Will that be all, fearless leader?

It's YOUR fault shes gone, user!

Other urls found in this thread:


Does this character hate you until literally five minutes before she dies horribly?

If I would have been there, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED.

Nah. She acts like an unreasonable cunt in her first few conversations after Monika's death, but she comes around after a couple of missions. She has trust issues and doesn't like that she got passed over for the leader position, but once you prove yourself capable she starts to respect you and apologizes.

>tfw no Eiger romance option

Are the romance option in these games good? Also, she sounds like Carth, but looks like she could crush Carth's head between her thighs.

This is an acceptable proposal

"Nows really not a good time, OP"

>I put on my robe and shaman hat
>Prepare to climb the mountain

>Are the romance option in these games good?
There's barely any romance to speak of.

What's the best Shadowrun "class" and why is it Physical Adept?

Elf rifle decker with high charisma

thats not street samurai