Who played South Park Fractured But Whole? Who was your usual team? I'm playing through it now.
Also what were your 3 power archetypes and which abilities and ultimate did you use?
Right now i'm a Blaster Brutalist. Abilities are Brutalist ultimate, Brutalist knockback punch, blaster long beam that hits multiple enemies, and blaster burning orbs thing. I'm liking using Super Craig, Captain Diabetes, and Human Kite for the support. Me and my 2 tanks get shit done with Human Kite supporting us from the back with his heal and shields.
i'm considering when I unlock my 3rd class to go Plant master and use the heal ability then replace Human Kite with someone. A damage dealer probably then i'll take over healing duties.
Joshua Wright
Super Craig was my favorite just for the sake of it being Craig. Plus a duo brutalist can be nice for 99 percent of the fights. If we're talking taking on Morgan Freeman I'd suggest mosquito, human kite, and call girl. Call girl is insanely hood actually she just covers alot of range with her phone destroyer ability.
Owen Wright
when I unlock call girl i'll give her a try. Hopefully i'll have my 3rd power by then so I can get the healing and replace Human Kite with her.
Camden Sullivan
I'm waiting for the complete edition
Joshua Bailey
I've been playing the phone game.
It is actually not hot garbage and has a decent story mode. Until you get to the last levels of the Fantasy chapter
Jeremiah Perry
I didn't buy the season pass. I'm thinking about it but there really isn't anything they added yet to make it worth it
Landon Thomas
I don't even know what they are going to add besides danger deck and the casa bonita dlc
Levi Stewart
Chaos, Captain Diabetes and Wendy best team.
Game was disappointing tho compared to the original game. The time travel was the best part but they did it half-interesting at the end.
If they make the 3rd game with you as a villian will be interesting, and I bet it will be seated in a Star Wars themed this time. You'll wait and see.
7/10 should have been better but it wasn't.
Zachary Cooper
Just like the first game status ailments trivialize the game even on hardest. Mosquito for AOE gross, tweek for AOE shock, then usually a tank/kite.
I rolled full mind with the blaster ult for burn status, then aoe plant spell, psychic confuse, and elementalist freeze
Dominic Cook
All I did was abuse damage over time abilities. 50% DoT buff with builds and a party of craig (gross out), tweak (shocked) and kyle for the heal and shield. My main set up was pyromancer for the fire DoT, elementalist for the heal buff, and plantmancer for the bleed debuff. When everything has 4 DoTs on them they die pretty fast, even bosses.
Joshua Barnes
I played it, enjoyed the hell out of it. I was a Brutalist/Speedster for most of the game. That combo with a bunch of bonuses to knockback damage made me feel like I hardly needed the rest of my party, especially when I got the fart that clones you. Setup was Brutal Bash/Supersonic Dash/Double Edge. Later in the game I replaced Supersonic Dash with the Martial Artist's Dragon Reversal. I used Full Force Fisting as my ultimate, because you have plenty of good options for multi target ults with your teammates, but having a single target nuke to destroy certain enemies and bosses is more valuable on your main character.
As for allies, I think my best combination was Call Girl, Human Kite, and Mysterion. Maybe replace Mysterion with Captain Diabetes. Kite Shield was better than having heals most of the time, and Kite being able to move people back came in handy. Kenny or Scott need to be in position 1 for the extra move range. Wendy is just good to have in any situation. The only boss I had trouble with was the one at the end of the laboratory. Even the optional boss at the end gave me no trouble with my set up.
Craig, Scott and Kyle aren't bad, and take team seems tanky as hell if you're also a brutalist, but you might want to diversify a bit more.
Jonathan Stewart
if the shield is more valuable than heal usually would you not recommend me replacing Human Kite later when I unlock plant master so I can heal? I'd be using a damage dealer like call girl I think.
Brandon Gray
It really depends on your playstyle. No matter what your approach, your new kid will have the biggest impact on how strong your team is. If you make him a healer, you'll have great sustain. If you go all out on offense, enemies will get crushed. Whatever route you decide to go, use your allies to fill in what you lack. So if you have good heals already, you don't need to bother with Kite.
I went all in on offense because frankly the game isn't that difficult, and I felt like I was better off focusing on wrecking enemies than sustaining my group. Kite on the side was more than enough to keep the team stable while we went to work. If you wanna go full support or hybrid support that's fine too. Even on Mastermind the game's not that difficult. Once you get into the rhythm of it you'll find that you can hardly go wrong.
Also Wendy is more of a support sniper than a damage dealer. Phone Destroyer is a great move for finishing off weak enemies or setting up strong ones before a bigger hit. Her taunt is useful, same as Craig's, and pretty much made Craig obsolete for me. And her full screen ult is good for clean up.
David Baker
I forgot to mention, if you go support, you can switch to Psychic by bugging Eric and have better shields than Kite anyway.
Grayson Hughes
i liked how the battle system almost looked like battle network's, except it didn't have the 6x6 grid lock BN had
Julian White
For the first part of the game I just went psychic for the shield and it wasnt very hard. When you get plant though is when you can break the game pretty hard. It has some bullshit move where you can move 2/3 entire rows of enemies and the cast range seems enormous. It also puts a bleed on everything you hit on top of it. If you build all your items to max out + knockdown dmg (dont remember exactly what its called), you can just explode everything by pushing/pulling them into each other. I one or two turned half of the woodland critters boss with it.
Jaxson Clark
>call Jimmy >”looking to go somewhere fuh...fwa...feh...fwa...quickly?” Shit never failed to make me laugh through the entire game
Colton Richardson
Did anyone else besides me feel the game got ridiculously easy once you were given access to the plant power and the abelity to create a clone of yourself?
Jackson Walker
Whos the best healer?
Alexander Davis
I enjoyed it but the first game was better
Jackson Brooks
>blazed through the second game in a few days >have restarted SoT three times now because I get bored a few hours in What made FBW so much better? I do like the superhero setting more than the medieval fantasy. But is it the combat that’s streamlined?
Josiah Gutierrez
Played it on the Diabolic difficulty, one of the most satisfying and perfectly balanced challenges I've had in any game.
Blaster is by far the best opening job. On Diabolic almost everything oneshots or twoshots so you want to say far away from the enemy. Elementalist and Plantmancer are the best jobs, the freeze and the charm will do work the whole game. The X-shaped blast from the psychic is the best default attack.
Best ults go to Plantmancer for the full party res which is necessary on certain bosses, and Elementalist for the near full screen freeze which is necessary for certain bosses.
Best party member in the game HANDS FUCKING DOWN is Call Girl, broken as fuck. Not only is she the beefiest character with the most HP and has a taunt, but also has a busted as fuck move that's infinite range and inflicts defense down.
Beyond that, Captain Diabetes is in second, just a reliable tank with good damage. The 4th slot should go to either Super Craig, Mysterion, or the Coon for most battles.
also you haven't beaten the game until you beat Morgan Freeman on Diabolic
Landon Bell
calling in captain diabetes is what gets me. Jumping on him and farting on his face. I never filled up the circle immediately. Always sat there farting for a while. And the farting grinding in the strip club part was hilarious.
Angel Barnes
Stan heals the most I believe. Human Kite for versatility because he heals and shields. Tweek is better offensive support if you want status effects Jimmy best offensive support for just damage wise and has amazing movement
imo I think Kite is the best support because of the shield and heal.
Dominic Martinez
what's so great about the plant? I'm not there yet. Still playing.
Alexander Hernandez
Who the fuck picked anything but Old people and vampire kids as their weakness?
Andrew Rogers
Actually best heal goes to Jimmy.
Human Kite is only really good on the lower difficulties, he becomes about worthless on Diabolic where his heals and shields are no match for the sheer damage output of the enemies, who always either one-shot or two-shot you.
Has access to Charm which is a ridiculously good way to fuck the enemy up.
Sebastian Brooks
small overworld changes helped too.
>always sprinting instead of having to hold a button because really in SOT when were you NOT sprinting? >auto loots everything because, again, when did you NOT just click take all?
Carson Phillips
I picked Crab People
I don't think it changes the game in any way though, same as the gender and religion.
Gabriel Roberts
Is Mysterion not being able to actually die that great?
Ryan Clark
I choose raisin girls because I thought it'll be funny.
Matthew Butler
Absolutely. Certain battles it's better to just get him killed so he can continuously freeze enemies, freeze is the best and most important thing in the game.
Hunter Ortiz
Among your allies? Kyle is good for shields and his heal has a pull effect which can be useful. Tweek has a nice big single target heal with good range. Stan has a decent multi target heal with decent range. Jimmy has a good heal that switches places with the target.
For my money it's Kyle > Tweek > Stan > Jimmy. That's not counting Token and his shield since he has no way of restoring health.
Among the classes? Plantmancer is the best healing class, followed by Elementalist and then Psychic for the shield and good ultimate.
Eli Wilson
Fuck Raisins girls. Whenever they charmed my guy i was pissed.
David Ward
Gotta use that turn skip wisely.
Also they're incredibly susceptible to Confuse.
Logan Reyes
I was mostly referring to the move where you can hit pretty much ever enemy (so long as they’re in a tight cluster) knocking them back and causing bleed damage
Angel Wilson
Please tell me other people had trouble with Butter's dad the first time they fought him.
Kevin Gomez
Plant: Huge area of affect knockback, damage and bleed. Almost always hits every enemy.
Large area power heal.
Has a move that does good damage and inflicts charm.
Just better than every other class.
Kevin Reed
That's alright, I prefer the psychic X-shaped blast that does defense down. Also I forgot to mention Plantmancer has best ult, or tied for best with Elementalist.
Evan Rodriguez
I died the first time because I didn't realize how to unground people.
Once I did he got manhandled into the dirt though.
Robert Gutierrez
One thing that's nice about the Elementalist heal (and maybe Plantmancer, I don't remember) is that it not only heals but also removes any status effect the target has. And you can target yourself. That makes it better than pretty much any ally's heal ability.
>Fuck Raisins girls But they're not allowed to date customers bzzz
Josiah Evans
I kicked Steven's ass. I had more trouble with Sheila because I didn't realize I could just break the damn wall right away at the start and ate a bunch of lasers.
Kevin Diaz
That one encounter in the danger deck with all the Raisins girls was infuriating. I basically ran Tweak + myself with Chill, Plant Knockback, and the Elemental Ult and slowly widdled them down.
Sebastian Hill
I picked Raisins girls because they are my weakness.
Logan Cruz
This. Plantmancer is the most OP class.
Charles Gutierrez
That would be true if this game were difficult enough for healing to be super duper important. It's not. Double Edge + Clone is the most potent offensive combo, so Speedster shits on Plantmancer for that reason alone.
Zachary James
I'll get it for the Switch.
Isaiah Robinson
I haven't played TFBW yet but I am playing through Stick of Truth and when I beat that game, I can transfer my save file to TFBW and continue from there.
Nathaniel Martin
>I didn't realize I could just break the damn wall right away at the start
He mentions i'd have to be moses to get past this wall or something. So I summoned Moses. What a fucking waste I felt so god damn stupid...
Mason Cook
It's hard as fuck on Diabolic. The difference is healing is even more worthless on that because everything oneshots or twoshots you so the challenge is less about surviving hits than it is about not taking them altogether by properly managing status effects
Blake Anderson
can't lie I love them lolis
Carter Rivera
Raisins girls are pretty good
Isaac Hall
There's no transfer of save, no bonuses or changes for having beaten Stick of Truth before The Fractured But Whole. It doesn't even have the same hair styles so your TFBW character may wind up looking slightly different SoT character. The characters act like they know you from the first game, but it's that way no matter what. You just gotta roll with it.
Nathaniel Thomas
Wendy and Cartman OTP
Landon Miller
I did the same thing. God dammit.
Nathaniel Nelson
Stan and Wendy
Jaxson Rogers
I see you're men of culture as well.
Caleb Jackson
Boo Wendy.
Levi Cox
I was kinda half expecting to cuck stan with Wendy.
Eli Jones
All offense. All the time. You don't need to heal or shield yourself if you kill everything before they have a chance to really damage you.
plus support allies are useless. Just use items to heal.
Gabriel Campbell
That sounds like it would make shields a bit more useful as a health buffer though so you can charge in more safely. Diabolic didn't exist when I was playing the game though so I'll take your word for it. The clone made mastermind a joke.
Easton Miller
Grayson Hill
This game had the worst ending I've ever seen.
Cameron Gomez
Youve never played Mass Effect 3 i see
Anthony Green
Shields are useful to a point, but not worth wasting a character slot on,and more importantly wasting a valuable turn on. You're better off using Captain Diabetes as a tank for his shields and slow+knockback, Call Girl in the back as a spammer with the infinite range defense down, and the 3rd ally slot should be exchanged out depending on the situation.
I HIGHLY recommend going through it again on Diabolic, it's very challenging and makes Morgan Freeman a true accomplishment.
Elijah Garcia
>Just use items to heal.
does this actually work? No lie i've thought about this. Only i'd have 1 or 2 tanks and 2 damage so there's still some balance on my team. No support though. Do items heal enough?
Lincoln Cook
It's pretty much exactly as bad as Halo 2's ending
Isaiah King
Ethan Rogers
The other DLC teases Minberry Crunch.
Alexander Jackson
Items heal just fine. You just have to take some time to make them.
Alexander Martinez
Items heal plenty, but from what I recall the range isn't the best, so characters will need to spend turns healing themselves and can't count on others as much for rescue.
Adrian Lopez
Sebastian Garcia
That is so not vegetarian.
Cameron Thompson
I won't be satisfied unless he's a boss. I don't give a shit about getting him as an ally. I've had this urge to kick his ass ever since the end of the Coon trilogy.
Andrew Ward
Aiden Bell
The season pass teased 2 new combat buddies.
>Who? >class? >abilities?
make your guesses. I'm thinking they'll add a tank. Only Captain Diabetes and Super Craig come to mind when thinking of actual tanks. There's guys with higher health than others but wouldn't really call them tanks.
Easton Morris
Do Wendy and Stan even have a thing going anymore?
Julian Hill
In general it was better than SoT, apart from the end, which seems amazing with the time travel and stuff but then just sort of ends, as with the first game I wish there were more side quests and post-game content, there is no reason to play after the end apart from collecting cats and yaoi
William Reyes
Mintberry Crunch and maybe Doctor Timothy
Carson Hughes
Henrietta is definitely one, right? She was shown at your side without the rest of the goth kids in the Casa Bonita promo material. As for the other, probably her lame ass little brother, Bradley. Otherwise perhaps Kyle S. or Professor Timothy.
Andrew Rivera
>Doctor Timothy Would make sense, there is no one that really fits the Psychic theme but him.
William Rivera
Gameplay wise it's way better, one of the best JRPGs I've ever played when it comes to the combat.
Storywise it's way worse than the first game. I think they were afraid of the game getting banned everywhere like the first game was so they toned down all the offensive or grossout aspects. The only time I really laughed was the police station.
Josiah Thomas
>tfw had opportunity to fuck plenty of plumper goth chicks in high school but passed them up to fuck blonde bimbo stacies
Should have nailed at least one Henrietta
Cooper Brooks
If their banter in TFBW is anything to go by, they still like each other. I don't know if they're dating.
>Don't screw with my callgirl!
>Hey! That's MY toolshed you're messing with!
>You're a pretty handy guy to have around, Stan. >Th-thanks..Call Girl.. (Y-you too)
Camden Morris
Henrietta is fat as fuck. She'd probably be a tank.
Jayden Diaz
I laughed at the strip club fart grinding minigame.
Christopher Morris
They make her way skinnier in fan art. Even moreso than Cartman.
Easton Jackson
Who's the worst combat buddy in your opinion and why?
imo Tweek. Jack of all traits, master of none. Yes he can heal but not the best healer. Yes he can damage but not the most damage, Yes he can status effect but others can do it better.
Joseph Sanders
Did you find all the yaoi yet?
Bentley Sanchez
Yeah. The map in Bebe's basement helped.
Leo Fisher
Tupperware for me was just completely and utterly fucking worthless. He's straight up unusable on Diabolic which is what I played on.
Tweek at least has Freeze which is the best status effect in the game.
Dominic Green
Tupperware helped with the old people segment. I just kept teleporting him across the board.
Luis Perry
Captain Diabetes is immune to charm, I didnt know that till the freeman fight.
Hudson Lee
Wonder Tweek is your typical status effect/debuffer class. He does half decent damage as well, but honestly, other classes can debuff as well, and have better damage output. He can heal too, but again, there are other more effective healers as well.
Wonder Tweek is a jack of all trades, but also a master of none. If you want a buddy that can do a little bit of everything, then Tweek is your guy. But if not, give him a pass.
Tupperware is a Brutalist/Gadgeteer combo class which is a bit of a strange combination. Gadgeteers prefer to hang back, but his brutalist attacks would rather see him up close. Other than the turret, none of his abilities do that much damage (and if you’re up close to an enemy, the turret probably won’t last all that long).
His ultimate, while it might be the most bad ass looking one in the game, isn’t as great as it seems. Even if you use all three of your volleys on a single group of enemies you probably won’t kill them.
Tupperware is best in battles where you’re going to be surrounded from all angles. He can swap places with people, spin attack when surrounded, and use turrets to cover both sides of the battlefield. His ultimate lets him attack anywhere he wants. But in most cases, you’re not going to be surrounded and there are better buddies for those situations.
Elijah Lee
I think Tweek is the only one that can steal turns besides New Kid though. I don't know who's the worst really. It sort of depends on how you play, because depending on how you spec there will be a kid that's just an inferior version of you. For me that was usually Craig, so I'm inclined to say him. He's mediocre as a bruiser and his range is awful. I also didn't use Jimmy all that much. A shame because he has some of my favorite banter.
Luke King
wait what? He is? I should have used him during all those raisin girls fights god damn it why didn't the game tell me?
Jayden Miller
I think super craig does the most physical attacking damage.
Luke Powell
Craig is situationally useful just for the taunt alone. He's a must for any one-on-one boss, especially Freeman.
Jimmy is nearly useless though, he's incredibly good early on when you don't have much to choose from but becomes shit over time. It's a shame because like you said, his bantz are amazing, also I really liked him in Stick of Truth.
Christopher Price
>I think Tweek is the only one that can steal turns besides New Kid though I think Mysterion's death ability set has a chill effect if I am not mistaken.
Hudson Moore
His abilities in Stick of Truth were amazing. Too bad by end game 9/10 enemies were immune to sleep