It's a me Soyio!

It's a me Soyio!

that's not how it works.

one joycon goes in the headset while the other goes in the backpack!

silly sonybro




You faggots done with your shitty bloodborne yet?

Kek, calling them this now

These soyboy memes are starting to get next level, I am digging it. I never thought Wojack could be so versatile that I'm seeing fresh Wojacks in 2018

I thought peepee poopoo was as weird as shit could get.

They're still seething that they platform of choice is being btfo by literal cardboard. lol


Too bad that not a single one has been funny.

Wow, I'll never look at cardboard the same way again.

Where were you when Nintendo annihilated the competition with a fucking cardboard box.

Goddammit I love Nintendo. Crazy bastards.


Who the fuck makes these edits?

Why does this image trigger Nintendo fanboys so much?



>This might actually be the case for everyone that used the word "soyboy"

Holy shit, I never thought of that.

This ones funny. How did you miss it

It doesn't. The only ones triggered are roaches because Nintendo blew their shitty fucking announcements out of the water with cardboard and the whole internet is talking about Nintendo. Again.


The thing about wojak is - he's basically a human head with no real defining traits. He's bald, he has no skin colour, and average features overall. There is a lot of scope for fine tuning and customisation.

Sonyboys are so butt blasted they have to make a crappy wojack every five minutes for comfort.

>the whole internet is laughing at Nintendo

Not funny. I guess you assume I'm a Nintendo fanboy because I don't like your dumb fad?

I didn't miss it, it's just not funny. It's stupid. Wojakshitposters love to talk about how "creative" wojak is as a template but it's honestly just the same thing repeated over and over.