Now that the dust has settled, what's the Sup Forumserdict?

Now that the dust has settled, what's the Sup Forumserdict?

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A really fun Metroid game. It manages to make Samus bad ass again making up for her portrayal in other M while also creating a great sequel hook. All the new gameplay additions were great and anyone who says otherwise hasn't played the game. A fantastic remake of Metroid 2

how does metroid curl into a ball without crushing his nuts?

It added some things that I hope Samus never loses again. 360 aiming feels so good after you get used to it. Aeion abilities were okay and expand Samus's toys. I REALLY missed the Speed Booster though.

Parry mechanic was forced a bit too much since you either had to mash your blaster/missiles, or parry->one-shot for a good chunk of the game. I'd have preferred a healthier balance.

Specific bosses had too much downtime between weak points appearing as well. Too many pointless cases of backtracking to an older location once you got something near the end of the game for 100% sake.

So what's the play order for Metroid now?

SM > AM2R > Fusion > Samus Returns > ZM > Metroid > Metroid 2 > Prime games

ZM>SR>SM>Fusion and the prime games

cheers bruv

Fun game adding new mechanics to make it feel fresh and interesting. Only bad thing about it is the repetitive boss fights spread throughout the game.