Being a casual and playing on Easy

>Being a casual and playing on Easy
>Being a tryhard and playing on Hard
>Not playing on Normal which is the difficulty the developer worked on

>playing games with adjustable difficulty

>play game on normal
>finish game
>go into post-game
>areas locked out because they're only accessible if you beat the game on the hardest mode
Fucking Omega Quintet.

>Recommended difficulty's Hard.

>Not knowing that they make Normal mode for shitters. Easy mode's for unashamed shitters.

>epic reaction image
heh...that'll show those dumb noobs...

>not posting dolphin
sasuga to be honest

But I always pick Normal every time I play a game with a difficulty mode.

Dolphins you say?

What is this edgy shit?

Cringe. Found the casual shitter.

CROSSED. Good shit.

Crossed: Wish You Were Here.

Dolphin porn.

Devilman Crybaby

>don't play Thief on the hardest difficulty
>half the areas in most levels are pointless because lower difficulties lack the objectives the levels were designed for

9 times out of 10 hard mode isn’t even fun and was thrown in as an afterthought that just makes the game more tedious

Play fire emblem fates conquest in lunatic user, you will have lotsa fun.

>Shit casuals spew constantly.

>not selecting the hardest difficulty as soon as you get the choice for it
what is it user, you don't like having fun?

>game has no difficulty settings
>gets remake/sequel
>difficulty options normal/hard
>hard is the same difficulty as the original and normal is easy mode

Smug anime slut's correct for once. Challenge is fun. Easy games are gay as fuck.

>>Not playing on Normal which is the difficulty the developer worked on
But... The developers did work on both Easy and Hard too. If they didn't the difficulty wouldn't exist.

Name three (3) (III) games.

if there are 3 diffs I pick the hardest, if there are 4 or more I pick second hardest

Easy mode is for literal children and/or retards
Normal is for Casuals/those new to the genre
Hard is the base difficulty for the actual target audience of the game.

Digital devil saga 2
Deep strange journey
Etrian Odyssey Untold

>Have a program that autodownloads entire tags worth of images from boorus
>Download some Luna shit
>Every time I attempt to download something else or look at an image of a tag I'm trying to download this image keeps popping up
This is some kind of black mirror shit

>play on Hard
>not a single fight is made more difficult but every fight is made more tedious
>the pace of the game is completely ruined
>it's a hollow victory because I have a worse experience overall
>turn off the game as I quietly sob myself to sleep

>play hardest difficulty
>use cheap strategy that makes the game a joke

Unintelligent pig. Get the fuck out. Sup Forums isn't for (You).

This man knows what he's doing. Most games that offer several difficulties beyond easy/medium/hard do not balance properly for the hardest difficulty. There are exceptions, of course, but most of the time the developers would have been better off just making a single difficulty and leaving it at that.

>Normal is too easy
>Hard is too tedious
Devs aren't even trying.

>anime reaction image
and opinion was discarded

What are you talking about this is Reddit isn't it?

This answer is the correct one.

Absolute moron. Fuck off.



one of the early megaman games had one mode in japan and a "normal" mode and "hard" mode in the us except the normal version was basically easy mode and hard mode was original japanese difficulty


It's the reverse for Resident Evil. Look it up.

>easy is easy
>normal is for girl gamers
>heroic is literally perfect
>legendary is hard
>we will never have a company like this again

This fits Civilization games to a tee. On lower difficulties there's no challenge, but you can play however way you want, and with higher difficulties you have a play a very specific way and repetitive way to win.

>Hard diffficulty
>it's actually easier than Normal

>He has to try hard to beat the game on hard

Legendary is perfect in every game except for Halo 2 co-op

>ai youtuber
that's even worse user

When all that changes are things like health and damage, rather than posing new challenges and demanding new strategies. It's like if easy was a stupid post, most devs think that instead of making their post smarter, all they have to do is case-shift to all caps.

>You do less damage.
>Enemies do more damage.

>You gotta avoid getting hit as much.
>You gotta make every hit count.
>Or find a way to hit more often without getting smacked in return.

Shit's legit. Stop blaming the fucking game. Get good.

Health sponges are not inherently harder, they're just longer

Oh it's definitely 'harder' for a very specific definition of difficulty but it's not more interesting or entertaining, instead it's just a more tedious version of the lower difficulty.

>Playing bamham
>Try hard mode cause game is easy as fuck
>Literally the only difference is every enemy takes fucking a million hits to kill before you get the auto finishers

Shit was disgusting I was knocking the same guys on the floor for like 5 mins got boring fast.

>People who play on hard mode and complain it's unbalanced

Don't reply to me ever again.

Your first mistake was playing gay ass capeshit.

there are times when hard is actually the real difficulty, but it's fucking annoying when the harder difficulties are just an afterthought. looking at nier automata's very hard.

>Don't reply to me ever again.
Ok, I won't.

You just described ninety percent of Sup Forums. They stick to Normal and describe it as the intended setting. Hard's just too frustrating. Too tedious. ;(


Found another casual.

Legendary is too spongy unless you actively avoid/skip fighting.

God tier
>normal = the only difficulty option
>easy = use cheat codes
>hard = second quest

Just fuck this game. Tutorial boss on hard was the hardest thing i've tryed to beat in a whole lifetime.

>when they thought they were designing an arcade game
And like arcade games it doesn't matter because you'll always get headshotted from 5 miles away with a pistol

FUCKING THIS. I'm so glad I played Conquest first on hard and tried out on Lunatic on later replays as I noticed how the difficulty differences from each difficulty level is ingenious of where playing on Hard mode felt quite different on Lunatic. They don't even increase the stats on enemies from Hard to Lunatic, but rather change enemy formations a bit, give more skills to them, add some more enemies, change map functions and adjust reinforcements. And to top it off it's virtually fair on Lunatic with only two bullshit instances. I can't think of any other recent games that does difficulty differences as well as Conquest right now.

Got Gud bitch

But it is.
Most of the time they just have more hp and damage.
Or you just deal less damage and take more damage.

>Play on normal
>Become a normie

Can't win.

>Hard is only hard at the beginning where you have limited options and rely on RNG/Use up all your resources to win
>Later in the game it's trivially easy because you get new options that basically break the game