Was he right?

Was he right?

>left GameGrumps to do literally nothing
>came back a year
>3 videos a year for 2 years
>rants about shit that would ruin his career
>career ruined
>now advertises mobile games while talking about non-vidya

He may be funny but he's also retarded.

>white arab parrots alt right talking points without understanding what the fuck he's actually saying
the "master race" everyone. can't wait till he dies of heart disease

What does he do for a living? Making videos can't be his only source of income if he makes only 2-3 a year, right?

>being so inept you get kicked out of your own treehouse

if you don't like SJWs or resist them
you are an alt-right nazi hatemonger.

Are any of those fags doing well? PBG still makes garbage like "Top 5 favourite water themed Mario Kart tracks" just how popular can you get being that ugly with terrible videos?

>more concerned with social status than being Jon's friend
>especially when some of them had been friends with him for almost a fucking decade
they all seemed like two-faced fucks anyways
PBG seemed like the biggest bitch, he more than likely threw a big enough tantrum to get Jon kicked out

I'm being unironic when I say that Jon, despite his inconsistency, is still the most popular and successful of them all. The shit with Destiny literally did nothing to him in the long run.

to be honest they should be thankful to him since they'd probably be nothing without what he did

pbg's main channel is shit, but I admit I like the hardcore series

He was alt-right.

>descendant of muslim immigrant argues against muslim immigration
nah but it was really funny
also video games

>ywn have life long bros betray you like normalboots did
feels good, knowing my problems I'd probably just kill myself

Who else is in Normal Boots? I thought it was just Jon and PBG

>goes on to appear in a game where he's the receptionist at a movie studio that segregates owls and penguins

>Normal Boots is about Unity

why do they try to make their dumb donut steel youtube creator logo sound so big and deep?

Jontron's videos pretty much guarantee one million views with in the first 24 hours. Right now; his last video on VR Troopers is sitting at 3.2 Million. Believe he is still with Maker Studios as an MCN which may bump his ad-sense up a good deal. Maker, on his behalf, claims and monetizes any renegade uploads of his past "lost" content. Also, he has sponsors and just launched merchandise.
In short, he can keep a living just making three videos a year.

I think The Completionist?


Anyone who thinks this fatass is funny is underaged or mentally ill

Continue (Dead), Satchbag and I think Projared are members.
Continue had Jon shilling hard for them and they still only ever get like 10,000 views a video

>faggot brainlet labels any opinion that doesn't line up with his as alt-right without understand what the fuck that even means

>Normal Boots is about unity
>until one of us disagrees with the groupthink lol


>This is your brain on soy.

not sure, but I think he’s an eceleb

It's more messed up that he is a child of refugees telling other refugees to get fucked.

did you see the property his original videos were shot on? he's got a rich family.

Yes, Fuhrer Kjellberg and Reichsmarschall Jafari will lead the huwite race to the promised land.

Well yeah, unity is the opposite of individuality.
They're being honest about being authoritarian fucks.


Boy, it's almost as if faggot libshits are fundamentally unfunny and not entertaining.


Not a game.

Wow that wasn't who I meant to quote

PBG is probably the most successful person out of the Normal Boots group, but he's also a colossal faggot that makes clickbait videos and fanbase comprises mostly of overweight zelda fangirls.

>sandnigger thinks he's white

>career ruined


Not a worthwhile comment.

Conservative here. I don't like you trying to act like calls for ethnostate and eugenics are normal conservative beliefs

>Conservative here
Jesus what a faggot

I always felt like unity implied understanding as well
but then again yeah, authoritatively speaking that is what unity can also mean

Then you’re a soy fueled fraud. Stop lying to yourself and let a black guy fuck your ass

If you want Reddit content, why not just post on Reddit?


to be fair, a dissenting opinion does go against "unity" :^)

how do i suck my own dick? want to try it out tonight

and if you wanted soy milk so badly you shouldn’t have stopped me from sucking on your moms tits all night

Kill yourself

Any career that he was actually aiming for, yeah. He hates youtube, and is now condemned to it because who the fuck wants to work with Jon "Genepool" Jafari?

>if youre not white you cant care about white people

thats why libtards care about minorities so much?

you dont even notice it. literally mind of a tool

>kill yourself
kys mate

why is Egoraptor "Aryan" when that's literally Jon's middle name?

Wait so was Jon Tron actually fans of them?

>Makes a video saying nigger for 30 minutes
>Is heralded as one of the most important video game critics of our generation

>Jon hints that maybe blacks might or might not commit a disproportionate amount of crimes
>Gets disavowed by every youtuber on the face of the planet

How is this allowed?

>He hates youtube
ah huh

because brainwashed by Disney, schools and MSM


Because it's Arin's first name

>No moustache and just a beard on the chin

Anyone who does this isn't to be trusted and is a weird potential terrorist

>%50 Nation calling other people nonwhite.

Don't know about his opinion but his channel is doing better than ever so i would say he's probably right

About nuts and bolts? Fuck no, that game is great and the only people who are butthurt about it are the same people that say Rare was dead back in the 360 days but ignored Viva Pinata, Rares best game.


>spoke his mind
>against the grain
>btfo sjws and libtards
>got even more popular
>not even a Sup Forumstard but normal views

Yes, yes he was.

Normalboots is still a thing? Also did anyone really care about it if not for Jon?

>tfw you saw someone who has taken the soy pill.

That's because he knows refugees are scum and only work when a very small amount come in and are thus token individuals like himself.

When mass migration happens, that's bad for everyone. I guarantee you the biggest haters of illegal mexicans are legal ones. They're the first ones to be displaced by them on the food chain.

What exactly is the cliffnotes on what he did/said?
Give me the most unbiased version. None of that edgy Sup Forums shit, lamens terms
I haven't followed Jon for awhile because he posts such infrequent videos and also his content hasn't really been vidya anymore, even before his social media suicide, his videos reeked of "I watched too many cooks and eric andre a bit too much and forgot how to be creative"
He barely even does vidya stuff anymore so he lost me.
I don't want to support someone whos racist either so that's just the nail in the coffin, but,

tl;dr What did he do/say specifically?

>Watching Viva Piñata on kids WB Saturday mornings

Why can't we go back?

Going to provide any evidence for that claim?

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

Nuts and bolts only real problem was that it was too empty, and there was no reason to slap a coat of B-K paint on it. Though I still really liked that coat of paint

Only about fucking everything.

I lean left on social issues but if my friend came out as a far right-winger like Jon did, I wouldn't ditch him to the curb, I'd at least try to get his ass on the right track again and explain to him what an idiot he's being.

It's okay to be against mass immigration, but the Sup Forums-tier bullshit he was peddling on stream was unacceptable.

Either way, real friendships take precedence over ideology. If you don't understand this, then you're a cunt. I don't expect friendless losers like Destiny to ever understand.

They're a literally who website that died because Jihad Jirard the Completionist was a fucktard who didn't understand that started another channel and splitting your audience in half would tank your company.

I like Satchell, but he's black so probably not to popular here.

Also Inb4
>literally who?

He was factually right.
Race has a stronger correlation with crime than poverty. also his videos are funny

Descendant of Legal refugees.
He is against illegals who wants to get in without following the law.

Old grumps episodes, Twitter, that's pretty much it.

you're the right kind of left

>he's doing better than ever and still has plenty of sponsorships but we totally ruined him with our ebin /r/destiny raids
You're just adorable.

People don't hate him because he's black they hate him because he said Chrono Cross was better than Trigger.

Don't care if he's right or wrong his flextape video was fucking kino

I'm sure there's a nonwhite in that group. If I wasn't white, why would I be friends with someone who coons for another race? Don't be stupid.

>Racism doesn't exist in America, minorities need to suck it up
>White people must not become a minority because they'll be discriminated against

??? Can anyone explain this line of logic?

didn't destiny get banned from twitch for being a fucking idiot?

jontron never called for an ethnostate or eugenics, the fact you think he did shows you only heard about jontron from unreliable sources

I feel this man.

He said "rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites"

If whites become a minority there won't be enough tax payer money to pay for jamal and luiz's 10 kids and there will be a nationwide chimpout. Thats the real concern

He said rich black neighborhoods have more crime than poor white neighborhoods. Literally all he said.

>13 mill
To be honest that is one of the more recent episodes that is actually funny.

I still watch ProJared but even he jumped out the
normalboots' boat.

>whites calling themselves white

It doesn't anymore except in small pockets across the country, but it did before and minorities have still never shut up about it. Be assured that they will try to "even the scale" if whites do become minorities, and in a few decades it'll switch back again and again.

>make factually accurate statement
>get shunned because it hurts peoples feelings

race has a stronger correlation with crime BECAUSE of poverty though

this is fairly obvious to anyone who isn't a brainlet

Well yeah, they've done videos together on eachother's channels. They were in Jon's Are You Afraid of the Dark video and were members of his film crew.

Yes. He had no obligation to tell Arin how to play when it was a competition.