Tales thread
Why is the Tales of the abyss the last good Tales game?
Tales thread
Why is the Tales of the abyss the last good Tales game?
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I like Berseria and Xillia 2.
Only Tales I've played is Innocence. It didn't really impress me but I'd like to give the series another chance. Is there a widely agreed upon best game in the series?
Love is a stronger word. What went wrong with tales?
Bersaria was good and Zestiria gets hate because of the Alisha thing since all her promo material made her a waifus that got removed for Rose five minutes into the game.
Abyss and vesperia is popular on this board but Abyss is way better. Also have better waifu if your into that shit. I mean look at this costume. Its in the game for free.
Tear is nice.
Why is thread art style so fucking bad? It looks no better than tracing over shitty 3d models.
Are the enemies in Berseria meant to be huge damage sponges?
I'm at the cave where Rokurou finds his brother and some fights just seem to last upwards of ten minutes. Even hitting all of the weakness my guys are only doing 20 damage a hit to 4000 health enemies.
Around level 19.
Hideo Baba.
Now that he's gone, expect good things. Berseria was the beginning.
I wanna marry Tear
Funny thing is, a lot of the ads that people thought were for Zestiria were actually for Doushi no Yoake.
Vesperia on PS3. All other answers are wrong.
Reminder the head writer and director wanted you to waifu the seraphim. The human females were made to be shit on purpose.
I wanted half the party dead by the time the reveal was made. Fuck the game and its never ending dogpile of retards.
Lilah and Edna were both fucking terrible though.
Like every other character in the game.
the extra dungeons are awful, patty plays like ass until 75% through the game, and Flynn only joins every 5 dungeons until you get him permanently in the final dungeon, plus the story still falls apart in the 3rd act.
Abyss is and will always be the best Tales because it's the only one where the characters act human.
You're supposed to hate the party just like Luke does by that point in the game. Confirmed for not getting it at all.
>supposed to
HAHAHAHA, no because Luke bends over backwards to be forgiven and only gets forgiven once they realize he's gotta die to destroy the Score.
>Posting a Judith pic while praising Abyss
If there's something you should really be pissed about, its that Lailah and Edna had their character arcs cut out because Baba thought that players needed a human waifu.
>Abyss remake never
>Tear with a 2018 model never
>Peony’s original swimsuit never
It hurts
Edna had Eizen as a directory and even has a cameo in Bersaria.
You got a problem with that?
what difficulty are you on? sometime a level or 2 really can matter, also your weapons matter too
>tfw even if scamco ported vesperia to pc they would put denuvo on it
Abyss played well in battle, and I liked FoF. The plot was great but good lord do I hate the party.
Well, this thread won't last long. But I've been playing this and I'm 40hrs in now. How much longer do I have? I just got back to Alisha in her story line, already got 2 of the Four elements.
How can you hate guy?
According to the official books Edna was going to have her own individual arc about her learning about humans. Lailah about her feelings for Michael, Dezel about his connection to Symmone, Sorey about him searching for those with high resonance, Mikleo about him wanting to be human.
You're almost to the two thirds mark, from there the game really starts falling apart, both in narrative and gameplay
Well, I guess he's an exception but Akzeriuth really left a bad taste in my mouth for pretty much the entire party. Guy was fun as shit to play though
I'm on Hard, as far as weapons I've been switching every time I max out whatever I'm using, same for all equipment really although with massive buffs like "4% extra earth damage" mastering skills seems really lackluster.
Sorry but literally every tales game that came out before graces is awful to play. They might as well be turnbased game with this forward and backwards bullshit that feels restrictive as fuck. Vesperia even though you can free roam its stiff as shit compared to graces
Abyss has the 2nd best party behind Berseria.
Tear, Sheena, and Eleanor are the 3 best girls.
I've only played symphonia,
Abyss, vesperia, graces, and berseria
i enjoyed graces f and vesperia a lot. xillia and beyond is what disappointed me
I did and it was shit.
The story hasn't been that bad, but the gameplay is down right atrocious. Playing on hard like any person worth their salt and this shit is retarded. Items don't make sense cause you have to beat the area boss before you are allowed to customize their sigils to your liking. Rendering them pointless cause in the next area, you get better items.
But I did.
I don't understand how anyone can get into Hearts R's gameplay and not love the shit out of it. What didn't you like about it?
For some reason the combat didn't click.
>I didn't play Vesperia on PS3 but I'll pretend I will
There isn't even effort in your shitposting, Abyssfag.
The gameplay gets incrementally worse, the areas get bigger and even emptier. Enemies get tougher but all that really means is spending a bit longer facerolling with armatization or spending more time wrestling with the horrible skill system for more gains. There's one part where you have to do a bunch of sidequests that were clearly repurposed to be part of the main story before you're allowed to move on.
The story though? I wasn't a fan before but it starts deteriorating so hard at the 2/3s mark and it just doesn't stop. There are so many scenes that are supposed to be emotionally punchy, but come out of nowhere from characters that have had almost no screentime.
I already know what happens to Alisha but I can understand what an user claimed in a previous thread; that the japs were upset that Alisha got a lot of promotion, but she goes AWOL 1/4 into it and is replaced by Rose. Vendors are still trying to sell me items for Alisha this late into the game and I haven't been suckered cause I know what happens to her. It would have been more shocking if no one in your party dies, all these TWEESTS are too predictable.
Who has the best bikini in tales?
Currently am.
This right here is the most hype boss fight cutscene in all of tales
Skip to 3:04
whats a good spot to do a 200 combo with yuri?
The bedroom with Estelle. 200 hit womb smasher.
cool fight but the game is reused
Vanilla Hearts was the second Tales game I imported. Fucking loved it and was excited as shit for Hearts R but for some reason, I'm not a big fan of it. Still good fun but I can't even bring myself to beat the game again in English.
>have to run away 50 times
fuck me. I never ran. Fuck you karol
Well when you fags let them sell level up dlc in Vesperia and get away with it you think scamco wasn't gonna go full jew after each tales release with bullshit costume dlc and like xillia 2, reusing a whole game and charging full price. Faggots cry over EA but let scamco be scamco.
how the fuck do i change titles in berseria on PC? I'm sure i've looked through every menu item and I can't seem to find them, even though I'm sure I saw them before I wanted to switch
NEVER EVER. Also over rated.
I'm sorry, I don't speak retard.
bump, this is driving me mental
>of 6.5 hours played
>1.5 has been in menus trying to find this shit
Equipment screen I wanna say
i'm actually retarded, confirmed. thanks user
why she so lewd?