that were released year ago
>one of them is a complete blunder


>Ironic weeb
*tips fedora*

What's that game on the first row, second from the left?

That's even better. and Aikatsu will probably follow it by the end of the year.

>ironic shitposting about being an ironic weeb

I wonder if they'll be putting stuff like Gal*Gun 2 on this list, kek.

so we hate pop team epic now? I gotta catch up on the nu Sup Forums hate wagon trends


t. ironic weeb

>It's doesn't count

>>one of them is a complete blunder
Look up Mighty Gunvolt Burst, genius.

>I gotta catch up on the nu Sup Forums hate wagon trends
You don't seem to have any trouble catching up on the regular nu-Sup Forums trends, so it shouldn't be that hard for you.

Nope (at least not yet). Mighty Gunvolt Burst however was and is basically Mighty No. 9 done right.

Yes because it's popular now even though the only indication of it being popular now is all the people complaining that it's popular now
stop shilling your channel and kys

.t Redditor

Thanks for your contribution


I hope he ironically buys a sex robot and it ironically kills him

>Only good game on there is Disgaea
What do they mean by this


It is I, nu-ironic weeb normalfag neo Sup Forums user. I get all my epic animeme image on my facebook and love to participate in animeme twitch.tv chat where I spam my favorite epic animeme emote vohiyo with the rest of my otaku weeb twitch friends.

Im the biggest weeb ever having seen 20 anime such as master piece like re:zero and attack on titan. I have about 248 animeme waifus and have real weeb gf that i met in a epic anime convention who also love le epic animeme.


We need another holocaust

Oh, so this is the reason why suddenly there are so many retards on Kizuna Ai's YT comment section?



It's $5 on 3ds and $9 on Switch. The Switch version is the one that comes with the card game.

>faggots on a weeb site complaining about weebs

.Sup Forums hates pop team epic and pretends it was always shit just cause its getting the popularity it deserves

I fucking hate this board so much, I hope you all die from aids

>"""ironic""" overuse of senpai or kouhai, may even use it for their online handle
>Don't understand the concept of waifu and call everything 2D a waifu
>stuttering and blushing anime girl pictures aka cuteposting
>Crunchyroll subscription
>usually only watches the latest "meme" anime like Maidragon
>will joke about lewding loli but find it disgusting if you fap to it
>has social media accounts that are flooded with the latest FotM meme game/anime jokes (BotW, P5, Maidragon and Kemono Friends are good and recent examples)
>loves games like Senran Kagura, Neptunia and/or Persona
>Have a 3DPD gf
>people who aren't virgin
>if seen in real life, will likely be wearing some article of clothing that say something along the lines of SENPAI or TOP NEP
>still plays Overwatch
>loves memebait characters like Astolfo, Kanna, Makoto, Kizuna Ai
>plays mobile games like Love Live, FEH, FGO and/or Granblue
>can be on either side of the political spectrum but if right leaning, expect anime girls with photoshopped MAGA hats
>primary means of communication are either Discord or Steam

anime wins again

somebody took the time to write this

>it deserve

Reference humour is and will always be garbage for low IQ toddler.

this t b h f a m

There has literally always been. She was ruined within a month of her inception

xD us weeb right bro? dont lewd the dragon loli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

holky crap lois

>"Ironic weeb"

How do you guys have so much mental energy to expend on weird schizophrenic gatekeeping

>>Don't understand the concept of waifu and call everything 2D a waifu
this one legit makes me upset

its literally lulsorandum

If ''dood im like such a gamer!!'' type of people exist why would they not exist for anime too?

No one will ever guess I have interests in weeb stuff unless they ask me about it

why do you need to shitpost and pretend to be one in an unrelated thread

>That garbage 2hoe fangame
Might as well add vroom in the night sky to the list

Gatekeeping isn't a bad thing, no matter how much your millennial brain wants it to be. There's a reason you have to go to medical school to be a doctor.

What's middle one in lowest row? Girls looks like Patchouli from 2hu, but there's no 2hu on nintendo consoles, right?

I allow cutie and sweetie posting.

Post your favorite animeme video.

This is mine youtube.com/watch?v=mcPOMiBq4aM

>medical school is the same thing as caring what anime people watch


The only one that applies to me is Senran Kagura. I love beat em ups and tits.

No arguments, then? OK, thanks for playing.

>I'm only ironically being an ironic weeb
please kill yourself

Why do posts about Japanese and games styled after anime now result in arguing about whether or not the people excited about them are being ironic or not?

>your millennial brain

And how old does that make you?