It won't feel right on Switch.
It won't feel right on Switch
It's gonna be another Skyward Sword with the new Switch motion controls
It's not a good game to play portably, no.
Replayed through ds1 on pc with the pro controller, felt pretty great.
You don't feel right in this world.
imagining playing it handheld feels uncomfy. the R button will feel terrible. Im buying it and playing it anyways though.
It's just a really unpleasant game to play outside the house. No internet, can't immerse yourself, can't fully concentrate.
>Im buying it and playing it anyways though.
weird, but okay
I remember a long time ago i was playing dark souls but didn't have access to my pc for some days so I started playing skyward sword on my wii.
The motion controls felt so fucking terrible after being used to the DS combat system I had to quit after 5 minutes
30 fps
30 fps most people would say.
But the game was originally in 30 fps.
It's more because Dark Souls is a game where you have to be super careful about everything and a smaller screen it doesn't feel right.
Also, expect on the Switch it will probably suffer some framedrops.
i dont get the framedrop argument, im. calling it now it will be rock solid 30.
however i never experienced console blight town, maybe itll hit 27 there, iv hered it was unplayable on ps3.
i think the decision to target 30 was made after them running it at 60 and being really fucking choppy dipping to the 40s
i honestly doubt the switch is incapable of running such an old game at consistent 30
its remastered you fucking retard.
Considering it's probably running on DaS3's engine, I'm not so sure on Blighttown running like shit this time around.
i dont have a switch and wouldn't buy dark souls on it anyways
>it's probably running on DaS3's engine
It isn't. It's just a resolution and texture bump. They will probably port the 360 version without enhancements to the switch.
it doesn't have to feel right as long you have fun
it's the pc version, I think, porting the pc version to ps4 xbone is easier than 360 to the other platforms.
making something 1080 and adding some nicer textures dosent really make things that much more demanding, it's literally the same job they did with dark souls 2 on the ps4
confirmed not to run on the new engine
soul farming on the train? may aswell do some of the more monotonous tasks on your downtime
i spend alot of time in my local cardgame store and local play with the other switch dudes is gonna be insane
demon's souls pc remaster when
>soul farming at all
weird. But yeah, it just isn't a game for that kind of play.
i also seem to be the only person who. dislikes dark souls online, i tend to play offline for the most part untill i want to pvp or want to join someone else's game.
am i weird?
Don’t buy it then