Why are they underrepresented in the professional gaming scene? It's not physical like real sports. So why?
User, Why No Women in Esports?
>So why?
Because they are not good enough to get a place in tournaments.
They are brainlets
women don't play games statistically compared to men.
inb4 fake studies and crazy femenists who think that was some kind of jab. it wasn't, it was facts.
>"They aren't as good at the games, that's why."
But that's absolute bullshit, user.
oh maybe because there are no really good female gamers
BTFO, virgins.
Women have no fucking idea what the fuck they want expect for complaining about useless 24/7 being jealous that men are having a good fucking time
Wasn't the reason why there aren't girl innthe first overwatch league tgat no girl registered?
Girls in the 90s and early 2000s we're still stigmatized against playing games, thus you don't have any that are 16-22 right now that are elite level since they haven't seriously practiced. Only the top 0.01% of game players are pro esports. The top 0.01% of men and just better than the top 0.01% of women because their dedication to gaming wasn't discouraged growing up.
This is the real answer.
men have a 10 to 20 year head start and face comparatively less resistance in online gaming
there are strong female players but not in shit games like overwatch
pink diamond was (is?) an amazing killer instinct player and sherry is a strong sf5 player
I didn't even say there arn't women who arn't good enough, I said statistically there are less. learn to fucking read.
it's absolutely true, dumbass
Even if you find a girl on the same level as the men, what do you think is going to happen when you add a female to a autistic awkward group of nerd teen boymen?
I call that "the DSP excuse".
>Girls in the 90s and early 2000s we're still stigmatized against playing games
Oh shut the fuck up you fucking faggot EVERYONE was fucking stigmatized and girls were the first to call you a virgin loser if you brought up even something remotely video game related
It'd be full of trannies anyways.
I remember watching a stream of a womens star craft tournament. It was an absolute shitshow, the only one who was even reasonably competent was the only chink in the room. I swear if a random Sup Forums user was put against these people it would be a rout.
You pretty much got it, but you know I do wonder about other places like maybe korea. Did they have the same stigma that games are for guys?
It'd be interesting to see.
the same reason there never were a notable female driver in motorsports
>you have to be smart to be good at vidya
If it werent for Chaturbate Light aka Twitch women still wouldnt care about video games
back in the early 2000s me and a bunch of my friends were playing in local counter strike tournaments and we replaced a fatass that was always late with a tomboy grill and literally no one gave a shit.
we were truly ahead of our time kek.
You can't be an absolute retard and judging by these threads they are
>So why?
For the same reason there's thwo kinds of tournaments in chess: female-only and open tournaments.
then you took turns fucking her and everybody clapped
Trans, niggers and woman should all have their own leagues and tournaments. ESL BLACK Major, Trans Open Major, Pussy Major etc
>Girls in the 90s and early 2000s we're still stigmatized against playing games
You fucking moron, men were stigmatized for playing games and they still did it.
If "social networks" were an e-sport we would have the opposite situation.
Because gaymur grrrls are just attention whores. Women are the cancer infecting everything that is good.
If only there was this hormone that makes men inherently more competitive. Hmm, what was that again? Good luck telling the soyboy's deprived of said hormone any different though.
I am so fucking sick and tired of you faggots trying to rewrite history. Jesus fucking christ
>female esports
Who in the actual shitting fuck would be stupid enough to think this is a good idea?
whats this "were" ? the fucking world health organization tried classing gamers as mentally ill THIS YEAR.
you don't see black guys complaining there aren't enough nigz on overwatch though. You don't see black guys complaining at all, only nigger faggots or nigger women
No girls were signed by the teams/orgs. There is no "regesration" at the OWL level. Regesration is in OW Contenders which is like an open division where everyone and their mother can participate. Roasties are upset cause no OWL team signed a female player.
Well that's hardly the girl's fault. Those men should learn how to behave.
>If there is any game that can shatter esports’ glass ceiling, it’s Overwatch.
also turns out the reason women can't compete at a high level in vidyagaems is banter and living together in a team house is awkward
Get good
Niggas just too poor to afford internet to have their voices heard
>Forgetting the great Cake is a Lie Paradigm Shift
Because they're not good enough you stupid cunt.
>I could totally be a doctor, lawyer or astronaut. I just don't want to compete sweetie.
i wrote the last sentence as a joke. the point of my post was to show that no one cares about your gender as long as you're good.
*destroys your argument*
sorry, sweetieeee
There should be trap only leagues and tournaments
These people collectively still dont care or enjoy video games
what about chess?
also, i want to add that this was in eastern europe. women here don't care about that feminist bullshit and they don't think how the patriarchy is keeping them oppressed and what not.
you are a real progressive guy. i bet people clap wherever you go because they know how progressive you are
Isn't there only like one woman in the entire top 100 in Chess? Or even top 500?
Yeah, after almost 800 years.
Being raised in a pre-phone time, playing vidya was social suicide. It was bad for boys, but it was way worse for girls.
While guy peer pressure merely consists of calling you dork, nerd and involves occasionally physical violence, girl peer pressure is far far worse.
It's not like these eternally envious creatures are friendly to each other when they are friends, but when you are a target all gloves come off. Physical violence seems at least honest in comparison.
Also parents. While they seem to be OK with you becoming a gamer, because they hope you may pick up engineering or computer science on the way, they absolutely won't tolerate such behaviour for girls.
>because their dedication to gaming wasn't discouraged growing up.
just kys
And boys weren't? Shut the fuck up.
Mobas and Esports need to die.
read the post above you, you absolute moron.
does it go on to say why it's bullshit or just carry on without explanation?
biologically the smartest people will be men, as well as the dumbest people too, and women will be average, and average doesn't win competitions, nor does it impress anyone
I wish they'd admit that men and women are biologically different and stop trying to push this bullshit narrative that we need women everywhere
>sherry is a strong sf5 player
Get that solid 4 chipmunk bullshit outta here
I think one of the western Shogi Champions is a girl because she was obsessed with Naruto and started playing because it was in the show
>That stream where HotshotGG beat Team Siren with WildTurtle and a bunch of randoms and they absolutely shitstomp them while trolling
Siren alone probably set girls who want to play League at the highest level back by easily a couple years.
So societal standars are what makes women what they are? crazy whores? wow.
is the ow league actually male only?
Once again, Hitler was right.
im clapping ur so progrssive user u were ahead of ur time and no one cares about mean old femmies in ur dirt poor 3rd world shithole
>Why are they underrepresented in the professional gaming scene?
Because they don't want to, its as simple as that.
>It's not physical like real sports. So why?
Women are interested in different things, you can't force them to play because you want them too.
Yes, because the myriad of stereotypes for male gamers from neckbearded virgins to sweaty middle aged losers to numale manchildren surely encourage men. Shut the fuck up with your bullshit excuses.
Women are not made for competition, why is this so hard to accept?
Us men are quite fucking literally made to compete, it's in our genes. You beat the opposition and establish yourself as the alpha male, then you get some vagina; that's how this shit has worked for million of years. Women don't need to compete because they're the fucking baby oven. Since women carry children they are automatically valuable, and thus they do not need to compete nearly as much.
Nature is sexist I am sorry.
Because it's intelectual. There is also women leagues for chess.
20 years later people will still use the same excuses why females can't play video games as well as males. Inferior performance won't change no matter what excuses you make.
Not on my mongolian cartoons.
because it's already cringy enough with just men
The biggest issue is one of networking. It doesn't matter how good a girl is because she'll never get a good team. Either the good players are too autistic to take her on, or the ones that do want her are thirty betas that focus on her instead of the game. This prevents any girl from making it on a professional level and the cycle repeats itself.
enjoyed being swarmed with blacks and arabs and spics (in case you're burger). can't wait until your degenerate countries collapse.
Why the fuck do they want more women in esports? You're playing fucking video games at an autistically high level. That's like saying "we need more women to waste their lives playing with toys!"
Never gets old.
>It was bad for boys, but it was way worse for girls.
Or you could just say that gaming is about escapism and women didn't really need it since they have more social opportunities
I've never seen any girls interested in competitive gaming, and no, trannies don't count.
Shogi is completely different and Japan is unironically more progressive with this stuff without even realizing it.
what about all the other 28 genders?
Women just choose, on average, to play games less than men. That’s it. There’s a much larger ratio in favor of male to female in the talent pool.
And this is okay. It just comes down to personal choices made by individual people.
cultural shite, ignoring the science.
Because they are women. When they see something that men enjoy and it doesn't kiss their ass 24/7 doing so they have to invade it and/or destroy it.
Marketing thing. They think that having a woman playing will attract other women and you will duplicate your audience!
girls rule boys drool
1998: Karsten Braasch vs. the Williams sisters
Another event dubbed a "Battle of the Sexes" took place during the 1998 Australian Open[51] between Karsten Braasch and the Williams sisters. Venus and Serena Williams had claimed that they could beat any male player ranked outside the world's top 200, so Braasch, then ranked 203rd, challenged them both. Braasch was described by one journalist as "a man whose training regime centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple bottles of ice cold lager".[52][51] The matches took place on court number 12 in Melbourne Park,[53] after Braasch had finished a round of golf and two shandies. He first took on Serena and after leading 5–0, beat her 6–1. Venus then walked on court and again Braasch was victorious, this time winning 6–2.[54] Braasch said afterwards, "500 and above, no chance". He added that he had played like someone ranked 600th in order to keep the game "fun".[55] Braasch said the big difference was that men can chase down shots much easier, and that men put spin on the ball that the women can't handle. The Williams sisters adjusted their claim to beating men outside the top 350.[51]
Because most women are busy in generic office jobs, nursing, cooking or just cleaning her houses-apartments for care about videogames or overwatch
Yeah why do women suck at games? It doesn't even come close. The bitch gets destroyed every time.
There is difference in performance between genders that is the biggest reason, that cannot be overcome with these mental gymnastics.
Overwatch is one of the easiest game to git gud in but women still can't compete
>be wymyn
>never attracted by moba, play beat 'em ups only casually
>only games where I get kinda competitive are mmos (for resources, and only when I feel like it), some rhythm games (but without going for "full perfect runs", just gitting gud feels rewarding enough), and stuff like old arcade games against friends just to beat their butts
I think it's true, we don't have any love for competitive whatsoever, mostly.
Homo sapiens doesn't reproduce by alpha males. Species with alpha males hierarchy have larger testicles to impregnate several females.
seems like they mostly play support roles
the resto druid or mercy
im just playing, thats just my thinking
>Yeah why do women suck at games?
Bad hand eye coordination, they also throw things much worse
>See female name doing well in any competitive game tournament
>It's a tranny literally 100% of the time
I guess women are just genetically bad at video games.