Let's get a 3x3 thread going

Let's get a 3x3 thread going

Rate n' hate - throw in some recommendations while you're at it

1/1 yakuza 2





Go ahead.

1/1 weird stuff

Whaddya mean


0/1 welcome back
0/1 please label your games
1/1 welcome back
1/1 What's 1? Which DKC is 6? What's 7? Which TR is 8?

You had your chance.

id on upper left corner?

1 is sin and punishment
7 is DeS

For fucks sake

nice pic saint

2/3 Demon's Souls and Mario. When was the last time you tried playing DeS? It's so fucking outdated desu, took my PS3 out of the box today because I wanted to play some. Had a nice fight with King Doran but the game felt clunky as hell. Still love DaS more.

these guys don't even know who saint is yet they still post this pic

Since I'm tired of always seeing the same games in these threads and the criteria for what should go on your 3x3 has never been that clear anyway, I've assembled this 3x3 based on what I think are the most aesthetically interesting games, rather than based on my "favorites". These are the games where I would look to for artistic inspiration if I were making a game of my own and didn't know where to start. This list has gone through a few revisions as I've tried to develop an aesthetically pleasing 3x3.

3/3 BT is way better than BK though

1/1 keep on doing your thing, Pajama Sam man


0/1 I played Vegas Dream because of your 3x3 and I don't know what the hell you see in it, unless you're a weirdo like me and you appreciate it as art or something.


>keep on doing your thing, Pajama Sam man
I will!
> I think are the most aesthetically interesting games, rather than based on my "favorites". These are the games where I would look to for artistic inspiration
You know whatsup, I like finding games like these.





1/1 +SSBM


0/1 -Sega Marina Fishing

Yeah I like using these threads to find new games too. They've been pretty same-y lately though, just the same Sup Forums-core games and most popular JRPGs over and over. I feel like there used to be more variety in the past, could be imagining things.

Great taste user

Jokes are supposed to be funny, user. Unless you literally just starting gaming a few months ago and those are the only games you've played?


I've never heard/seen any of these games

Should've thrown in some shit games that Sup Forums praise like witcher or zelda and it would be perfect


Where's the original version that had like Fallout NV/Deus Ex/etc in it?


>Fallout NV and Deus Ex

4/4 Downwell, nice

1/1 bait

>4/4 Downwell, nice

I remember one guy who had Deus Ex in his 3x3 and confessed he'd never actually played it lmao

Bloodborne, Chrono Trigger, Mario 3, Xenogears, Diablo II, Morrowind

Soul Hackers, Quake, Thief, Diablo

MGS, FFIX, Deus Ex, Ys Oath, Dark Messiah, DMC4


Top tier autism coming through, please only rate on autism scale

I saw your 3x3 and tried out Neo Poke Kun. Very neat little mini-game collection with a nice aesthetic. Unlocking content by playing the game at different times of day is an interesting mechanic. Glad I found it.

also how did you set that up? video editor?

Really tried to like Call of Cthulu but I got bored and lost interest a few hours in. Might come back to it later.

>video editor?
No, actually I made this in a sound editor.

a bump

I'm extremely perplexed how you can place two really pitch-perfect action games next to mediocre games like wario ware, ror, terraria, fucking csgo, kotor, and gothic 2.

>gothic 2

Gothic 2 has mediocre action, yes.

nice taste
classics, really nice
fantastic taste

It's called variety, something you'd clearly know nothing about.

For a WRPG it has a very good action.

there are dozens of better shooters, RPGs, minigame games, etc


There probably are. This isn't about objectively best though, thoughts like this are why these threads are usually bland as fuck with the same shit. Leave people to their varying taste.

>stop judging me it's my favorites :(
Why are you posting if you get mad when people discuss your shit? I don't put NT or MP in my top 10 but I can respect those that include it. I can't respect the other choices. Get better taste.

3/3 Megaman, Dark Souls, Shovel Knight
2/2 Dong Returns and San Andreas
1/1 Metal max Returns
absolut autism (FTL and Counterstrike)

Oh shit and Warioware as well mr Autism

I like what I like

I think you forgot Deus Ex

I've never played a Dude Sex game

damn you really don't like dude sex, do you?

Bottom left is supposed to be New Leaf, not the mobile game. I'll fix it later.


7/8, what did people see in the TCG game?


post this 'pretentious 3x3' meme pic already, can't find it anywhere

Skies of arcadia.

Do.my gamecube friend also loves baten kaitos?

It is here.

It's not about the TCG, it's about the game, trust me.

sorry for my entry level shit list, but i love these games

2/3, couldn't get into WoW
4/5, life is strange was horrible
1/1 for Wario, but that's really neat you made yours into a webm. What program did you use?
4/4, Kid Icarus Uprising is an excellent choice


Another one with insecure guy



Isn't this just copied of a specific guy's 3x3? That absolutely misses the point.

>specific guy's
3/4 of Sup Forums you mean?

That one is 'pretentious but not trying to look pretentious'

We cant like Paper Mario TTYD, Dark souls, Metal Gear, Devil may cry, chrono trigger etc?

There is a reason these games always come up. They made a huge impact, are good games and the praise they get makes people try it out years after they launched.

God Sup Forums annoys me sometimes

This is more memecore than Sup Forumscore.

Reminder that if you have any of the following games in your 3x3
>any Valve game that's not Half-Life 1 or 2
>any MOBA
>any MMO
>any Persona game
>any CoD game
>any Battlefield game
>any Halo game
>any Killzone game
>any Dead Space game
>Nier Automata
>any 3D Sonic save for Generations and Colors
>any overly weabooish JRPG like Neptunia and Disgaea
>Fallout 3
>any wrestling game
>any realistic sport game (Fifa, PES etc)
>any TES that's not Daggerfall or Morrowind
>any LoZ game that came out after Twilight Princess or is on the DS and 3DS
>any Arma game
>any zombie survival game in general
>Nuclear Throne
>any Pokemon game
>any Castlevania that's not 1, 3, Rondo of Blood, SotN or Aria of Sorrow
>any God of War game
>any Spyro and Crash game that's not part of its respective PS1 trilogy
>any Witcher game
>any Souls game that's not Demon's or Dark Souls 1
>Final Fantasy X and onwards
>any MGS past 3
>Metal Gear Rising
>Doom 3
>any realistic racing game (NFS, Gran Turismo, Forza etc)
>The Last of Us
>any multiplayer FPS
>any Bioshock game
>any multiplayer oriented ARPG
>any Jak, Ratchet & Clank or Sly game
>any Batman Arkham game
>any Mass Effect game
>any GTA game
>any visual novel
>Binding of Isaac
>Super Meat Boy
>any game that has only multiplayer
>any Saints Row game
>any inFAMOUS game
>any Far Cry game
>any Mortal Kombat game
>any overly simplistic game (Tetris, Pac-Man etc)
you should refrain from posting in these threads

1/1, Okami looks good but I've never been one for Zelda-likes really.
This is a neat chart but I haven't played any of these.
1/1 for SMASH TV as usual, but I really should get to trying those SNES Wrestling games.
1/2, I tried WoW and didn't like it at all.
5/5, I always give props to Runescape for nostalgia even if I don't think I could go back.
>using somebody else's troll chart
>rating the person who made it
This is next-level shitposting.
2/2, really neat idea.
1/2, I got bored of SFV. There's some really fun characters but the balancing and lack of content marred it. Abigail deserves a better game.
7.5/10 autism magnitude my dude
3/3, how's the Pokemon TCG game? I never got too into the TCG as a kid but I played Pokemon and some Yugioh games.
3/4, I should get into them SuperGiant games.
3/3, I only played inFamous 1 but I keep hearing 2 is better.

Literally who puts OG Nier on their chart? Like 2, 3 people?

>When you're specifically responsible for a game being on this list


Are you that one same nigga shilling that dreamcast VN or whatever it is?

That's the point. It's really not. They're all popular games but besides that guy's you wouldn't see more than four of those on one guy's 3x3.

thank god the 3x3 police showed up

>how's the Pokemon TCG game? I never got too into the TCG as a kid but I played Pokemon and some Yugioh games.
It's fucking neat bro, like i said, the physical game wouldn't bring you half of the fun the gbc game would. The sequel is fucking awesome too, but if i had to choose one, is the first one.
It's so addicting and genuinely fun i wonder why its so underrated.

You post this exact same picture everytime you post this, stop fucking samefagging.

Replace MGS3 with MGS2 and REmake with RE4 and it's perfect

Neat. I've been on a small spree of emulating handheld games since I got Retroarch going on my phone so I'll give a shot. I'll probably play Wario Land 4 first.

I've had Air and Sakura Taisen in a couple of my charts but I haven't talked about them outside of that. Both Dreamcast VNs.

2/2 fucking love air ride

4/4 Should I play Okami? I know it's made by Clover, the primordial Platinum, but not much else about it.
6/6 Fantastic.
>Binary Domain
>Banner Saga
>Hollow Knight
Exceptional. I didn't really love Hyper Light Drifter, but it's still a fine pick.
6/7 I don't care for Oblivion.
9/9 Perfection itself. Sup Forums has peaked.
4/5 I can't say I like MGS 1, but I commend you for liking DMC 4; it doesn't get enough love.
>Gravity Rush
Phenomenal. If I didn't count all the Supergiant games as one series, Pyre would be on here, no question. Absolutely superb game.
8/8 Can't hate.
4/4 I loved RDR; think the sequel will be shit.
4/5 I don't like any of the Arkham games.

1/2 infamous wasn't good
5/6 i don't get the boner for smt
2/3 same as above but with persona
2/3 catherine was meh for me
1/2 i hate the guns in cs, also, that 3x3 is quite awesome my man

4/4 Bayo 2, Transistor, Nier Automata, Dragon's Dogma
Probably gonna play Bloodborne soon

I just wish Transistor was longer. I was really disspointed because at one point it was suggested that you'd fight those four those four people from the Camerata. Since the first one was a boss. But then you get to the second, it turns out him and the other guy is dead and the next fight is just half an hour later.

Patrician, not even kidding. It's in my top 5 FFs.

Replace God Hand with Morrowind and it would be perfect.

t. Todd


It's suppose to subvert your expectations.
Red and The Transistor keep telling themselves stuff like they're gonna save the town/the people and make the people who did this to them and the town pay. But the reality of it is that they're in over their heads and have no control over those things.
The villains that "did this" weren't moving a plan into motion, their plan was falling to pieces, they were just as scared as everyone else so they took their own lives. Red and The Man in the Transistor make it out like they're about about to confront two evil masterminds when the reality was nothing more than two scared gay dudes who didn't want to die just like everyone else in the city at that moment.
Similarly at the end of the game when Red and the man in the Transistor realize that stopping the spread of the process was a hollow victory since everyone and everything that they loved in the town was already wiped out and they essentially saved a husk from being eaten.

Granted, the game being slightly shorter than Bastion and coming out to a total of 3 bosses instead of the 4 you're led to expect does make it rather feel like you got shortchanged a boss.

3/4 I don't understand how one could like XIII-2, but I commend your position for Drakengard 3.
Bloodborne is exceptional as long as you don't care for the faults of a Souls series, and it has a much stronger atmosphere, imo; I would advise you to be as careful as possible regarding going in unspoiled, but I doubt it's possible at this point.
It was the perfect length, in my opinion. I adored everything about Transistor, front to back; the music, the art, everything was absolute perfection, but the final boss fight is one of my all-time favorite moments in gaming. I understand your critiques of it, however, even if I don't necessarily concur.
4/4 I miss Prince of Persia more than I care to admit. I thought the reboot was egregiously underrated.

3/3 Banjo, TTYD, Terranigma

>Wario Ware do you want to get smacked the fuck up?

xiii-2 was fun, both noel and caius were great characters, and i really liked them, soecially since both were fucked by some retard goddess


5/5 nice
MoH Frontline, what a game
I remember playing that and MoH Rising Sun for hours

fucked up the order there