If you are reading this message, that means YOU are browsing the Sup Forums board of Sup Forums, without the word SOY filtered. It is very important that the shitty buzzwords SOY, SOYBOY, or other such derivatives, are given no further attention or notice, and that the faggots spouting it recieve no payoff.
Attention! You should not see this thread!
Daniel Rivera
Brody Wright
You can't stop Sup Forums. It's like having your house infested with insects and snakes. Good fucking luck. Might as well delete the fucking board.
Ian Howard
Adam Morgan
Based soy reddit
Thomas Sullivan
What are the odds Sup Forums actually gets nuked?
David Wilson
I think op ddrinks soy
Jose Myers
Kill yourself
Ryder Phillips
whats wrong with soy
Lincoln Jenkins
>filtering words
>drinking as much soy as OP
wew, enjoy your ban.
Lucas Taylor
Sup Forums is a containment board, if it got nuked they would flood the other boards even more than they do now. Same reason there is an /mlp/ board.
Sup Forums = /mlp/