Villain goes full retard and exposes themself

>Villain goes full retard and exposes themself

I love Junko!

At this point, I'm convinced you're either OP bumping or a bot.

Mikan is the worst girl and you can't possibly name anyone worser than her!

I love Kirumi!

>oh no someone must have messed with the room temperature so I couldn't tell the time of death
>even though I'm the only one with medical knowledge to know such fact in the first place

Quick post cute Dangan girls


Fo' sho!

>buried under 27 layers of fiction
It's not fair.

ah yes it's another "zero escape for retards" thread
always my favorite to discuss animated books on Sup Forums - Video Games


No tricks, no gimmicks.

>Danganronpa V3 - Spike Chunsoft (2017)

>another Danganronpa thread

>Literally calling best girl in the saga worst girl

Tenko. That was easy.

Thanks for the bump!

Reminder that Shuichi is the best protagonist. He ended Danganronpa.

Chadichi is even better than Hajimeme and Hopekoto

dumb personafag

This guy was pretty cool. I felt bad sending him to jail forever

>you'll never forgive Mikan

He literally did nothing wrong.

that's fuckin' gross

>he doesn't understand danganronpa

>He doesn't exist in hyper reality

>finish 2
>start reading 0
>Junko right at the beginning
Danganronpa please stop hurting me

get away from here if you don't want some dickhead to spoil you but if you like Junko you'll fucking love zero.

>Spike Chunsoft is recruiting staff for another DR game
No he didn't, he is a failure

Third case culprits always go full retard.


>fiction within fiction within fiction within fiction within fiction

oh shit

But the seesaw trick was kino.

literally no motive for the second murder besides being a crazy tranny

Kiyo may have gone full retard but at least he did us all a solid.

Where is the original Danganronpa universe where V3 doesn't exist?

never happened it was fiction

Kiyo isn't a tranny, he's just headmates with his sister.

>Villain is discovered by accident

This bitch retarded. She has a compliant victim, but still tries to pin it on the most obvious non-culprit in the most over complicated way. Instead of using Ryoma's hat or something for the ropeway handbrake, she uses her own clothing like an idiot. She bundles up both the rope and the metal wire and just leaves them in places where everyone can find them. Apparently she has the time to MacGyver some ridiculous contraption but didn't think to string up the net again. It's like she wanted to get caught.

i was actually confused during trial 6 until the exisal opened
am i retarded?


one or the other would have been almost unsolvable
double murders are always the dumbest shit

She could've just left Ryoma in his lab and she probably wouldn't have gotten caught. Or even just dumped his body through the window. Or made it look like he hanged himself, since everybody already knew he was depressed. God that case gets dumber and dumber the more I think about it.


Objective fact that 1-3 is the worst case in the series with 2-3 being a close second.

It's funny how much 2-3 is ruined by one line. Mikan for no reason says something like "There's no way someone as slow as me could do that" in the most suspicious way very early in, completely removing all doubt.


>Thigh high socks

Dick status: MUH

Why are Dangan Ronpa threads so shit lately? Is it the waifu fags? Did V3 bring in the shit posters?

Not much left to discuss.

the best

Why does she have fangs

The threads are pretty frequent and it's been some months since V3 released. Not every thread can be good.

whats so bad about 1-3?

>play 1-3
>loud noise
>hey guys i am a friend and a cool dude you should go over there ;)
>other loud noise
>hey fellow kids i just happened to get photos of the attacker and i got attacked too but not killed lol btw you should go over there now

I rolled my eyes so hard I had to go to the hospital

It doesn't help like 2 minutes into the case she goes full REEEEEE and gives herself away


She was blindingly obvious before the investigation even fucking started and her motivation was shit and her plan was shit and she basically gives up a few minutes into the trial

1-3 is easily the worst trial in the series and Celest a shit

I think it's shit because Celeste does next to nothing in the previous cases then suddenly she's the most involved person while the murders are happening. I was immediately suspicious when she suggested splitting up.

Yeah. If you've ever watched like any murder mystery show or a fucking movie one of the largest suspects is always the first one at the scene of the crime. Celeste is way too obvious and it's especially bad in this case because she was the "cool aloof one" that didn't care or get involved in any case before that. Suddenly in 1-3 she's like oh geez we are friends I'm going to help everyone.

Because V3 exists. It fucked up the series so expect it to be shit from now on.

to match the alt-girl aesthetic

Don't kid yourself the fanbase was just as bad pre-V3.

It was insanely obvious who the culprit was. Celeste didn't help even a tiny bit in the first 2 cases, but suddenly she not only wants to help with the investigation but wants to lead the trial? Not to mention she's CONSTANTLY begging the question and leading conversations and saying shit like "I was the only witness, X happened and you cannot say otherwise as I was the only witness". If she was a dumb character it might have worked better, but they tried to make her look smart while having her fucking constantly say shit like "this is impossible" ten times in a row when each thing was absolutely possible every time. Just the simple fact that she was SUPER insistent that "X must be the culprit because this single piece of evidence points to it!" over and over again, when she never showed any signs of that in previous cases.

I liked the case overall, but if you enjoy the series because it offers mysteries with crazy twists you won't see coming 1-3 is weaker than average.


If you didn't know who the culprit was at 1-3 before you even saw the body, you are mental.

Also what the fuck are you doing in a Dangan thread, it's like you want to get spoiled.

Rantaro is the mastermind of V3

Don't forget literally the only other person logically capable of "masterminding" the plot was a retard trapped in a suit he couldn't move around in.

Kaede survives to the end in V3

Please kill yourselves, OP.