Is there any hope for this
Is there any hope for this
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As long as it doesn't go in the direction of XV, adds a unique weapon for the MC, and goes back to the roots of early FF, adding more fantasy and a little dose of scifi. Also doesn't take 20 years to make.
>Also doesn't take 20 years to make.
This is really the main thing. Square really needs to sort their shit out.
If KH3 and FF7R begins good and shit fest FFXV get finish on 2019.
and more substancial story that explains
Apparently it's also pushing the action meme, and Square-Enix is still Square-Enix, so I'm expecting disaster. Maybe XVII will pull a IX and go full nostalgia pandering.
>for this installment, we're going back to our roots
Yea but Square has always tried to be on the cutting edge of graphics. Even if it means creating and discarding entirely new game engines over and over. But they need to realize that approach is no longer sustainable. They'll probably go the Konami route eventually.
I want a turn based game again
lmao never gonna happen
They said more action based. Probably means action adventure.
They also said return to turn based. But that's probably ff17 one off.
Muh Graphics
What ever happened to Final Fantasy Afghanistan?
>Is there any hope for this
depends on who the director is.
Noruma? Might take a while but it would be solid
Tataba? You get another DLC filled mess like FFXV with bad combat
S-E teased the possibility for more Ivalice games if the XII remaster did well. But so far nothing new on that front.
Can we get 12 battle system again? That shit was fun
recent final fantasy games have dissolved my faith in the series, seems to me that they're trying to bottle lightning a second time and are failing spectacularly.
Me too :(
>mfw I'm enjoying FF15 and FF14
I have not touched 14
but 15 was such a mess I beat it and never looked back
>enjoying FF15
fucking queer
Sames. It's the cancerous ff7 fanbase ruining things.
Yeah but FFXV didn't even have very good graphics, much less realistic looking graphics.
As long as Tabata stays far FAR away from it and there's no 24/7 constant schilling for it here then yes. Yes it does.
If it's anything but a regular ass turn based RPG, possibly with an ATB system at most, I have no hope for it.
I like FF14 a great deal
After ~2k hours I became REALLY attracted to my catgirl
where is this quote from, it would explain why ffxv looks so fucking boring gameplay wise
if they want something that isnt reactive why dont they just do turn based like the games have always been
The main character should be a straight up dark ass mage for once.
That or go GUN, but GG7 remake is comign soon so I doubt they will try to compete with it like that
When it was still Versus XIII it did. Besides, its plainly evident they shit the bed with the whole project anyway.
>where is this quote from, it would explain why ffxv looks so fucking boring gameplay wise
I forget where but it's Tataba talking about XV's combat. Sure it's dated from like 2014 but it feels like the Hold O to win shit we got in the release version
I think he means Agni's Philosophy
>It's a grotesque interpretation that fails to understand what made the old games appealing.
>Yea but Square has always tried to be on the cutting edge of graphics.
Well they've been failing at that for years then. The last FF game that was anywhere near the "cutting edge of graphics" for its time was FFXII.
See if this mage bimbo was the main character it might be interesting, but I have a feeling they'd pull a Yuna and make her the love interest to the generic male audience self-insert protagonist.
Is there any hope for this?
FFXIII was definitely cutting edge, at least by console standards. Hell I still think the environments are pretty.
I miss the time when Square had a two year development limit,. if the game was not ready it was trashed instead of wasting shitload of money and time like SE does now.
God I hated XV I don't know how I can stomach playing it
>I'm enjoying FF15
Oh you will for a time.
And then it fades. And all the cracks widen.
27 at this rate will be out in like what 2050?
We will be doing other shit than playing FF by that time
I'm honestly more excited for Bravely Third than whatever FF16 would be.
12, personally, shit all over what made Ivalice what it was in the tactics games.
13's problems have been drug back and forth.
15 is just about every issue I've had with the direction the series has taken and folded into itself.
I can at least expect great music, fantasy, job system, turn based rpg with passable-to-good writing on the Ninty side of things.
Wada's fault for greenlighting bullshit and not keeping a lid on his directors
He's out of the picture and it will take a while to repair the damage he's done. We might not see a full turnaround to the glory days but in the swan song of this gen and into the next hopefully we'll see improvement
I really hate that faggot
Washed up or death yeah. Video games will be replaced with j hologram games and cybernetic drugs that hook up to your nose.
I'd prefer more sci-fi over traditional fantasy. Practically every RPG is traditional fantasy and Final Fantasy blew up in popularity and quality once it started incorporating more technology, like in VI & VII. It would be nice if they stopped trying to chase the latest tech and focused on making a great, well rounded RPG.
Actually FFXIV 1.0 blew the shit out of anything around that time, and completely raped even the best PCs to boot.
M-maybe the new guy will push for more SaGa exposure in the West.
If they can get monolith soft on board sure, otherwise I don't have much hope
>12, personally, shit all over what made Ivalice what it was in the tactics games.
What does this even mean? Can you elaborate or are you an airhead?
That was pretty impressive. Too bad .003% of gamers have the hardware to run it.
They're making Yoko Taro direct it so...maybe?
It's easily one of the best looking games of this console generation, and unquestionably the best looking JRPG ever made. The complex animation system and obscenely high poly count in the character models lead to some compromises being made with foliage draw distance in particular, which makes some of the grassy plains look pretty shitty further out in the distance.
Probably mad he couldn't make a Viera harem in XII.
>tfw the XIII games grew on me and loved them all
I assume since Tabata's team took over R&D of that project from the Sega guy who left SE that it has a shot at becoming whatever Business Division 2's new IP will be.
When/if it releases in 2022, it won't even be average looking.
At the current rate, it's once game every 1.93 years (the games came out yearly at various points) so if they get their shit together, it could come out in 2041.
But at the current rate of decay, I would expect it at around...2224AD
>grew on me
>love ffxiii series
are you sure it's not a brain tumor?
Wait, what?
12 felt more like SE trying to make a Star Wars game without the licence.
Instead of any type of guild, your group is three pairs of characters that barely have anything to do with one another.
No presence of a Law system at any point, making judges feel tacked on.
Bangaa were just thugs.
No presence of No Mou or Gria.
Your party was 5 humes and a token Vierra for sex appeal.
It felt like it squandered the potential an established world.
>I'm honestly more excited for Bravely Third
The demo was fun.
>it's once game every 1.93 years
Didnt FF15 take like 10 years to develop
Hope so
Olberic's part of it was nice, but the boss felt like too big of a spike.
Primrose... Primrose's climax just unsettled me in a "This shouldn't be here" kind of way.
But 1-6 came out almost yearly as did 8-11.
>Traveled back in time to run for President, ultimately failing
I'm sure FF7R will be just as good as FF16 ever would.
>Bangaa were just thugs.
>No presence of No Mou
>It felt like it squandered the potential an established world
holy fuck it's like you didn't play the game
His gauge of what Ivalice games should be is based on the Advance games, leave him be.
so Type-0? cool
Are you high? FFXIV looked like shit.
>development goes well
>finished on schedule
>developers proud of it
>it sucks anyway
Can't wait
What is wrong with you?
What the fuck happened to this company.
Simply acquiring Enix (a company known for just polishing their brands with tight clean systems with every release) shouldn't have turned them so sluggish and messy.
they take pride in being the biggest Japanese production on the market, they're going to regress and make a sub HD FFXVI on Switch or Mobile (tho a sub HD version will be on Switch and Mobile)
Japan as whole wasn't ready for the jump to HD and didn't have the manpower in place but now are beginning to bounce back in a major way
personally I think FFXVI will be out before the next gen consoles because we've got a good 4 years left in this cycle.
>12 felt more like SE trying to make a Star Wars game without the licence.
I don't disagree, but I was fine with it. Despite the similarities to star wars, It still manages to feel unique.
>Instead of any type of guild, your group is three pairs of characters that barely have anything to do with one another.
I don't see how this is bad, and there is even the clan in game with a robust amount of content.
>No presence of a Law system at any point, making judges feel tacked on.
This is a stupid complaint, and you are stupid for saying it.
>No presence of No Mou or Gria.
So you didn't play the game? There were nu'mous, they just weren't everywhere.
>Your party was 5 humes and a token Vierra for sex appeal.
This is the smartest complaint you've had. I definitely wish there was a bangaa and nu mou party member.
12 is honestly one of the best if the not the best in the entire series. The only game I would put above it is the original FFT.
I guess it makes sense since they probably reused engines and code for most of those.
Since FF15 has a new engine they can use maybe the next one will be fast
>>No presence of No Mou
Well that's just not right. They where there, they where just much smaller and less apparent.
>acquiring enix
being acquired by enix you mean
Where's my P3 remake?
Show me an mmo from that time that looked better than that.
>i like this thing
>*reaction image* you suck your opinion is shit
I think I'll give reddit a try
is this the official logo? who is that?
>tfw the Clan provided the perfect opportunity to add other non-human members to the party, like Monid, or the Seeq and Moggle running around that could've worked as a duo
>With the hardware specifications of the newer consoles, it's possible to set it up so you can have different enemies and different choices of attacks you can enter in
What the fuck was this man smoking?
>because we've got a good 4 years left in this cycle.
The environment had texturing issues, but the models where fucking spectacular.
being a shitty game doesnt help either
Well yeah that severely hurt the studio, but why are their games coming out progressive slower and with less clear direction?
at least you got to use them on hunts. Could have definitely made the game better though.
Nothing happened, they're still going strong. The technology restraints of the 90s just gave their games a certain charm that is lost.
Sakaguchi abandoned ship, so FF became the company's whipping boy where they let anyone take a crack at it.
Whichever the case, it shouldn't have fucked up their dev structure so much that it's rotting away with every game.
Even the DQ series is starting to suffer.
i bet they'll totally do it if DMN outsells DSN
i need more mitsuru
Because they spent 3 FFX's worth of development costs on a single, stupid movie and didn't realize how retarded a move it was until after it failed.
They lack fresh new talent. It says a lot that FFXV, FFVIIR, and KH3 were all directed by Nomura at some point. They have to drag him from project to project because he's the only one that can get anything done.
no they scrapped gambits because children don't like them, even though it's pretty much the best innovation square has made to single player rpgs
Knowing Atlus, eventually.
Are those two different dancing games? Atlus is jewing you guys separately for them?
>They lack fresh new talent.
But Tabata and Yoshida are doing great.