Explain to me why King K. Rool can't be in Smash
Explain to me why King K. Rool can't be in Smash
Easton Fisher
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Aaron Baker
Because Sakurai is a hack.
Juan Hernandez
He's not from Fire Emblem
Colton Baker
Japan doesn't care about him, next question.
Camden Barnes
>Japan doesn't care about him
Ian Rivera
Because Sakurai is human trash.
Nathaniel Ortiz
too big
Noah Campbell
For some reason, nobody at Nintendo wanted to use him for anything during the last 10 years.
This Mii costume? The most acknowledgement ANYONE gave him during the last decade.
Tyler Phillips
>Donkey Kong character
>Western character
The perfect storm of never-ever.
Adrian Bell
Such a perfect design, too. This is exactly the look they should go for if they end up including them