So what do you think happens after you die, user?

So what do you think happens after you die, user?
In video games you simply load a save or respawn and try again, then the world will act like nothing happened to you
In reality you don't have that option

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I finally get to be with Reisen!

Your stream of consciousnesses ends, and that's the end of that

I imagine that you "become" another consciousness. No memories of any previous existence of course, but one is gone and another begins.

Maybe in my next life I will be a cute girl.

Lots of things happen after you die.

Just not to you.

>that pic


I hope I can meet Hitler one day
Though I don't know what I would want to talk about

Probably this. If consciousness is just an illusion, then there is no reason to believe that it can happen only once.


New Game+

What is consciousness anyway? A continuous stream of thought and memory from birth to death. But we suspend that consciousness every time we sleep. If we are hurt and knocked unconscious, enter into a coma or similar are we the same person when we wake up?

You today is certainly different from you 10 years ago. A single event won't change you, but the old "you" don't exist. Do we die and are reborn every day in our existence, a new you taking over, slightly different from the old you? How would we even know, as we inherit the same body and the same memories. How many times have we already "died"?

The movie "Dark City" was based on this idea, although the execution didn't really live up to it.

you know how it’s always said that cats have nine lives? I like to imagine that humans do as well, only we don’t see our deaths when they happen - for instance if you barely dodged a serious car accident, that’s a life. It’s just most people survive nine deaths long enough to die of old age. And if you get killed in a freak accident or shot, it’s because you used up eight other lives. Think about it.

And if you die hours after being born?

According to ancient traditions, your soul goes through a series of tests. If it succeeds, it will achieve eternal bliss. If it fails, it will go to the underworld, and then enters another life.

>enters another life
so you get born again?

what's the name of that theory where with every near death experience you have it branches off into two timelines (one where you died the other where you live and you remain conscious in)

it was interesting because you literally can not prove it, if you died from testing the theory everyone would just think you're dead and if you survived in another timeline you can not prove anything

Quantum immortality I think

I like to imagine that every night, my dick doubles in size. Only problem is that everything else doubles in size too, so you can't tell.

If you are judged worthy, then when Jesus returns, you will be resurrected and will serve in the Kingdom on Earth for 1000 years. It will be like you slept through your death. It may be 10 years or 10000 years, but a split second after you die, you will awaken, alive again, by the Glory of God.

If you are not worthy, then you simply remain dead for eternity. It will be the same as before you were born, nothingness. But there is no Hell, you will receive no punishment or pain.

Basically yes. Until you achieve Nirvana.

I move on to level two.

thanks, never understood how it got around getting really really old though


So only jews win?

Would eternal bliss be conscious like in most ideas of heaven or something more Greek where it's like your soul has eternal bliss but it's not really 100% you being conscious kind of thing?

If god was real I still think it would make more sense for everyone who doesn't make it to heaven upon death to be reborn in a different body for another chance. That way everyone would still have to find their own personal path to salvation and the benevolence of god would still make sense. Too bad I don't believe in god though.

The laws of physics would shit themselves if everything suddenly doubled in size.

I spend 99% of my limited free time (when I'm not working a laborious working-man job with minimal pay) lurking on an Ascension island scrimshaw community BBS in which in 10 or so years I have made maybe 50 or 60 people chuckle briefly.

After I die? I'm dead, and this is the hell I have carved out for myself. You are my tormentors and I credit you all for your fine work in this field.

When you die you wake up in the simulation chamber. You remember that your race had become bored after exploring the entire universe and finding nothing of interest, so decided to use full-sensory simulation depicting more primitive times (when things were still exciting) on everyone after a mind-wipe.

When you wake up, you are sent back in and given another life, but only if you score is above 500, any lower and you spend eternity bored.

So basically you can only get perfect eternal bliss when you let go of all desires and aspirations in life, give absolutely no fucks, respect your peers but ultimately will have nothing to do with any of them, and live as a travelling hobo with the absolute freedom to go and live however you'd like, wherever life takes you, but you ultimately don't want anything back out of life.

Why the fuck is it against the rules to expedite the process when we've already figured it out?

I end.

I would have to say that you go to an afterlife. I mean, what happens to our consciousness? Nothing? It has to go somewhere. Who knows what the afterlife may be however. It could be a hellscape, pure heaven, or wandering the earth in an ethereal form until the end of time itself.

The silence rings in your ears and everything goes back to how it felt before you were born.
Good job soldier, your brief stint as a part of the universe observing and documenting itself is over, you may stand at ease.

You can't make a ship of theseus analogy if you're only moving the steering wheel, senpai

Boo fucking hoo. If you hate it so much store that money you earn away and then use your free time to start a business eventually or something.

Closer to the latter I think.

The real answer is that nobody knows. I don't know why people even try to make up an answer instead of focusing on what they should be doing in life.

>It has to go somewhere
Consciousness is the result of electrical impulses and chemical reactions in a lump of wrinkly grey fat.

When those processes end, so does consciousness. It doesn't go anywhere, it just stops. "You" ceases to exist.

It's like you think I think the door isn't wide open. I deserve exactly what I'm getting here. All I need is a five and I could leave.

Figuring it out isn't the point. That's just step one. Now you gotta bring it into practice and prove that you're not just trying to kid yourself.

>In reality you don't have that option
Actually you do but the game we are playing is so infinitely complex that our life is actually just one of the minigames you are trying to beat.

>mfw I dodged a car accident yesterday
oh fuck, I wasted a life

I'd say the universe is too complicated for our consciousnesses to simply end. There's so much we don't know.

No newgame+
No load savestate
No new level
Brain dies and so does you.

But, can another "you" be formed again?

Assuming your consciousness will continue after you die is a little vain, don't you think?

The fact that people actually believe this shocks me. You could choose to believe that your existence transcends the physical would and has inherent value yet choose to put faith in your perceptions of the world and empirical science?

>Hey Ug
>Oh hi Marug, how is your sex life?
>Ever wonder why yellow burning stuff happens when sky go boom in furry green stick place?
>The real answer is nocavebody knows, I don't know why cavemen even try and make up an answer instead of focusing on drawing big cows on cave using pigment.

But if that's the case what is the thing that is doing all the experiencing? Makes me think it is some kind of collective consciousness aka God.

What if physics doubled in size as well?

Best answer. What we perceive as "consciousness" is just the amalgamation of inputs and processing our body receives and performs as a whole, with our character being the result of stored memories from our experiences in life, through the environment and with other living things.

There's a bunch of room for unethical research in this area with creating so-called memetic clones of each other, specifically shaping or crafting the development and personality of newborns as they grow into adults.

When we die, not only does the body die, but we simply stop existing as we know it for all intents and purposes. It's like going to sleep without even realizing it.

It's like being put under general anesthesia and then never waking back up, but you wouldn't even know or care.

>I imagine that you "become" another consciousness.

What happen when all life in the universe ends then?

Also, no user, you won't be a cute girl.

Eventually the raw components that went into making you by consumption or absorption or just floating free might become part of another sentient being.

It's not all going to be in one piece, but if you get put into the ground and the worms eat you, and the rest of you turns to dirt for plants to live in, eventually some parts of you are going to end up transmuted and changed into something alive again.

Of course only at the most basic compounds and elements, but people like being star stuff so why not take comfort in the idea that all that carbon you've got lodged in your ass might some day be part of the burnt toast of cyberhitler 3000, inspiring him to commit another holocaust, except this time its mormons?

tl;dr life is fleeting, so enjoy it, or don't, because it doesn't matter once you're dead for all we know.

I like to think that too but then I realise how insignificant we all are and how we're not really needed past our lifespan, we just die to gradually evolve.

An interesting thing about what you are saying is that actually the atoms in your body right now are in all likelihood completely different atoms to what you had 7 years ago. Even though your Neurons don't reproduce they still undergo cellular respiration and exchange molecules. You aren't even your atoms at all.

>He doesn't sow labels on all his atoms.

Then again it could matter. In fact this could all be a test to get into the good afterlife and we are all failing.

if this were true, I'd do something more exciting than fucking shitpost on a chinese cartoon imageboard

You're in pain because of whatever is killing you.
You lose consciousness. Like being asleep but without the dreams.

Your body decays. Stuff eats your matter and parts of you become parts of other things.
You have no memory or consciousness to care about what's happening anymore.
Time moves on without you.

The future refuses to change.

Bro what if we just have a game of pretend
Don't worry you don't actually have to believe bro, just pretend you do and if God is real He will totally not realise that, even though He's omnimpotent.
>Blaise "pressure" Pascal, either now dead or in superhell for being a smart prick.

If we're all our own miniature biome/universe, the product and embodiment of billions or trillions of living organisms (cells), doesn't necessarily matter that cells aren't constantly dying off as new ones are created. Like us at a macro scale, you have to imagine data is being copied or exchanged over to new cells as the old ones die off, so the data that makes up our being wouldn't be any different until that process fucks up via mutation, and suddenly we get neuro-degenerative diseases and cancer.

>Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).
>If God does not exist, infinite loss
>If God exists, infinite gains
>Infinite loss
>Infinite gains

Sup Forums is hell, /fit/ is heaven. Do fifty squats now or be a lemon.

After thinking about this a lot I came to the conclusion that consciousness is a part of the universe on a fundamental level because there is no other way to explain it.

In fact I'm pretty sure that's the mechanics of wear and tear on our bodies as we age.
It's like a game of telephone.

Cells can only copy and divide so many times and after so much time passes, bits of data get lost in translation or maybe get corrupted, which causes the effects of aging until the data gets so jumbled/fragmented/corrupted, that we get serious disorders like cancer.

Living as though god exists only for the rewards at the end of it seems kinda dishonest.
If I was God I'd throw Pascal straight to Hell for thinking he could game the system.
Believe in me or don't, fuckface.

How do I get to hell?

Welcome home, honey.

Live life to the fullest that you possibly can, at the expense of everyone else.

BE THE WINNING KING of all things is my take away of it.

punch god in the face

I've heard that not buying Skyrim Special Edition for your brother is a good method.

Like basically just indulge. Just totally gorge yourself on the fruits of life, and WIN, basically.

I hope you haven't told any LIES lately user.
>I lied to avert a murder
You still lied though, that's a paddlin'.

get bad karma

>live a relatively short, insignificant lifespan
>your actions in this life effect the rest of your eternal existence
Who comes up with this shit

Delete this

If you live a good life, you go to heaven, where your memories are erased and you are given a new body. If you live a bad life, you go to the Home For Infinite Losers, where your soul is purified. Your memories are then erased and you are given a new body and sent back. If you live an exceptional life, you get to keep your body in the afterlife, run down Snake Way, and eventually meet King Kai.


I take comfort in that. Couldn't be arsed to go through all this shit again.

to everyone saying we just cease to exist, i agree

but how comes we aren't even scared of death anymore?
how come we don't need spirituality to assert this (probably true) assumption?

have we evolved?

i'm a good person, i work, I believe in love and good doing, i have zero spirituality (and i live 1km from the Vatican, for what it matters) and i'm not religious, yet i'm absolutely not afraid about death and going blank, instead, it kind of encourages me to do as best as i can to enjoy life so that on my last day on earth i will say to myself i'm satisfied while having someone on my side, which are the two things i consider most important in my personal existance.

Do you think ancient people wrote thousands of pages of spiritual texts because they were afraid of death? Because that's wrong.

>we aren't even scared of death anymore?
Speak for yourself.

We're not a hivemind. Everyone has different circumstances, expectations, and desires in life.

I'm not scared of death, because I know it's guaranteed, and while I'm not quick to kill myself, I've got a bit of a nihilistic view on the world we live and on ourselves. I'm not suicidal, but as I am now I wouldn't miss it.

I'm young though.

I'm not spiritual or religious but on the off-chance there is a god and I haven't committed a murder or something, I'll take a do-over in purgatory. Already feel like I'm living in one.

Speak for yourself dude, I'm terrified of dying.
Blog incoming: Recently anyway. For all my life I never was and even spent time imagining suicide when I was more depressed, but this last year I've had lots of mini mental breakdowns over just the thought of it. It started due to the various health concerns I had, but even now that those are taken care of it's been constantly in my mind and I'm only now coming to terms with my morality. Pretty pathetic I guess.

What kind of person is even afraid of death anymore?
You live, hopefully in a way that suits you, and then you die. You can be afraid of pain or diseases etc, that's just basic survival instinct. Being afraid of the unavoidable though is just silly. Might as well be scared of sleeping or needing to piss.

Look, I'm going to have to sue you for blatantly plagiarizing the last four months of my life

It's like those badly designed games where you spawn onto spikes or nonsolid terrain. You micro-die over and over until you use up all your lives.

religions served and still serve different purposes, obviously

but one of them is still to fulfill men's need of spirituality, which ultimately consist of "answers" to otherwise impossible questions, and fear of death

You return from where you came from: nonexistence.

There was no vidya. What else would autists do but write faggy sci-fi?

Do you think the lack of God has contributed to the current rise of fascism?

I dont know.... but i know im heroing for real this year.

I got a xbox one x for christmas and turned it away because its a waste of dads money seeing as how it wont be used in the near future.

But now i really want to play it and i only have 2 days to return it... but i know i def am killing myself and feel guilt about keeping it when it wont be used after im gone.

I just want my pain to stop, my isolation to be relieved, and hopefully I dont have to come back to this earth in a future life. But fuck I want to play this xbone

I think if this world is possible, then anything is possible. While it's very selfish to think that, I think life is silly if there is nothing outside of it.

I reckon it's nothing but eternal darkness. That's fine by me, I could use some time alone.

If there's something hereafter, great. If there isn't, then I won't be aware of it anyway.

You wake up again as a baby back at the beginning of your life and get to relive everything over and over again for eternity.