Comfy PS4 thread

What have you bros been playing?

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Just bloodborne


dissidia beta

EDF 4.1 and some 40k: Space Marine

Until Dawn and Dark Souls 3.

Doom and then the ps4 overheated

God the Pro has to be one of the ugliest fucking consoles ever.

What the fuck were they thinking when they decided to just stack another layer on it?

>trying to bait people make fun of playsation by putting soylent bottle in picture
>people dont give a shit and see right through you
>actually talk about what theyre playing

Dork Souls 3, Gravity Rush 2 for getting all of the online content 100%, & Nioh


I wish they actually made some more games for it instead of movies where Kratos turns into a Soyboy

I was playing nioh but I can't really will myself to keep going into the dlc.

I kind want to play until dawn would you recomend it?

gran turismo sport right now
cyber sleuth hacker's memory is coming in the mail tomorrow

It's been driven into the ground already, hard.


Talk shit and make jokes as much as you want, you all know sony won this gen and anyone who denies this is delusional

Honestly this gen the ugly award goes to the bone for looking like a VCR. There's nothing appealing about a huge fucking featureless box.

its a really good time, i wish i could experience the game fresh again for the first time. get a bunch of buddies over on your first playthrough, assign characters for each other and pass the control around when that character becomes playable. i had a shit ton of fun with my friends doing that.

Why not get EDF 5 and learn Japanese?

HZD and some Gravity Rush 2

I don't particularly care for your console war bullshit or see how your post is relevant at all.

Got around to reluctantly playing Uncharted Lost Legacy out of boredom since a relative sent me it for Christmas. Honestly not that bad, it was pretty enjoyable

>gran turismo sport
That shit has the smoothest music in the universe.
Also from the bit i played it felt like the most polished goddamn video game i have ever played.

So i want to get into Sengoku Basara, should i get Sumeragi or Yukimura Den?

I'm waiting for MH beta to open up. Was playing Gravity Rush earlier

Infamous SS while I wait for Monster Hunter World next week. I was enjoying the DBZ Beta too but it's offline now.

And did you pay for remasters, backwards compatibility, online play and a continued worsening 1st party line up of samey third person action games instead of the variety Sony had during the PS2 and PS3. Congratulations.

I mean it has plenty of games, you just want to shitpost

C'mon, you gotta be playing more than that guys! I'm playing HZD, MEA, Bloodborne, and TLoU!

Welcome to every current gen console. Shitch included.

Was playing Persona 5 but I lost almost three hours of progress because I’m literally fucking retarded so I’ve switched to KH 2.8 for now.

Its OK user. Just let go of your dust magnet and trade it in at Gamestop for a Switch. It actually has games.


ps4 has more games than pc

coming up on my 50th plat now it's probably going to be Persona 5 or Estival Versus.

I have a Switch and it has even less games than the PS4 by a long shot. In fact, I was about to sell my Switch for a Pro.

The PS4 is dominating for a reason.

I've been playing more Action Roguelikes,my new favorite genre

Do you have to redownload the Monster Hunter World client or update it?


the ps4 is seriously ugly. i need a super slim that looks as good as a ps2 slim in my life


Wait, what about Uncharted or TLOU? Aren't those good gameS? They have high metacritic scores, good sales, and plenty of gameplay.

I would if you like those kind of games. It's kinda slow and a bit short, but the characters are interesting and it's enjoyable to play through. I just wish it was a bit longer cause i finished the game in only two days.

Was playing the dragon ball beta, got tired of it, excited for the monhun beta tomorrow, who else is excited for the nergigante ?

There pretty fun. Actually, I think the gameplay in TLOU is super satisfying on hard mode.

>The PS4 is dominating for a reason.
It plays madden, NBA and COD. That's all.


Stay delusional soyboy.

Been playing Skyrim. I never played it. Enjoying it so far. I've been thinking of getting Witcher but I heard it's a better overall experience if you play the 2 games before. Is that true ? Does the story have more depth and weight if you do ?

desu i turned the music off, i prefer GT6's soundtrack. but yeah it's very polished, the presentation is great and the cars look fantastic. i really like the mission structure and the circuit experience bit, it makes learning technique and turns more organic

Witcher 3 is a phenomenal game. On PC, choices carry from the first 2 games.

The first game is rough, but really fun. 2nd is solid all around, easy 8.5. 3 is a masterful game. Fuck even the DLC was incredible and made the main game look bad.

Several other platforms does this aswell. I don't see them as succesful as PS4.
What now soybrain?

Playing mgsv. Lots of fun, sunk over 100 hours into it. Gonna be playing ffxv next.

Horizon Zero Dawn wasn't in the top 20 selling games this year while Nintendo had three in the top 10. Stay losing

>got my copy of SFV: AE yesterday
>it's still downloading the update

The internet on my computer is fine. What's my PS4's excuse? Fucking bullshit.

heheh soyelt
hhehHEHAHE soy

When I found out NBAK whatever the fuck was second most played by PS4 users I was disgusted. (From stats link send by Sony through email)

b-but the Switch doesnt have NBA or Fifa!!

I dont see how that statement is supposed to mean anything. I wasn't a fan of HZD and thought Zelda was shit.


like your opinion matters at all

I was playing Nioh for about an hour or so. Despite some deaths and frustration, I was enjoying it quite a bit. Then it crashed and I lost progress. It's going back. Fuck Team Ninja.

Are you suggesting yours ever did? You are a failure at life and no one takes you seriously. Now fuck off.



The top 3 selling games on PS4 in 2017 were COD WWII, NBA 2K And Star Wars Battlefront 2.

So(n)yboys don't buy exclusives.

why do trannys drink soylent, like what's the actual purpose? I don't want that question asked in my search history.
I've been playing HS but I'm a little disappointed today. Also been playing FFVII. I just made it to that town with the big gun. Gonna play the MHWorld beta when it launches.

>Horizon Zero Dawn wasn't in the top 20 selling games this year
>*numbers not worldwide
It was almost top 5 worldwide.

>So(n)yboys don't buy exclusives.
How does that affect me?

Reminder that the people who insult you for playing uncharted will spend $80 on cardboard

>It was almost top 5 worldwide
Nope. And Zelda beat it.

No shit, Nintendo fanboys are the most disgusting, anti-social fuck boys on the planet. I say this as a Nintendo fan.


>things that happened

Yes, and? Want another picture of my Shitch?

>It was almost top 5 worldwide.
It sold, what, 3m copies? That's not even fucking close, Sonyboi.

Source on both numbers?

Yes it was.
Name 19 other games that sold over 4 million copies this year.

Which mental illness is this?

You are delusional if you don't believe horizon sold 600k from june 5th till the end of the year.
It was reportedly at 3.4million copies sold at that point.
Still name me all games that sold more than that for 2017

You tell me, insecure faggot.

>Predicted to sell 8m units or more
>Last reported numbers had it at 3.4m


Meanwhile multplats like CoD, nuStar Wars, Destiny 2 and NBA cracked 10m easy and Zelda has sold over 4.7m copies as of October.

This needs a update with the garbo.

To be fair im just now thinkin of gettin a switch since it finally got a game worth playing
dark souls

Its at 4.17. Funny still, BOTW was a multiplat.

>no GOTYs
No Sony muh games list is complete without checking all these boxes, lol

>Top 5
>Name 19 games that beat it

Well, here's eight at least:

>Star Wars BF2
>Destiny 2
>FIFA 18
>NBA 2K18
>Zelda BOTW
>Mario Odyssey
>MK8 Deluxe

The only thing i ve been playing is cod4 remasters since i bought it on a sale a few months back. I literally cant play anything else and i have like 7+ games that i need to finish.

At cinematic 20 FPS, 720p


This is a Sony thread, Nintenhoes.
Be come with your cardboard soy-toys or be butt food.

It's going to be hacked in Spring. Probably worth it for free games.

The claim was that it wasn't in the top 20.
Follow the thread brainlet.
Regardless there is no proof that Destiny 2, Star wars battlefront 2 and NBA 2k18 sold more than HZD.

Nu-Link is the perfect mascot for Nintendo desu.
He looks like such a huge faggot.

Only about 1m sales were on Wii U, so it still beat Horizon on Switch alone.

Also, look at those fucking sales for Horizon
>Sells 2.5m copies in its first month
>Sales fall off a cliff immediately following
Yup, just like most AAA games, it sold the majority of what it'll sell lifetime in the launch window.

>You are delusional if you don't believe horizon sold 600k from june 5th till the end of the year.
See above, it's entirely possible, sales dropped significantly right after the launch window like most western AAA games not named CoD or GTA, and I doubt it saw a huge resurgence.

Haven't used the PS4 since like December, but Digimon tonight niggas.

Just beat Horizon Zero Dawn after pre-ordering it years ago. Took me long enough, and I was already level 50 by the time I actually got there, but I made sure to clear out just about every side quest and mission I could get my hands on.

Now time for the DLC. Soon™

There are 2 remakes. So what?
> and I doubt it saw a huge resurgence
It was selling throughout the whole year. You could almost always find it among the top 10 of the week in sales for half a year after it launched.

Certainly no match for best girl.

Why does he have a hearthstone pack attached to his belt

>The claim was that it wasn't in the top 20.
No one said it wasn't, we said it wasn't in the fucking top 5, which was touted here:
>It was almost top 5 worldwide.