Switch emulator

Can you take your switch emulator outside? Can u use the new Nintendo LAB Cardboard with it? PC BTFO

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OP is right, whats the use of having a switch if you cant play it handheld modo?


Can I get replies for no reason?

your (you)

playing the games?

>pokemon and nintendo ds have had emulators since 2006
>sales have skyrocketed


Soy boys btfo

Your (You), madam.

Can you run a game at 60 fps and 1080p?

>Can you take your emu outside

No, and neither do the people who buy it aside a select few autists with no awareness for themselves because they're incapable of it. This is honestly one emulator I'm glad for, because I don't want to support Nintendo's shitty hardware practices, even as a really old fan since the 80's. I'm done with them till they pull their heads out of their asses, I'll take the games though.

people being this butthurt, I will give at least 2 years until this emulator becomes fully functional

Please speed up the emulator I want to sell my switch already, I'm sick of it.

here my switch emulator please enjoy~



>its 100% fine when Nintendo does it!

4k Odyssey soon lads

> Can you take your switch emulator outside?
(once its made and actually usable)

Honestly can't stand the handheld gaming experience. It's such a killer of immersion and comfiness. Citra has saved many 3DS games for me and I'm sure yuzu will be fine in like 3 years.

Games? Which make or break a console.

Yes? You can already connect the joycons to PC

How does a blatant falseflag thread get so many responses?

I believe in (you) so (you) should definitely believe in yourself!

Can you honestly say we have anything else at this point? Marketing has become so obvious that the shitposters picked up on it and use it now. There are no non shitposting threads left.

Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!

YouTube is here and people are OK with this. Fuck sakes.

Here's your (you) you dirty cunty bitch whore attention slut.

You're a pretty cool guy, user. Have a nice day. :)