Do good MMO's exist?
Do good MMO's exist?
Yes. But a game being good is subjective.
AdventureQuest worlds
Not yet
Not anymore.
I don't think the necessary conditions for the existence of a good MMO exist anymore.
Quit playing WoW not too long ago and started up BDO and having a blast. Sure that grind is real, but a lot of other things to do in the game and grinding is my kink.
hard to say if there'll be a good one, not a single one looks really promising, maybe some will be fun for like a week
Ffxi 75cap private servers
Ragnarok online
Eve online
WoW or ff14 If you're a brainlet
EverQuest or Ultima if you're /vr/
Gookclick grindy gambling games if you're Korean.
I liked Tabula Rasa
>tfw too used to modern mmo conventions to really get in to p1999
i just want a map and a faster means of traversing the landscape
For modern MMOs, this is the only correct answer. The free to play model gives you enough content that you'll know if you want to continue or not.
>I want to do progression raiding
>I want adventure and discovery
>I value the narrative and should probably be playing a single player RPG instead
>I want something to grind my free time away in with little cognitive exertion
>>I want adventure and discovery
Could you elaborate on this one?
phantasy star online blue burst
A lot of effort has gone into making the game feel similar to a conventional Elder Scrolls game. You spend a lot of time roaming around exploring as you would in other TES games, delving into dungeons just to see what's there, talking to NPCs for world building and story quests. You don't pick a specialized class outright but rather pick one of three and skill into a specialization over time.
Basically if you like TES you'll probably like it.
Quests aren’t half bad, nor are the overarching storylines of the zones. Some of the DLC ones are pretty great.
Some cosmetic rewards (mostly dyes) are locked behind exploration achievements for completing zone quests series, clearing delves/public dungeons (uninstanced solo/group dungeons in the over world), and exploring scenic vistas.
Dead, and not very fun to play by yourself sadly.
Sea of Thieves looks neat.
It's not super dead. There are plenty of people to play with still, surprisingly.
> CAN they exist
In theory, yes. The underlying game itself needs to be good for this to happen.
PlanetSide 1 (and to a lesser extent 2) for instance could be considered a good MMO. The majority of gameplay is player skill and not character skill; shoot someone and they die. Unfortunetly the game had a grind due to RPG mechanics, and then later updates fucking destroyed the balance.
You're basically never going to get a "good" MMO as long as it's using the RPG genre, because the RPG requires a grind to operate.
Ah yes, the game where everyone and their mother is exploiting and you get banned for mentioning it.